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Huhne to face charges?

Guido Fawkes has just tweeted about Chris Huhne, our Energy and Climate Change Secretary:

+ + + Vicky Pryce: “”I understand there will be charges” + + +: BBC correspondent tweeting unconfirmed rumour: V...


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Reader Comments (105)

@Billy Liar,

A government can create jobs by taking a number of people and paying half to dig holes and the other half to fill them in. The problem is it doesn't fulfil any sort of demand and you may as well pay them the money and forget the holes.

Claims such as the number of green jobs created are at least as suspect as claims which might be made for hole digging and filling in. We might also consider jobs destroyed outside the green economy which were fulfilling a genuine demand as well as the double accounting (scrapyards and recycling etc) which was already taking place and was a bona fide economic activity.

Feb 3, 2012 at 10:57 PM | Unregistered Commentercosmic


I agree with Itzman. It is diffcult to imagine a worse environment to operate and maintain a generator. The generator is subject to variable and random non-symmetric loads, which means high wear and tear. Coupled with the difficulty of doing maintenance, it is no wonder they are so unreliable (in addition to the intermittency of wind). People (eg farmers) are being sold these things without realising the potential long-term problems. The wind industry is increasingly keeping operational information a secret. And we all know why things are kept secret.

Feb 4, 2012 at 6:53 AM | Unregistered CommenterPhillip Bratby


You are forgiven !

Feb 4, 2012 at 7:28 AM | Unregistered CommenterNicL

And the DAY after Huhne goes Jamed Delingpole get an outing in the Dail Mail..

An editorial descision from on high (the media hurd on the turn?) testing the waters.. again..
The timing of the article, I think is even more relevant that the article...

Delingpole: "If you read the private emails of the Climategate scientists, what you discover is that most of them genuinely believe in the climate change peril.

That’s why they lied about the evidence and why they tried to destroy the careers of those scientists who disagreed with them: because they wanted to scare politicians into action before time ran out. This was not science, in other words, but political activism.

A similar ‘end justifies the means’ mentality seems to prevail among all those environmental lobby groups. They don’t exaggerate or misrepresent because they’re bad people. They do it, as a former head of Greenpeace once charmingly put it when accused of having overstated the decline in Arctic sea ice, to ‘emotionalise the issue’; because they want to make the rest of the world care about these issues as much as they do."

Read more:

Feb 4, 2012 at 8:41 AM | Unregistered CommenterBarry Woods

This is funny

Feb 4, 2012 at 11:56 AM | Unregistered CommenterFrederick Bloggsworth

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