Bishop Hill

Mann emails update

ATI has issued an update on the status of the saga of its request for Michael Mann's UVa emails.
Because of the time allowed for UVA to reply to our response, we are not going to get back before the Judge until April, which also happens to be when the Judge next is free to hear the motions. What the judge does at that point will either lead to a hearing on June or one in August, the latter date associated with our being allowed to do discovery.
Reader Comments (6)
I've been following a case through the US court system for over ten years - the "SCO" versus "IBM" fiasco which should have been kicked out within weeks of being launched, but still limps on.
It's quite possible that by the time ATI actually get to read the emails, Mann will have retired and the ice age will be upon us.
Come on, they can keeping dragging this out for years yet. They've hardly begun.
As long as AR5 is out before it resolves the Team will be safe for a few years yet.
We - that is, the post-Enlightenment West - lives with a legal system that has no grasp of the fairness and financial impact of time.
Perhaps there's no other real option, but it's always fascinating to watch as the courts take decades in attempting even to find, much less claw back, the sums that 'vaporize' in microseconds.
One has to assume that the environmental NGOs are funding this not the UVa. So what do they have to hide, I believe we all know what Mann has to hide, but what are the NGOs trying to hide. Is it a decline?
Or is it the fear that there will be a decline in support for the political legislation designed to ruin the western economies that will follow the inevitble discovery that we are being scammed. And I don't say that lightly, I started out believing that there couldn't possibly be any branch of science with so little known about it that could have a consensus. I then moved to the belief that they were genuinely mistaken, and then onto believing they were activist/scientist, but using what science they had to advance their cause. Now I believe they have, are and will continue to put forward papers that they know to be untrue to advance the cause. It's a scam, and the sooner the that the hhonest scientists in climate change start dissassociating themselves from the scamsters, the better it will be for science as a whole.
Geronimo - I agree with you. It probably didn't start out as a scam, but it has become one now. There is just too much junk science getting front page coverage (e.g. Steig 09) and the guilty players doth protest too much whenever they are called out. Hansen is still adjusting with abandon - New GISS Data Set Heating Up The Arctic. As you say honest scientists need to step up to the plate.