Bishop Hill

Caption competition

Myles Allen recently met rapper Will.I.Am in Oxford, the latter's arrival in a large helicopter being much noted by the press. Readers are cordially invited to suggest a caption for the photo below.
The prize for the best entry will be a coffee mug adorned with the Josh cartoon of your choice.
Reader Comments (251)
"And here's where I prove that this laptop's not Tosh either."
"...and if we analyze the telephone vote with this method, we can hide any decline in the public's support for your artist"
"And then we run our model again without your music, Will, and the planet doesn't get saved"
Don't pay no 'tention to the stick,
That's just a little nature trick.
A little somethun Mikey made,
To show why we need cap-n-trade.
"Yo bro' (grabs crotch), ain't nobody gonna buy dat sh*t."
..." my Staking out my case has not had the impact I deserve, so here is how I intend to use the Stake in future".
"just enter your credit card details, click here and you've offset it, simple as that"
"my nose was much smaller back then"
And this lower line is the scenario where you don't use your helicopter anymore.
"no Will, our contribution is insignificant, we just need to get the masses under control"
"Nice chopper.."
Will. I. Am, you are Sofa King we taught it. Everyone thinks you are Sofa King we taught it Will. I. Am.
Gee Will, I can't figure out what's wrong with my install of Rosetta Stone for Ebonics.
"So, after the economic collapse we'll place the survivors into thirteen districts. Then, once a year we'll select a few to play games..."
This is Josh's cartoon of the week. Hilarious, right?
Will.I.Am, here it is, "the Decline." When you get to here, treat it like a cadenza. You know, anything you want. Wing it!
Its sort of like a typewriter connected to a TV and most amazingly it can tell us what the weather will be like in 50 years.
See right here, I told you so. Your training and uniform qualifies you to operate the merry-go-round, not pilot the helicopter.
So you see Will, by adding this rotor to the front of your helicopter, you will be able to achieve perpetual motion.
Don't worry about the chopper. It turns out global warming was caused by solar variation, urban heating and oceanic currents all along.
"This particular model should suit you, it runs on Al Gores' flatulence...."
"...and this is how you keep the public focused on irrelevancies..."
...and this is the 'Insert' key...Peter Gleick showed me that one.
WiA: So what do you think of Montford's reasoning on the correlation coefficients? You have read the book haven't you?
"...and the sea will continue to rise due to melting ice, ice, baby." and Myles Al.i.en refine their pitch to Toyota for a limited edition mega-green Less CO2 than a helicopter or your money back. Note: fitting competition sound system, mini-bar and jacuzzi may increase emissions. The Because you're worth it.
Myles:"The trouble with old stuff like that book is you can't edit them after publication. <clicketyclick> Look, now we've warmed the instrumental record, it matches the predictions again"
Myles: "So, can you fit the miniguns and rocket pods to your chopper and fly it to Canada? It's for The Cause"
"Now just press this "delete" button and all those troublesome e-mails (and attachments) from your past will be history!"
Will, don't you think this is a much more flattering picture of me than the one that Montford guy dug up from the 'tube?!
Allen says "Oh God, Steve McIntyre is right. You put in any old noise and you get a hockey stick... This is 'Pump It'"
The Panels
The Fans
The great big whoppers
less use than a
ejector seat
on my great big chopper
Will: "What is smeg?"
Myles: "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
(H/t Brent)
"I'm going to count to 10, then I'm off. If you haven't got my picture taken by then, you can call my office for one."
Allen: Can you believe it? He's trawled through the YouTube video to find the least flattering image possible!
If he'd used this photo for example, BH readers would have taken me completely seriously!
Will.I.Am: Yo bro! (sings)
...When the eskimo gets bit by a mosquito
Somebody in Miami will get swept by a tsunami
Rastas in Jamaica will get hit by a quake that
Registers something like 8.8
You see it's situations happening with our planet
Cause, 50 years ago we took it for granted
We should have took advantage, and reversed the damage
Instead of just pumping and selling and slanging the gas
And while we purchased the gas
We was watching soap operas while they steady brainwashed the masses
Cause we could make a vehicle that runs off ashes
But they own a patent for that, and that's exactly what's happening
Corruption and bullshit politics
The planet's gonna die cause of bullshit politics
It's hotter in the winter, even hotter in the summer
And ain't nobody coming to the rescue to help the...
Psychokinetic meme transfer caught on camera !
Ah! Myle's latest communication to Bish explains that we all got the wrong end of the stick.
Will's helidash to Oxford was an urgent mercy mission - after looking at Bish's photo and comments on his "professorial" wardrobe - Myle's needed an emergency makeover consulation - hence................
" .... I thought something a bit like yours, but in gold lame' with the shoulder flashes in red - and where do you go for those luminous white teeth?'
@May 27, 2012 at 5:33 PM | simon abingdon
Serious exchange? Did you read what Allen has to say? It is not possible to have an "exchange" with someone so fixed in his beliefs. Just not possible.
If only we could join the dots!
So will are you with us or against us, (hand hovers over the red button) no pressure!
Jeremy Poynton May 28, 2012 at 11:11 AM
"Dr Myles Allen is a University [Oxford] Lecturer in Physics, and Fellow of Wolfson College. He currently leads the Climate Dynamics Group in the Department of Physics, where his research focuses on how human and natural influences on climate contribute to observed climate change and risks of extreme weather and in quantifying their implications for long-range climate forecasts".
Jeremy, you can either engage Dr Allen in constructive dialogue or subject him to ridicule. Which strategy would you expect to be the more productive?
Building on contributions above (pesadia and Clive Best) and also noticing that the door knobs in the picture look like dots between the heads of two great thinkers .................
"Joining the Clots - Psychokinetic meme transfer caught on camera !"
"We're going to name our latest climate model after you, Will. It's called cc.rap"
I know I cant win this but I couldn't help adding to the general mayhem ;-)
"the general mayhem"
I don't envy the Bish his forthcoming task! :-)
@simon abingdon:
"Jeremy, you can either engage Dr Allen in constructive dialogue or subject him to ridicule. Which strategy would you expect to be the more productive?"
Establishment warmists know what they are doing: ignoring the wealth of data pointing to the fact that CO2 from mankind has little effect compared to ocean currents (el Nino/la Nina), solar electromagnetic variation modulating incoming Galactic Cosmic Rays (see Svensmark, CERN + others) etc.
In this light, how can you seriously expect these people (useful idiots) to conduct a meaningful debate?
Then, to take them down a few notches and put the onus on them to prove, like they should, their belief system is correct, humour is often the only tool left in the toolbox.
So the answer to your question then, is that with 'hardened believers' like Myles Allen, who ignore facts, reasoning and proper scientific conduct, ridicule is often the most productive way to change their ludicrous conduct.
Isn't there a quotation like: "There are none so blind as those that will not see" ?
Perhaps this might enlighten a little more:
Hope it helps.
May 28, 2012 at 12:10 PM simon abingdon:
"Dr Myles Allen is a University [Oxford] Lecturer in Physics, and Fellow of Wolfson College. He currently leads the Climate Dynamics Group in the Department of Physics, where his research focuses on how human and natural influences on climate contribute to observed climate change and risks of extreme weather and in quantifying their implications for long-range climate forecasts".
Think I need a coffee, as I missed the last bit of that... with regard to long-range climate forecasts.
Isn't weather / climate a chaotic system? If so, it means that prediction / forecasting is nigh impossible. Perhaps some others can clarify?
And if forecasting were possible, how is it that they didn't predict temperature stasis for the last 15 years or so? Models springs to mind :)
To clarify, I should have explicitly stated: 'long range forecasting becomes nigh impossible'
Josh's entry looks like the winner anyway.
Well I've had a good read of CA, WUWT and BH and can now give you my quote.
Myles Allen FINALLY finds someone to believe his cr*p.
Sorry re-wording courteous of Josh.
Myles Allen FINALLY finds someone to believe his *rap.
See; wot we wonts is dat yoo dus sum rappin wiv deez wurds init. See green rimes wiv CO2 and carbon rimes wiv car bomb like. We gets a bilyon pownds from the guvnment cos it is a green projkt and we spends alf of dat on buyin de ceedee an you is top of de pops! Das cool init?