Diary dates: Laframboise European tour

From Donna's blog
This Thursday, I’ll be addressing the International Conference on Climate and Energy, which is being held in Mannheim, Germany (info here).
Also on the program: meteorologist Richard Lindzen, geologist Sebastian Lüning, astrophysicist Nir Shaviv, and solar physicist Henrik Svensmark.
At 3 pm on Saturday, I’ll be in speaking in Berlin, at an event organized by Achse des Guten. It will take place at the Stasimuseum and I will be sharing the podium with fellow Canadian, Patrick Moore.
His eye-opening book, Confessions of Greenpeace Dropout, reveals how science and environmental activism parted ways long ago. Moore is currently touring Europe in an attempt to expose Greenpeace’s immoral and irrational stand against golden rice. See the Allow Golden Rice Now website.
At 7 pm on Tuesday, April 15 I’ll be the main attraction at another event at the Stasimuseum in Berlin. For further details, please use the contact info on the website here.
On Monday, April 28th, I’ll be speaking in Edinburgh from 7:30-9:00 pm at the City Chambers, High Street. This is a free event, open to the public.
Reader Comments (23)
Why is London always left out? :)
Great to hear she's in demand. Great speaker and conversationalist as a few youtube videos attest.
Translation of "Framboise:" "raspberry, any of several varieties of small prickly bush from the genus Rubus, small berrylike fruit which grows on this bush."
Bob Ward knows how prickly she can be.
Drake - maybe you should try to organise a conference for her to speak at, with all your eminent contacts it should be simples...:)
How will Donna's costs be covered? Is Big Oil picking up the tab?
Perhaps the GWPF might be tempted to do something? Or the met office? :-))))))))
Come on Richard, you are not that hard done by in the smoke. Try living in Bettyhill.
Great that Donna is heading north of the border this time, I will try to make the event in Edinburgh. As it is in the City Chambers, I expect Cllr Cameron Rose has had a hand in organising it. Cameron is one of the few good apples in the fairly rotten barrel of Scottish local government - e.g. his recent letter in the Scotsman on the IPCC crying wolf:
http://www.scotsman.com/news/opinion/letters/scaremongering-over-climate-change-1-3361019 (update - comments open, but I see that Slioch is still around).
Very glad Donna didn't visit in March:-
"This was one of the coldest Marches in the historical series, dominated by easterly winds, with high pressure often to the north blocking the milder Atlantic air."
It is true that I had a five minute conversation with Richard Lindzen recently, after he had answered questions with Donna and Nic Lewis at the House of Commons select committee. At age 56 I felt well pleased that I'd managed to express my appreciation to the MIT man as I toddled off to lunch with my MacBook for company. I can't think of anything else to match that though. What did you have in mind?
what about your friendships with MPs and innovators, Drake...or was that stuff on the Discussion board merely idle doodling?
Donna lives in Canada, so one of our cold Marches wouldn't worry her, I'm sure..
I do know one MP, Barry Gardiner, a keen and I think sincere warmist under Ed Miliband. I last met Barry in 1975. It is though a rather good idea to suggest that he gets together with Donna some time. One on one would almost certainly be best for that. Because I was earlier than many in what are now considered important areas of software technology - objects, agile, time series databases, wiki - I did meet a few innovators, as you call them, along the way. Mostly such people won't touch the climate debate or 'deniers' (as they've called them in my presence) with a bargepole. I do my best to open up minds when I can. It doesn't amount to obvious conference-organising capability in our capital city.
It was a joke about London being left out, of course, in any case. We're richly served here, with air pollution and visiting dignitaries. Swings and roundabouts. I wish Donna all the very best with the tour, having had the pleasure of meeting her, very briefly, at the end of the day of her excellent testimony before Tim Yeo's Energy and Climate Change Committee.
I'm sorry - maybe I've missed your point - but did you *really* mean to post the weather summary for March LAST YEAR?
The summary for March this year reads, "It was another mild month, with the UK mean temperature 6.7 °C, which is 1.2 °C above the 1981-2010 long-term average, and the number of air frosts was below average. The UK overall received 85% of average rainfall: East Anglia was the driest area, and only a few small areas exceeded their monthly average. It was sunnier than normal everywhere except the west of Northern Ireland; the UK overall received 127% of average sunshine hours."
At J Calvert
Thank you for correcting me and apologies to readers for the wrong link to March 2014.
oh dear...does that mean that Drake is not a mover and shaker?
diogenes: Or it could mean your theories are unfounded. Perhaps I am neither a mover and shaker nor someone who cares whether I am. As I've said to you before I've always loved Diogenes the Cynic, travelling the length of ancient Greece in search of one honest man. Well, you've found one here who doesn't care about surface things. Perhaps that's a start. If you can stop obsessing about such an uninteresting subject I'd be grateful. I reiterate my best wishes to Donna in her travels in Europe.
Lapogus 5:44
You will be most welcome if you can make it to Edinburgh. Do get in touch beforehand (link below) and we may be able to arrange a coffee. All welcome to the Edinburgh event. Do spread the word.
If I recall correctly, on the last Donna trip one was was asked to chip in towards her travel and expenses.
Is this required ? Happy to chuck a few quid in the pot if needed.
Could the Bish advise ?
Good point Nic I also will gladly add some shrapnel to the fight ! oh hang on does that mean I will become a prime target for the heaters 'Crime of funding ' hit squad ? ullp !!
I chipped in $200 last time, not even a thank you! Even an automated email would have nice. Manners cost nothing.
Living in Canada, I'm sure Donna would give her eye teeth for some 'global warming' - as I understand it the Canadian definition of climate is as follows:
'We only have two seasons; this winter and next winter..'
I donated the same amount which I consider generous, and did get a personable, very grateful email from her . I'm sure she just missed you somehow..But I do know how you feel. I gave money to Anthony Watts once and heard nothing back, also Tim Ball. They provide us skeptics with an invaluable service for which I'm eternally grateful. Still, nothing like seeming ingratitude after a donation to quell the urge to do more...
I'm terribly sorry not to have acknowledged your generosity in January. Please accept my profuse apologies. I made a sincere attempt to send personal 'thank yous'. In some instances, apparently, I inadvertently sent two such messages.
Thank you - and apologies - to everyone else I might have missed. In this instance, I'm pleased to say that expenses are being covered - primarily by the Germany-based European Institute for Climate & Emergy.
Cameron Rose 10:19
Nice comment in the Scotsman! Good to see there are still a few with a wee bit of sense back in the old country.
Donna Laframboise 6:48
When I read Matt's observation I thought there must have been some mistake. Good to see you've put it right. Your fellow Canadian is impressed.