Interesting to see if Watts et al. 2012 gets picked up for next IPCC report. Somehow, why do I get the feeling IPCC will end up including Muller's study and simply ignore Watts et al. 2012?
Anthony, you've proven again that you are the much better chess player, not only in terms of strategy, but also in terms of integrity and innovation. Muller, second BEST again. LOL
Just to add, you know, Michael Mann and his ilk deem it appropriate to label climate change skeptics as holocaust deniers and beetle larvae. Only seems fair that we recognize his contributions to climate change science by giving him his own category. MANNIAN SCIENCE = hokey schtick science.
I'll take that one - how about those of Rodolia cardinalis or maybe our very own Coccinella septempunctata. They're both voracious predators which destroy billions of the dull-witted pests which suck the life out of humanity's treasures.
"Can I please make a request. Can we all start labeling climate change pseudoscience like this new BEST study as “MANNIAN SCIENCE”."
Maybe call it Mannichean science? [The ancient followers of Man(n)i believe the material world was evil and the spiritual good.] Our Mann believes material data is evil and must be processed by the virtual/virtuous world of computer models.]
Jon Faine our ABC radio man in Oz definitely thinks BEST is good enough. Interviewing Prof Muller this morning as the turned sceptic, his final hard hitting question was -
The Time of Observation Bias issue (TOBs) appears to be quite problematic for Anthony Watts paper. While there's some good parts about the paper, this will undermine its credibility.
Reader Comments (25)
Interesting to see if Watts et al. 2012 gets picked up for next IPCC report. Somehow, why do I get the feeling IPCC will end up including Muller's study and simply ignore Watts et al. 2012?
Anthony, you've proven again that you are the much better chess player, not only in terms of strategy, but also in terms of integrity and innovation. Muller, second BEST again. LOL
97% of climate scientists in Josh cartoons sport face fungus. (The blokes, at least.)
Martin A - unfair to the 97% of us who have had beard for 46 years.
No really, I did a survey and published it.
Should that not read Mueller Mullahed by Titanthony
From the Urban Dictionary
1. mullahed
Getting absolutely shoe'd, almost to the point of molestation by a clearly superior force or entity.
Martin A - unfair to the 97% of us who have had beard for 46 years.
No really, I did a survey and published it.
Jul 30, 2012 at 11:13 AM | GrantB
Ah, but it's the sandals which go with the beard and, above all, the massive chip on the shoulder that sez it orl ...
How to look like a climate scientist
It's the story of climate science! The best tools we have are still far from being any good...
@ omnologos
Is there an activist version of that featuring a cut-out pony tail?
You racist swine!
I have a beard, a pony tail and...........................................glasses.
But I'm not one of them!
Here you go: Just cut out the eyes, and you're all set:
Alternative climate crazy look without ponytail:
For that Penn State bad boy look:
In Climate Scientology, Best is clearly worst.
Can I please make a request. Can we all start labeling climate change pseudoscience like this new BEST study as “MANNIAN SCIENCE”.
hockey stick = mannian science
al gore rising sea levels = mannian science
tim flannery AGW-caused drought = mannian science
polar bear becoming extinct = mannian science
Just to add, you know, Michael Mann and his ilk deem it appropriate to label climate change skeptics as holocaust deniers and beetle larvae. Only seems fair that we recognize his contributions to climate change science by giving him his own category. MANNIAN SCIENCE = hokey schtick science.
Uranusisaplanet; I was just having my lunch........
The trouble is that :
Let's see what the experts (from both sides) say when they've had time to digest this new paper. This could back fire...
Beetle larvae?
I'll take that one - how about those of Rodolia cardinalis or maybe our very own Coccinella septempunctata. They're both voracious predators which destroy billions of the dull-witted pests which suck the life out of humanity's treasures.
Mann simply doesn't have a clue.
"Can I please make a request. Can we all start labeling climate change pseudoscience like this new BEST study as “MANNIAN SCIENCE”."
Maybe call it Mannichean science?
[The ancient followers of Man(n)i believe the material world was evil and the spiritual good.] Our Mann believes material data is evil and must be processed by the virtual/virtuous world of computer models.]
Hmm yes...
Once could truly say that it is the Second BEST report and be absolutely correct and have their fun too!
There is no character, howsoever good and fine, but it can be destroyed by ridicule - Mark Twain
And the poseur, howsoever good and fine, by the earnest.
Jon Faine our ABC radio man in Oz definitely thinks BEST is good enough. Interviewing Prof Muller this morning as the turned sceptic, his final hard hitting question was -
No really, he said it.
Adolf's take on Watts v BEST:
The Time of Observation Bias issue (TOBs) appears to be quite problematic for Anthony Watts paper. While there's some good parts about the paper, this will undermine its credibility.
Great cartoon usual. Here is my take on it:
Old (American) Indian saying:
He who speak with forked tongue get forked in return!
(Bish, this isn't intended to be rude)
re- " have you apologised to the planet?"
are these people deranged, or do they think Muller can talk for/to the biosphere/animals/microbes.
now I think back maybe "Doctor Do-little" is an apt name for many of his kind..