Bishop Hill

Barton Moss protestors: "Give us gas"

Amusingly, the Barton Moss antifracking protestors have put out an urgent appeal because their protest camp has run out of gas for its cookers.
The camp’s supply ran out Sunday morning and they tweeted from their account @BartonMoss “#bartonmoss URGENTLY needs water and gas for the cooker if anyone can help”.
Reader Comments (48)
Self-awareness is not the long suit of the Green/Left, obviously....
Do you think they understand what irony is?
Someone might Send them a small windmill with a rechargeable battery and an electric hob.
Glebe: An expensive, inefficient joke but surely worth it, for that reason.
That is the best laugh I have had for a long time.
This quote from a protester makes you wonder, too:
“If government policy had been geared toward renewable energy I could be using a solar cooker now but I’m not.”
If he thought solar cookers were better than gas in some sense then why is he still using gas? You don't need to wait for the government. You can be a big boy and make up your own mind.
Has someone explained to them what LPG is the abbreviation for?
This is just too funny
Somebody should tweet back, try Cuadrilla and if all else fails start digging.
"I could be using a solar cooker" ... I hope he/she wasn't planning an evening meal on it... Pricless!
"Colin Gong, 49, who works in alternative health ..."
No, sorry, this is another spoof by Ian Woolley.
Greens are not renowned for planning ahead or organising anything in a brewery.
They could look around for dried animal dung -- or perhaps they could cut down some of the nearby trees -- assuming they want to run their protest on an ecologically sound basis.
Failing the above, they could buy and install a wind turbine and buy some lead acid batteries -- which are very ecologically sound.
I won't contribute though until they strip themselves of all their oil and gas based products in the camp.
Technically, this is an attempted reverse-Marie Antoinette with half-pike.
The satirists have their work cut out, given the reality in this field.
The Anti Frackers want help they should send up a distress flare.
Someone ought to tell them to "Frak Off"
I'll get my coat.
The energy from magic cult is in need of a wizard.
We could all fart into plastic bottles and send them those.
"I could be using a solar cooker"
In Manchester? Today?
I would have thought a wind turbine and a hobb would be standard equipment.
Would sending Sarin be OK?
Here's your Solar cooker . Bon appetit, Swampy!
Hmmm, I guess my link failed.
I wonder what song could the Colin Gong gang gaily, gaily, sing round the campfire?
What does he think energy policy has got to do with whether or not he can use a solar cooker?
Is it that in his world the state would hand them out, or does he think that CAGW is somehow responsible for there not being enough sunshine in Manchester in April?
Or is he just another incredibly stupid Useful Idiot doing the bidding of his masters?
Ironic, that if they do get the breakdown of society they so earnestly desire, they are the worst equipped to survive, being completely inept and dependant on the consumer society for every minute of their continued existence.
Tell them to enjoy the natural temperature and uncooked natural food
Guys, keep eating the beans.
There's also the irony of their brazier emitting dark smoke, causing pollution [The 1st photo in the MEN's picture gallery.]
Perhaps the local Environmental Health inspector should pay them a visit.
Is it any wonder you can't have a sensible debate with these people about anything.
The Irony Meter just exploded in a huge gas-fueled fireball.
The Hypocrisy Meter is now permanently stuck at the top of the scale for these clowns,
Couldn't they produce methane by putting all their sewage in an anaerobic digester? If they don't produce enough sh*t then perhaps some of the local farmers could supply them with cow dung.
Have they tried book burning.
"Have they tried book burning".
They could start with Fracking for Dummies.
"Colin Gong, 49, who works in alternative health ..."
They should use homeopathic gas heating. One molecule of butane diluted by the whole atmosphere would enable them to cook for months.
But even this is low tech compared to fairy dust.
Send them N2O if they don't get the joke.
No doubt R4's 'The News Quiz' would have a laugh at the expense of the eco-loons. Marcus Brigstock would easily manage an hilarious 5 minute monologue saying how this typifies the green madness that has infested this country.
...then again.
"gas for the cooker "
What about hot air from Caroline Lucas?
Oh very funny! You should just say things like that, I've got a really dodgy heart.
What you mean their 'love for the planet ' is not enough to keep them warm !
Still as they want to drag the rest of us back to the 'good old days ' perhaps they can get use to eating only very occasionally , going to bed when it gets dark and keeping warm by wearing all the clothes getting used to lice and all sleeping together with their cattle.
Frankly any longer than 8 hours without their skinny lattas and WiFi link would kills this lot .
Small swamplet, "dad my dinners cold".
Swampy dad, "be quiet Lily son, eat yer Greens".
Maybe Bob Ward has some Zyklon B they could use?
Call the druids.
What about harnessing their 'brain-farts'? That'd keep them in gas for ages.
... then I thought, No soup for you !
I like this quote in the MEN article: “If government policy had been geared toward renewable energy I could be using a solar cooker now but I’m not.”
So they don't have the gumption to make their own solar cooker then? They have to blame the government for the lack of skill in looking up youtube videos on how to make one. I suppose because they are always on Bambuser they don't bother to look at youtube.
You couldn't make it up, could you..? Anyway, surely the energy emitted by all that bright orange clothing could be harnessed to provide heat for cooking..
By the way, I hope they've got planning permission for all those semi-permanent-looking buildings...
"..who works in alternative health"
But not much of the time, presumably.
Is there a light-bulb moment in the offing, maybe..?
I haven't laughed so much since Copenhagen!
'Mmmmm.... raw squirrel is SO tasty....'
Also - can anyone tell me why these protesters are always in fancy dress..?