Bishop Hill

Farage channels Rose

David Rose's Arctic sea ice article has gone completely viral, clocking up something like 180,000 likes on Facebook. It's even made it onto the political headlines, with Nigel Farage waving the graphs for 2012 and 2013 sea ice at EU President Barroso (a former communist we gather - who knew?) at today's "State of the Union" address (at about 2:30).
Extraordinary times.
Reader Comments (68)
Did Barroso say that 99% of scientists support the CAGW camp?
Don't these politicians ever think. Someone even worse than Ed Davey!
Yes he did appear to say that and also that you can always find someone who is paid to say the opposite of the consensus - this seemed to be a reference to the inconvenient Arctic ice coverage pictures which Nige was ostentatiously waving at him.
O yes and with the capability of our present day politicians it is only a matter of time before one of them quotes 110%!
I wonder who it will be?
DO we? CAN we? HOW, exactly?
We cannot predict the weather with any degree of accuracy more than three days hence, let alone actually control it. If this winter is going to be a stinker, what is the EU going to do to stop it? Let’s launch a European Directive to specify what next summer will be like. Just what planet are these people on? From where did they get the idea that humans could have any significant effect upon this planet’s systems? Or is this the end result of all Marxism – the apparent realisation of the desire for total control over everyone else leads to the assumption that you can have control over Nature herself!
How long before other journalists want to get a piece of this action? David Rose looking to be the Woodward and Bernstein of this decade?
Alas, the Bish, Booker, Anthony Watts, McIntyre and others will likely be overlooked...but we will know, eh?
Delingpole will probably be made for life as well.
They deserve it for not following the herd.
Sometimes I feel almost optimistic..
Deban and Hedegaard have some interesting tweets on the exchange.
Connie Hedegaard @CHedegaardEU 6h
2/2 Maybe @Nigel_Farage denying climate science at the @Europarl_EN today is more fishing in British internal waters..
@CHedegaardEU @Nigel_Farage @Europarl_EN No, he's someone who wishes the world was different so he pretends it is. No EU no climate change
What they really don't understand is that it is their own intransigence that is grist to Farage's mill.
Ben Pile @clim8resistance 2h
Or is it 'no climate change, no EU'? EU *needs* climate change. @lorddeben @CHedegaardEU @Nigel_Farage @Europarl_EN
'If this winter is going to be a stinker ... '
Pierre Gosselin has the low-down:
'...what is the EU going to do to stop it?'
Continue to expand its remit via compulsory confiscation of taxpayers' cash, of course - it only has the one solution to any given problem!
(a former communist we gather - who knew?)
I knew. I've known for years that he was a Maoist in the 1970s. And he probably still is.
'if this winter is going to be a stinker....'
According to my mate in the garden centre, he said that the Met Office has said that the next 3 months are going to be warmer than usual.
I watched the weekly forecast on Blue Peter for adults (Country File) and the week ahead in my neck of the woods was going to be good all week, with a possibility of a bit of rain coming in on Friday afternoon. Oh good, I thought, as we have antipodean cousins coming to stay and I want to take them hither and yon. As of this afternoon (Wednesday), the rain has already arrived. Much as my garden needs the rain, I am unimpressed that the forecast is wrong 3 days ahead, so quite how the Met Office can predict that the next 3 months is going to be warmer than 'normal', I do not know.
I don't particularly like Farage, but all credit to him for standing up and giving Barroso both barrels on taxing the poor and displacing industry to outside the EU or making it less competitive with the rest of the world, and mocking the success of the Euro. 50% youth unemployment in the Mediterranean countries is a shocking number. Quite what we do with the NEETs in this country I do not know. Somehow we have to inculcate a work ethic into them. It isn't that there aren't any jobs around here, but there are a large number of Poles etc who are working in this apparently deprived rural area. I was stopped by a polish truck driver working for a local aggregates company looking for an address and the lighting factory where my son has had a holiday job has a large number of eastern europeans working there, yet somehow our feckless youth are uninterested in working hard and holding down a job. A sweeping statement, I know, but other young people get out of this area for their education and better employment prospects, leaving the less motivated behind. The council puts money into youth services to try to help them, but I am not sure whether anyone rationalises the costs against outcomes.
Apologies, digressive rant over. Yup, Barroso did say 99% of scientists agree....
And the IPCC has issued a statement saying that
"Contrary to the articles the IPCC is not holding any crisis meeting".
The IPCC seem to be too scared of David Rose to mention his name or the newspaper or provide a link.
They even changed the url from 'mail.pdf' in their tweet, to 'statement.pdf' :)
PS. Climate Audit is back!
I have rarely heard such rubbish as that spoken by the EU President Barroso. I also object to his flippancy on a very serious subject. As for the statement "99% of scientist etc " it's just either a deliberate lie or he has not bothered to inform himself on the subject. I think someone should give him a copy of the forthcoming report by the NIPCC authored by 40 top scientist. There is NO consensus.
Rose's piece isn't half annoying Keith Allott on Carbon Brief! I know who I believe.
Barroso was/is a Maoist.
A bit OT but I'm reading Adam Zamoyski's 1812 - Napoleon's Retreat from Moscow. The description of the effects of the extreme cold weather is so ghastly, so horrific, I would put up with any degree of heatwave, sea level rise, extreme weather etc. to be spared that, even if I believed that the alternatives were actually likely.
In this type of forum Farage is absolutely brilliant. Barroso and other politicians are starting to look like they are clinging to irrational positions in the face of changing evidence. They keep trotting out the same old stupid "consensus" statements, albeit exaggerated to 99%, but I think the public has started to notice that this stuff has gone stale. There is nothing like a bit of sarcastic cynicism amongst the general public about the Met Office and its winter forecasts or barbecue summers to undermine the credibility of politicians still clinging to official positions supported by the likes of the MO or the IPCC. Science has moved on, the public is in the process of doing so and if the politicians don't wise up quick to the harm their policies are causing in terms of energy and other costs they are going to find themselves without a job. Realism is starting to take over.
And waving those ice extent satellite images at Barroso whilst he was talking. Priceless!
I am so saddened by the corruption of the democratic processes that has lead to the suppression of scientific results and method, But was it any better in the time of Galileo and Darwin? And of course Stalin suppressed ideas on genetics that damaged progress in plant biology in the Soviet Union for decades. But when the debate is finally conceded these same expensive suits Masons or Maoists will still be lining their pockets or pocketing their golden handshakes and fat pensions.
Good on Farage.
On Barroso being a former communist/Maoist, that means he was member of the party which, at the risk of their lives, overthrew Europe’s oldest fascist dictatorship. So good on him too.
If we discard the word "change" the we are left with "climate"
The climate is something that the human race has battled with for thousands of years.
Simply putting the word change, after climate has cost the occidental countries billions
and billions of dollars in order to continue what we have been doing for thousands of years.
I cannot accept that we are in this mess as a result of some kind of collective, abject stupidity.
The only alternative therefore is to consider who bennefits from this massive
redistribution of wealth.
The rich are now becoming obscenely rich and the poor are being progressively impovrished.
In my opinion, it cannot continue for much longer.
Watch and listen carefully to Barosso. He is the incarnation of Hilter ... and look at the damage he did to Europe!
Well now we know. Barrosa is a fascist dictator and a liar. He is scared to death of the evidence set before him. This is a really exposure of the thinking within the commission led by the chief of the commission. Hell this is scary.
Get the hell out of this union and get out now.
Not unexpectedly, the Beeb's Jonathan Amos hawks the story that Arctic ice volume is at a minimum.
Maybe that's where the 'missing' heat has gone. ;-)
Stephen Richards
My bags are packed and I'm ready to go (more songs hehe)
However through some technicality apparently I can only leave if David Cameron comes as well :(
I thought it was the army who rebelled, after Salazar's death, to overthrow the Estado Novo. Following that, the various Communist groups tried to launch a coup against the military junta that took over from Salazar, but this was immediately quelled by pro-democracy moderates...and after a year or so of instability there were free elections. I have not seen any account that gives Communmist/Marxist/Maoist parties any credit for what happened.
I beg to differ with geoffchambers. However unpleasant he is claimed to have have been, there can be no adult comparison between Salazar and Mao. Mao is held to have been responsible for 45 million deaths. Even on his best form, Salazar wasn't in that league - and neither was Franco. Even Hitler and Stalin struggle to keep up in such infernal company.
If Barroso is sufficiently stupid to have ever followed this mass murdering psychopath, I would suggest his judgement is sufficiently suspect that he should be barred from ever holding public office in any civilised country. Exactly, of course, as would be a supporter of Hitler - even an allegedly former one.
Incidentally, in answer to our host's rhetorical question, Barroso's past infatuation with another form of totalitarian dictatorship has been widely known and written about. Even Homer nods.
Pesadia (Sep 11, 2013 at 7:23 PM):
If you could demonstrate how it benefits the rich to impoverish the poor yet further, your argument might be valid. It is being tried in other parts of the world, and none are showing it to be a good idea.
Time has shown that the enrichment of everyone allows the rich to become even richer than by the methods you are implying.
Can we please remember that Braincrash Jesusland rules the waves, the sky and the land masses. Fascism and all forms of socialism are over.
There you tube videos showing a young Barroso student leader of the Maoist group in Portugal. What I cannot understand is how can someone metamorphose from a stinking red dictator-loving Maoist to a centre-right democrat. I have always been of the opinion that Barroso is a red plant and that is the reason why the left in the EU vote for Barroso.
He's a commie spy of the same order of Obummer
Ambrose reckons that the EU stalwart Germany is a train wreck and its green energy wot done it.
Jack Savage astutely writes : "How long before other journalists want to get a piece of this action? David Rose looking to be the Woodward and Bernstein of this decade?"
Bingo, sir It's when journalists begin to see they've got a much bigger story in exposing the fraud that is the climate change movement, than in supporting it, that this thing will really begin to crumble. Meanwhile, I don't think that's too far off now. I'm really sensing a change in the zeitgeist at last, which is why Rose's article has gone viral.
A year or so ago, I sent a few emails to Matt Taibbi, the fine journalist who famously called Goldman Sachs a blood sucking octopus (words to that effect.) that he writes for Rolling Stone make him just right...since he's "on the other side," and he's definitely got the writing chops to blast this thing sky high. I'm sure he took one look and filed me under "random nutball." But the time's coming, Jack. Never fear...
This video shows the young Barroso speaking during a Maoist group activity:
This is the man who is promoting the commie lie of AGW/CAGW or whatever they decide to call from to time. This is the guy who is called the president of Europe, unelected, the communist way, and he says that he is a centrist democrat. Pull the other one Barry boy, its got bells on it.
Keep it up Nigel, keep saying the truth and you will succeed. ex: Tony Abbott.
My bags are packed and I'm ready to go (more songs hehe)
However through some technicality apparently I can only leave if David Cameron comes as well :(
Sep 11, 2013 at 8:00 PM | Registered CommenterDung
The corner appears to be approaching him rather quickly. It won't be long before he has finished painting.
pokerguy Matt Taibbi
The great American bubble machine
By Matt Taibbi for Rolling Stone Magazine
The new carbon-credit market is a virtual repeat of the commodities-market casino that's been kind to Goldman, except it has one delicious new wrinkle: If the plan goes forward as expected, the rise in prices will be government-mandated. Goldman won't even have to rig the game. It will be rigged in advance.
Here's how it works: If the bill passes; there will be limits for coal plants, utilities, natural-gas distributors and numerous other industries on the amount of carbon emissions (a.k.a. greenhouse gases) they can produce per year. If the companies go over their allotment, they will be able to buy "allocations" or credits from other companies that have managed to produce fewer emissions. President Obama conservatively estimates that about $646 billions worth of carbon credits will be auctioned in the first seven years; one of his top economic aides speculates that the real number might be twice or even three times that amount.
The rich are now becoming obscenely rich and the poor are being progressively impovrished.
In my opinion, it cannot continue for much longer.
Sep 11, 2013 at 7:23 PM | Unregistered Commenterpesad
Rubbish, the poor are poor because in a labour-exchange economy they neither make or do anything anyone would pay money for. That is why they are poor. No one pays you to have five kids you cannot support, out of wedlock, except a socialist that wants to buy your vote.
Radical Rodent
This may not be the place to discuss this issue, but I would have agreed with your comment 25 or thirty years ago
but not now.
Londo Calling. Hi
That may well be the case in the UK but I live in Spain now and every weekend I help well
educated intelligent young spanish adults to improve their english and there are considerable
numbers of them, all desperate to work and no jobs available. Qualified teachers, architects,
IT engineers, lawyers,electrical engineers, nurses, all with no future and not because they
are lazy. They desperately want to work.
EU officials stick to one simple rule "Never bite off the hand that feeds you".
Sep 11, 2013 at 9:25 PM | ssat
If everyone stopped fawning over German cars they would be.
Pesadia (Sep 11, 2013 at 9:53 PM):
Remaining slightly off-topic: I think it still holds true; it is just that the Politics of Envy is getting more and more entrenched, and is creeping into the “right of centre” parties, aided with great vigour by the MSM.
Unless you mean those who are getting rich – some very, very rich – off the teat of the public purse (hmmm… I had a good example just a few moments ago… began with “B”… Oh, so many, and so little space!), then you could be correct.
Billy Liar
For a number of years I have stressed that Das Krauts will never jeopardise Das Autos. So far the inequities of the Euro have succoured Das Autos. Now life is getting tough enough for Merkel to veto further EU legislation on EU auto emissions, running and manufacture.
A tipping point is coming and it is going to be strictly an economic one based on an ability to generate wealth. It will not be allowed to go negative.
Game, set and match to Farage who made Mini Mao look extremely small, despite his planet saving over indulgence.
The AGW exrtremimsts are getting blown out of power around the world. The commie is either self-delusional, or as we say in Texas full of "bu**shyte"
Geoff Chambers says
"On Barroso being a former communist/Maoist, that means he was member of the party which, at the risk of their lives, overthrew Europe’s oldest fascist dictatorship. So good on him too."
I assume this is a joke?
Barroso is far to young to have fought in the War, Spanish or World W2. And the Communists were Hilter's allies. Stalin and Hitler dividing Poland between them, and the Commies massacring the Polish Officers at Katyn. The Commies only fought Hitler later because Stalin arranged for there to be death squads behind his troops killing any Russians who tried to run away. So, no. not 'good on him'.
Nigel Farage can join David Rose on the list of those who cant tell the difference between "short term variation" and "long term trend".
Inspiring. It just does not matter. There are too many scoundrels sucking the limited public teets with a conga line of hopefuls behind them.
Philip Foster
Maoists were active in overthrowing Salazar’s dictatorship in Portugal, particularly by blowing up a chunk of their airforce, obliging them to withdraw from Angola and Mozambique. This, together with the intervention of the Cuban Air Force in Namibia, led to the fall of Apartheid in South Africa. Sometimes bad people can do good things.
“..stinking red dictator-loving Maoist” (maltesertoo) “..followed this mass murdering psychopath” (Uncle Badger).
The trouble with conducting political debate at this level is not simply that it’s rude, but that you blind yourselves and your interlocutors to reality. With no grown-up debate, there can be no political change, and you’ll all be here in 2050 wondering why Baroness Worthington is still making our laws.
Belonging to a group calling itself Maoist in a fascist backwater in the sixties is not the same thing as murdering millions. I don’t blame Tories for Churchill’s gassing of the Kurds in the twenties, so get over Barroso’s Maoist past. By all means leave Europe, but not because you don’t like José Manuel’s smarmy lying face (oops).
Meanwhile, eminently sensible remarks by pesadia about wealth distribution and by Jack Savage and pokerguy about how journalism works get overlooked in the general rush to be rude about socialists, Mao, and the shiftless poor. Pity.
Yes I did go a bit overboard with my description of Barroso. But what's in an adjective? He is the one who should bear all the responsibility for the EU's economic woes. Instead of resigning he keeps insisting and saying that the EU is a success, which is not. He keeps on saying that we are out of the woods when we have an unemployment rate of 10% across the Eurozone with Spain and Greece at 25% and a million Spaniards migrating out of Spain. So if one adds those 1 million tot he officially unemployed that 25% would be ~30%.
Previous to the set up of the EU, there was the European Economic Community. Under this setup, Europe was rich, really rich. Italy was an industrial success. France and UK built the Concorde and the Tunnel, Germany was a superheated economy, mountains of food were the norm and unemployment was something that existed in South America. When Greece, Spain and Portugal shed their dictatorial systems, the Community jumped on them, financing their infrastructure turning them into a stable democracy. Spain became an industrial success. Portugal and Greece lagged but still they moved forward.
Then came the new 'thinkers', created the socialists' dream of a centrally-controlled European super-state and the rest we know it.
The Socialists destroyed the Europe that I knew. I want my Europe back.
Sep 11, 2013 at 11:32 PM | Green Sand
Too true, GS ! I Have one of those "Driving Pleasure" autos ... "Das Auto" (Audi) would not do. Big engine, bi-turbo, tuned down and speed limited, with all of the little gimmicks to satisfy the EU. What I find difficult to accept is that for a German company so wedded to the national green theme, how do they get away with the wasteful unsustainable 'run-flat' tyres and all-in-one windshield wipers ? Anybody with one of these cars will understand the waste of a punctured tyre or 'nicked' wiper blade.
Socialists win, again and again, Barroso's of this world reincarnate themselves repeatedly, all because conservatives have never (as far as I can see) fought the ideological battle with sociialism. Instead of pointing out what doomed, illogical, contradictory nonsense it is, and how it has repeatedly plainly done the poor hardly any good at all (while socialisms intermediaries, the Blairs etc of course do very nicely - all pigs being equal) while wrecking national economies, how its nostrums have been tested to destruction and found to be abject, that unions are conspiracies against the public as much as against their masters etc etc etc, all conservatives do is offer to manage socialism a bit better. And becasue its a system based on ideological nonsense, not surprisingly their version of managing it better usually doesn;t come to much. Obviously in a democracy socialistic ideas have a broad surface appeal. Telling the poor they are poor because they are an absolute shower, is not going to win many votes, even if true. Telling them their poverty is someone else's fault, even if false, is likely to win many votes. There is the dilemna for the thinking conservative: having to pay lip service to a set of beliefs, values one knows to be balls, for the sake of the votes.
Sep 12, 2013 at 6:29 AM | geoffchambers
Having been in the vicinity of Angola at the time, I can reliably inform you that the gutless CIA was the responsible party and not the Cuban Air Force. Much vaunted Cuban and East German forces had been pushed back and corralled in Luanda ... and that is when the Russians threatened too inject themselves into the conflict ... the CIA pooped in its nappy and split, leaving anti-communist coalition forces (not a fan of the apartheid regime however) stranded without resources ... The CIA was heavily involved in what was essentially a proxy war supplying hardware, and you would be very surprised to know the make-up of the coalition forces. That's when the Cuban Air Force became brave sniping the retreating forces ... they were never in Namibia nor did they ever enter the Caprivi zone.
As for Mozambique, the threat there was of little consequence ... wild animals of the Kruger National Park took care of most of any intrusions.
Are the million or so Spaniards trying to leave Spain climate change policy refugees?