Live Earth 2
The news from Davos is that Al Gore is going to have another go at doing a Live Earth global telethon event.
A Live Earth music event to demand action on climate change will take place on June 18 across seven continents, including Antarctica, former US vice-president Al Gore and pop star Pharrell Williams announced on Wednesday.
Concerts will be staged in six cities - Paris, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Beijing, Sydney and Cape Town - in what will be the largest event of its type ever staged. The final Antarctic gig will be played by a band of scientists at a research station, Gore said.
It will be interesting to see if the BBC decides to get involved. Last time round the green fraternity with in the corporation moved heaven and earth to get the weight of the BBC behind it (see the Propaganda Bureau). However, there was something of an uproar and the corporation backed down. Ten years on, and with the CMEP scandal out in the open, one assumes that they will steer clear. But with bureaucracies you never can tell.
Reader Comments (24)
The BBC have no shame, so it wouldn't surprise me. Yesterday they had a 'democracy day' which was a flaming cheek coming from the organisation that routinely stifles debate, denies a voice to their opposition and generally undermines the principles of democracy every day.
I'm a climate scientist youtube rap
And a performance not likely to be included.
"What they do they're fudging the data..."
Operation Desperation is under way : If you haven't noticed they are getting flipping desperate, hence the recent NASA debacle ...they have got away with an awful lot so far ..but credibility stunting mistakes seems likely
..And with a lot of people their credibility is already shot.
Hey the climate could flip tomorrow, but too many people have been giving the catastrophe narrative a helping hand .. Icarus.
Sydney, oh good! Right in the middle of winter. Should be amusing.
@ Martin A: If memory serves there was something on WUWT I think it was, quite a while back now asking what is a "Climate Scientist"? There were some 80 subjects that went into making up studies of the climate. Assuming there were overlaps of study of say 3½ years out of a 4 year degree, leaving only 6 months of additional study to be done, it would take 40 years of study to become a "Climate Scientist"! meaning such a creature would be in their early to mid 60s before gaining employment! Just a thought. ;-)
I love the idea of climate scientists playing a gig in Antarctica. With Al Gores involvement, anything is possible, if you ignore science, history, geography, common sense etc.
The carbon footprint to fly the extra sound, lighting and video equipment out there, can be offset by Al Gore switching to solar powered barbecues, at some of his homes.
A football match, on ice, could be arranged between polar bears and penguins, to demonstrate that peace had broken out, in the no-mans land between the trenches in the climate wars.
Climate scientists could be filmed in bikinis and mankinis, sunbathing at the South Pole, to show how hot it is. Their swimwear could be lined with fake fur, just in case these experts in weather, were caught unawares, by a sudden cold snap.
The snow and ice could be sprayed green and brown, so that it would appear to have melted. If successful, this "trick" could be applied to large areas at the poles, to provide "improved satellite imagery".
Steig, et al, could demonstrate with lasers and infra red, how heat in one small area can be dispersed over an entire continent.
Whilst all attention is focused on television screens, it would be a good time for Real Climate Scientists to bury good data, and replace it with data, that has been adjusted, in a politically correct manner.
Songs they could sing? How about Bohemian Rhapsody, with the first line "adjusted" Is this the real ICE, or is this just fantasy?
I miss the good old days, when the swampies and anti-caps would go in camper vans for some ritual trashing of the premises of some of those once-hated multinationals.
Now they fly over in business class and take part in a "respectable" (to themselves) media, marketing and networking circus.
BBC has just been severely critised, by the audit commission, for the cost of running their new building and organisation in northern england. It cost 49% than in London. The BBC being the BBC just said sic sod off. We produce half of our programs from there.
So there you are. 50% more for half as much. Nothing to see here move along.
O/T but our host gets good coverage Ten reasons why the war on CO2 has done far more harm than good.
Let us hope Gore meets the same fate as Napoleon did 200 years earlier and that he is exiled to where he can no longer do harm.
It's always fun listening to a bunch of substance abusers tell us we need to change our lifestyle.
With the Green party likely to get more air time on tv during the run up to this election compared to previously, it will be interesting to see whether the BBC will be able to hide their biases. I doubt it somehow.
Pharrell Williams? You mean the guy who wrote "Blurred Lines", the song so loathed by all the right on crowd.
I assume he'll be booed off the stage.
Or maybe not
JamesG, especially when one of the subtances they abuse is jet fuel.
Pop concerts are a great illustration of escalating consumption. Consider Glastonbury from cheap spontaneity to corporate mega bash where even tents are now considered a use once and throw away consumable.
Selling CAGW to generation iWant seems somewhat amusing.
Of course Green Luvvies will only be able to watch this televised extravaganza, if their wind and solar powered TV's are working.
Could the TV companies provide some kind of caption or subtitle to advise Green Luvvies, when the TV should be turned off, as otherwise they would have no idea that their electricty is coming solely from the combustion of hydrocarbons, and they would not want to be rightfully accused of being smug hypocrites.
Sydney in June can be quite pleasant - when it isn't raining. June is one of the two wettest months (although that is being challenged this summer with seemingly endless rain there).
The choice of Sydney is based on 3 criteria:
1. Recognisable buildings/bridge.
2. Home of The Sydney Morning Herald, a sinking morning paper that slavishly follows the warmist line.
3. Head Office of the ABC, correspondent of the BBC, and slavishly following the same line.
I think the last is the most important in the choice of locale.
O/T the SMH may be losing circulation rapidly, but so is the ABC. Recent figures show they are losing audiences in the 25 - 55 and above 55 age groups, unlike the 3 commercial channels.
Please, please, please let it be Chris Turney who is 'organising' all logistics for the Antarctica gig.
In the middle of winter.
Popcorn all round?
I hope the BBC flies its top climate science reporters to the Antarctic for live coverage. Return flights, are frequently delayed by unexpected bad weather, and could lead to a temporary improvement in the quality of the BBC's reporting of climate science.
They could get Mystic Meg in for climate forecasts, and see their predictive ability rise to 50%, simply by colouring 3 sides of a dice blue, and 3 sides red, rather than using an all red dice.
SayNoToFearmongers, is Chris Turney the one who could get stuck in ice, drinking a slushpuppy? Or am I confusing him with the distinguished Cambridge Professor and his concerns over the vanishing Saharan icecap?
Every Village needs an Expert in Climate Science, now that Idiots are protected species.
Golf Charlie
Prof. Chris Turney is indeed the one who got stuck in what he thought was non-existent antarctic ice. For this, and his tentative try for a re-enactment won him The Climate Prat of the Year 2015 Award (see https://thepointman.wordpress.com/ for details.
I believe he was originally from the UK, but was apparently invited to come to Australia despite having no previous (criminal) convictions. How does the old song go?
True patriots we, for be it understood,
we left our own dear country,
for our own dear countries' good.
thanks Martin, beat me to it :-)
just watched it again for the sick factor (cringe)
from the link I made the mistake of watching the vid - Jan 22, 2015 at 11:18 AM - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwvG69ICnps&x-yt-cl=84411374&x-yt-ts=1421828030
Cockroach : Secrets of Cockroaches (Full Documentary) - watch it and cringe at the talk over etc...
The original Live Earth raised funds for Gore's carbon company, the funds raised were to be used to promote the alarmist agenda. Was this the only "charity" that ever raised funds to run it's own marketing and PR, can we look forward to more silly moments like Heather Mills wanting us to switch to rats milk or Sheryl Crow's one square of toilet paper?
Any Carbon footprint will be offset by buying Carbon credits from Gore's carbon credit company.
Snake oil salesmen always put on a good show. I hear Cameron and DeCraprio are reshooting the end of Titanic to include boiling sea water.
Can we call this LIES AID 2015?