Bishop Hill

Shout out for Donna

Donna Laframboise has been invited to give evidence to the Commons' Energy and Climate Change Committee's inquiry on the Fifth Assessment Report and is looking for help in paying her way over. It goes without saying that to get a sceptic in front of the inquiry is a major step forward, so it's an excellent use for your spare tenners.
Donate early and donate often, here.
Reader Comments (36)
Also done. WUWT also promotes this.
exp(-i.pi) = -1 as any fule kno.
Also done. All I gave was a miserable $5 as I am both skint and tight as a duck's.... but funding this sort of thing by way of a smidgeon from loads of people is how it is done and it is ridiculously easy if you have a PayPal account. Personally, I think Donna might be overly obsessed with the is a magnificent obsession and she knows her stuff.
Go on.
Done - via Watts Up With That
Yet they can afford £300 per day attendance fees for their lordships who drop by parliament on the way to their clubs.
A reminder of the pub meet with Donna in London on January 28th.
Activists pushing "the big oil fantasy" would have you believe a private plane would be waiting at drop of a hat
(Big oil loves dramagreening cos anytging that pushes up energy prices pushes up $ profit on the sae margin)
- BTW we've all already subsidised Green activists flights through our tax going into EU which then directly gives money to eco-lobby groups like FoE)
Saw Donna in Brisbane a while back. An impressive lady. Have sent 50 large.
Go you good thing!
Done - and hope to see as many as possible at the London pub meet. And, whether you can be there or not, try to get more publicity for it.
Donated $25.
Donation made. I'll wander past the venue and if there's room inside I'll join the party. If I can't buy Donna a drink (I suspect she'll be overwhelmed with such offers), I hope to be able to buy one of you good folks one.
@exp(-i.pi) = -1 as any fule kno.
Sure, or e^((+/-)i.pi) +1 = 0, hence the joke, for those so inclined.
Done! $25. Out of wild curiosity, I wonder what this crowd sourcing venture will amount to? I find it totally objectionable that I am FORCED by taxes to fund the BBC and Greenpeace et al, yet to hear the truth, we have to do this sort of thing! ...where is big oil now? (answer = Supporting carbon schemes wherever they can, so as to put more taxes in their bank)
I have added my pittance to the travel fund. Barely enough for a cup of coffee and a croissant at today's London prices and more than the amount I have been able to collect for my two grand daughters University funds this month. Needless to say if they choose Reading or UEA they will get nothing. Why "waste" money on bringing a Canadian to London? Because, no opportunity should be lost to drive some sense into the numbskulls in the UK Parliament. A few more of them waking up to reality could save the lives of countless people in the future. Starting with the old and the sick who may die because of Government energy policy this year and going right through to the poor and deprived in Africa and Asia who are being told by the World Bank that they cannot have money to build reliable coal and gas fired power stations but must instead rely on fairy farts and gloworms to provide the power that will enable them to join in the prosperity that we worked so hard to achieve.
Funny how expenses are only for the residents...
Reading Uni's OK.. I did my MSc there....
Done. When we consider how the AGW promoters receive government, institutional and reinsurance industry money to sell AGW, and then have the gall to talk about skeptics being in the employ of a non-existent conspiracy, it is the least we can do.
Pensioner's pittance donated, hoping they all add up to something significant.
So much for our lavish funding by Big Oil!
fifty bucks is on its way.
Donna's the real deal - doing the investigative journalism the pro-hacks won't (well, maybe not David Rose).
$50 to send Donna to London.
Now, good people, to further enjoy out contributions (or kibutzing) for Donna's testimony on AR5, we ought to take in a few things to take back in to reward ourselves (updates from UWT - with thanks):
THIS is one of the several interviews I have not yet seen from that remarkable job.
LINK, anyone - PLEASE?
Finally, a hat tip to the leading single donation posted up over at WUWT.
"Mike Bromley the Kurd says: 150USD to Ms. Laframboise. Knock ‘em DEAD, Donna!"
The right sentiments, exactly.
Donation made a couple of days ago. I'd like to make a regular payment, but she does not have that facility on her site.
PayPal does allow it - as evidenced by this site (see up on the right - The Tip Jar) It can also be done easily on the NIPCC site.
The recent announcement by Bob Tisdale that he has had to give up full-time blogging because he is low on cash has made me wonder how that could be addressed. Jo Nova has suggested in a comment there that tax-deductible funds might be set up to support independent researchers like Bob Tisdale. That sounds good to me as well. I note that payments to the NIPCC are already tax-deductible.
Anyway, I hope others will agree. Many tens of thousands of others. Agree to make regular payments to those whose work they most admire on the climate front. I'm going to try to set up a few more such payments myself this year. Modest ones, right enough, but payments nevertheless. I'd pay to listen to the work of a musician. I'd pay for a book. Why not a payment for essays, analyses, news, astute opinion, and other good climate things on the internet?
Good luck Donna!
Bishop Hill
Not at all bad. If all the donors above gave at the average rate of those defining the size of their gift ($30) you've raised $990.
If you assume a more realistic $10 each for the rest, thats still $450.
Given your committment to financial transparancy I look forward in due course to publication of how this money was spent on bringing Donna Laframboise, a journalist, before the Parliamentary committee..
A word of clarification. I am only in favour of transparency for the public sector. The private sector can suit itself.
Does $450 buy you a transatlantic plane fare these days?
I should have thought that that any financial transparency here should come from Donna herself, seeing as the money is being collected by her for her transport expenses. This site (and WUWT) merely provides encouragement and the necessary link for us individuals to use their own money as they think fit. I, for one, trust the lady, so stop fretting on my behalf.