Bishop Hill

Caption competition

Myles Allen recently met rapper Will.I.Am in Oxford, the latter's arrival in a large helicopter being much noted by the press. Readers are cordially invited to suggest a caption for the photo below.
The prize for the best entry will be a coffee mug adorned with the Josh cartoon of your choice.
Reader Comments (251)
Just need to check the animals on my farm.
I just cant believe my best student campaigns for UKIP!
Are we allowed two go's?
"This is the breakthrough we've been waiting for Will - In view of the seriousness of the threat, Nature have agreed to publish our new joint paper in rap lyrics - Montford & McIntytre can't touch us now!"
Look Miles, when you GOOGLE it, there are no results for Hyde the Decline
That's a computer model, not like a real one then.
Great one Foxgoose.
A follow up:
Don't worry about it Will. Even with your flight, I still get 2degC.
Allan - "So if we build a wind farm with fifty 1MW turbines it will, on average, generate about 5MW"
Will.i.Am - "Cool... Same as my hip.hop.copter"
"So you see, CO2 emissions don't count when they're emitted by a helicopter."
Look, Will.I.Am, this is how they did the Tr.I.Ck ...
Yes, I see the helo in that picture.
One second please.
Could you photographers move a little to the left so my helicopter is not in the picture?
See Will, we can say Climategate measures 0.02, but don't use it as a rule.
", I have asked all my friends to vote for your acts on The Voice. Now, if you'll just endorse these views and maybe pen something emotive for your fans then we're good to go!"
"Check out my new laptop Will. They gave me this freebie as we were both sponsoring the Climate is Culture initiative here:""
"Sick dude!"
It seems a failure to communicate.
Wait, wait, here's Dr Mann's R2 verification statistic about to come up. Wait..... oh shit, Windows 404. Never mind, I'll reboot and it will be there.
"Forget Jaz and Tyler. Watch me passing one graph off as another. Now THAT's the real dope."
Man, if all dat ice disappear, how'm I gonna get high for my gigs?
"Will.I.Am since we do not need to worry about personal carbon footprint I think you are due for an upgrade in personal transportation -- see if you can afford one of these babies!"
MV22 Osprey at The Royal International Air Tattoo
"See, this Hockey Schtick graph is just like your 'rekid' sales."
Yes, very much like the music industry, now that you mention it, Mr Am.
"But I don't know how to do a trend line in Excel."
Yea. Yor're right wil,.Fergie does have a nice rack.
I think Peter S has the best one but here's my attempt -
Will.I.Am - Oh! When you said ‘AGW - Mass debate over,’ I thought you meant something else.
" ...and Will, if you want to hide the decline ...just hit this key here."
These Outside Organization dudes are the best, Will! Look, here's what they did for us. They can spin your black helicopter issue in no time flat!
"... Will, I know you are into vids and special effects... check out this one where we blew up some school kids - went completely viral man eh? "
Will you seen this Dancing dog that won Britains Got Talent
"... here are the two options for the re-branding 1). Will.I.Am.Warming and 2). Warming.I.Am - we think the second one is dope, doncha think? "
" Will, don't worry if this seems complicated. 97% of scientists think it is dope, thats a salad of ballads, so you can completely Chillax"
Tell them to cut their CO2 emissions, or I'll thcream, and thcream until I'm thick.
Wowser, when they said Myles needed help with his pitch...
Look, they are all playing with "hockey stick" invented by M. Mann
"This is me on Youtube again"
WiA: So here is the deal. It is real dope. I can get the designs out to the far-east factories within a few days. They can go into full production at 24 hours notice. We then go for a full press marketing campaign. I know I can get Rhianna on board, Cheryl, Beyonce owes me favour, Hopefully when the full effects of the Earth Summit kick in then by summer's end there will not be a footwear shop world wide not stocking 'em man...
MA: Errr... Will, I think you may have misunderstood the request about helping promoting Carbon Footprints.
WiA: So what you are sayin is that the results of your 3 month long super-computer model, run by the best physics brains in the business, conclusively prove that the trackpad is better than a mouse when playing Angry Birds on a laptop. Dope man. Dope.
Global Warming is so cool right now so I've changed my name to All.e.n
See there ... you land in the middle - then, Bono and Prince Charles land either side - a split second later the Red Arrows do a red, white and blue fountain effect thing over the lot - neat eh?
You know, Myles, those media dumbos chewing me out for my chopper emissions?
There it is, right there! - doubling CO2 increases yields in legumes including peas, beans and soya between 28 and 46 percent!
Well we had this Workshop at Oxford last year. All the best brains in the CAGW business were there. And in one of the breakout sessions the flip chart and pen was with me. You should have seen the scrum. Actually I wanted the green pen but James Lovelock had hidden it. Bob Ward demanded use of the red pen, so I was left with the blue pen. I was well pissed I tell you. Anyway, we went around the table looking for ideas about how best to improve Global Warming communications. How best to get the message acoss? Well when I said "around the table", Phil Jones was hiding behind the flip chart, and MIkey Mann was trying to push me out of the way, claiming we were all in the pay of big oil (no one had the heart to tell him he had the wrong break out session.)
There were some great ideas. Infiltrate the BBC, the Royal Society, those types of organisations. Have some rich donors set up "independent" institutes at leading universites, get the quality papers on board editorially. Really great ideas, but I just felt that we were missing something. We needed to get onboard with mainstream culture more. We needed to make an impact with those who really could never understand the details of the message. The dumb ignorant masses. So then it hit me...
We have already approached Will Smith and JayZ, and they are supportive about giving it a go. I mean "Green is the go to get-up" (that phrase was mine by the way, whatever Trenberth says) for all aspiring media stars.
So what we wanted to talk to you about .... this continual use of the word "cool"...
"The output just looks like garbage. But it smells OK."
No, no, no Will.I.Am; This big helicopter bad, this big wind turbine good.
"But look Will, if you really want to understand it all in context, you need to follow this Climate Audit chappie...."
Yes, this is the delete key...Phil and Mike showed me this one.
Dude! The IPCC is "2 legit 2 quit!"
(whoops, wrong rapper)
This is what I looked like when the glass of gin was full.
Relaxing watching the long awaited trailer of the sequal to the classic Al Gore Enviromentalist iconic documentary
Another Inconvieniant Truth Im Still Not The President
The UN climate conference location selector says ..... Pune, ..Maui, ...Tahiti, ....Sydney, ........Crete, ......Bangkok. Ok, nice. Can we take the chopper?