Bishop Hill

Huhne in court

Guido has reported that Chris Huhne, the mastermind behind much of the environmental legislation with which we are currently encumbered, is appearing in court, no doubt in connection the disputed speeding ticket of a year or two back.
A gagging order is in place preventing anyone reporting what takes place.
Reader Comments (18)
The charge is not an offence against the road traffic acts, the charge is perjury, an altogether more serious offence and one if proven will end his career. I normally wouldn't wish misfortune on anybody, but in Huhne's case i'm prepared to make an exception.
"A gagging order is in place preventing anyone reporting what takes place."
Can any in-house lawyer/s advise if this is normal or not, and perhaps also suggest (though not with particular regard to Huhne himself or this case) on reasons why such an order is usually in place?
"A gagging order is in place preventing anyone reporting what takes place."
Whatever happened to the idea that justice should not only be done but it should be seen to be done?
@ Roy
That was only ever meant to apply to the little people.
According to Stephen Slominski of the Eastleigh News - today’s court hearing wasn’t the trial (that should have started a week ago) but yet another pre-trial hearing.
The limited log
A gag order suggests that someone was there who might need gagging. Does this mean "press" in attendance?
Maybe they are ordering Josh to concoct a "gag." Or maybe that term is not in use in civilisation.
The "gagging" order is quite common, indeed the Scottish Court service provides a webpage where you can check which (Scottish) cases are affected:
The CPS provides a short guide to "Orders postponing or prohibiting full reports of proceedings":
This case seems to be in an extended period of legal argument, the trial proper hasn't started yet as far as I'm aware.
I don't need an order to gag when I hear the name "Huhne".
Does anyone know the reason for the gagging order?
@ Stacey
My guess is that various legal arguments are being run through in court and it's not appropriate to have that circulated as a running commentary prior to any trial beginning. It's really not that unusual.
Chris Huhne, the mastermind behind much of the environmental legislation with which we are currently encumbered . . .
Serious question, this. Can anyone tell me what environmental legislation Huhne is responsible for?
Can anyone tell me what environmental legislation Huhne is responsible for?
I think the main policy would be the Green Deal/Energy Act 2011, which is a re-branding of Labour's Green New Deal, but a New Green New Deal would have been too strong a signal that a consensus exists between the old parties.
I don't think even ministers are responsible for legislation as individuals, though. Huhne takes responsibility for pushing for it, though, no doubt, in the UK, EU and internationally.
The opening discussion to the second reading (which is possibly the first discussion) of the Energy Bill 2011 in Parliament makes for interesting reading.
@ Dave B
Mr Huhne was a signatory and promoter of the coalition government`s Carbon Plan, along with Cameron and Clegg. This was intended to provide the framework for its legislation and regulations. It will proably be found on the DECC website.
Among other things it introduced the idea of Negawatts, to pay businesses not to operate. Quite how this idea would help to promote the economic recovery we need was unstated.
Every time I see Huhne, I gag.....
Ben Pile, oldtimer:
Thanks for that, most helpful.
When faced with a 'gagging order', take a lesson from one John Simon in my favourite 'More Wit' book, by Des McHale...
'I don't like people who use good-looking young women in such a way that they end up at the bottom of rivers or lakes. Nor do I particularly care for people who cheat on their exams at Harvard. Nor do I particularly like obesity, but other than that I have no special feelings one way or the other about Senator Teddy Kennedy...'