Bishop Hill

Huhne to face charges?
Guido Fawkes has just tweeted about Chris Huhne, our Energy and Climate Change Secretary:
+ + + Vicky Pryce: “”I understand there will be charges” + + +: BBC correspondent tweeting unconfirmed rumour: V...
Update on Feb 3, 2012 by
Bishop Hill

Charges it is.
A short pause for celebration, followed, no doubt, by the (inevitable) appointment of someone just as bad.
Update on Feb 3, 2012 by
Bishop Hill

George Monbiot tweets
I'm sad to see #ChrisHuhne go. He's been one of the few voices of (relative) sanity in the Coalition.
Reader Comments (105)
Sorry to go off topic - feel free to redact this, Your Grace. (Would never have used "redact" before its frequent use here and elsewhere!)
Voting is taking place in the 2012 Bloggies which might be of some interest to readers. Anthony gives some background at WUWT.
So, if Davey gets the job he moves from Minister in charge of weather to Minister in charge of climate. I suppose that's a promotion.
"It won't be hard for the coalition to find another "green opportunist" - but I doubt if they'll find one with Huhne's mastery of the political "black arts".
So - I think the outcome might be positive."
Feb 3, 2012 at 10:18 AM Foxgoose
I'm very much inclined to agree.
In an interview, a reporter from the Independent also seems to think any new Minister will not be able to stand up to the treasury in the manner of Huhne. He seemed to think Huhne's departure is a bad thing for green policies.
George Osborne is quietly back pedalling on the energy issue, so perhaps a little more sanity will prevail. One can only hope..........
"Cameron remains fully signed up to the green agenda". Indeed - here's the relevant part of his reply to Huhne:
Ed Davey confirmed
Here's hoping they'll redesignate Huhne's department as Department of Energy and Ice Age Mitigation.
Damn, I can't even view the comments!
Must be a lawyer thing.
Cameron (thanks Robin):
Talk about kicking a man when he's down. That's cruel.
How are the mighty fallen!
Tell it not in Hants, publish it not in the streets of Eastleightown; lest the daughters of the Phillip B rejoice, lest the daughters of the unconvinced triumph.
Who knows what the outcome of the Court case will be.
But I am reminded of the fact that Al Capone eventually got busted for Tax Evasion. They never did bring him to account for his other little peccadilloes.
When you read in his resignation statement that:-
"Our role in the coalition has ensured that growth in the green economy - already accounting for more than a million jobs - will be a large part of the solution. We have legislated in the first Energy Act 2011 for the pioneering pay-as-you-save Green Deal which will revolutionise our energy saving efforts, provide jobs across the country, and save householders money.
"The white paper on Electricity Market Reform has mapped out a new policy to encourage the billions of investment that we need in all three families of low carbon electricity generation - renewables, nuclear and clean coal and gas.
"The Green Investment Bank will support this goal, and this will also create new industries in which the UK will have a head start.
"We have put consumers' interests - today and in the long term - at the heart of our policy, encouraging more competitors in the electricity and gas markets, working with Ofgem to simplify the confusion of tariffs, and getting tough on abuses.
"I am proud that the UK has played a leading role in the revival of international climate change talks through the United Nations at Cancun and Durban.
"Climate change is an area where working with our European partners can help us to achieve national goals which would be out of reach if we were isolated and alone."
(Read more:
It is (again) obvious that he is not only a nincompoop but an Olympic Gold Medal level liar.
What should have happened is that all the eco-warriors in DECC (and the Government "Scientific" Advisors specifically selected from the ranks of thermaggedonist activists) should be summarily sacked. And Huhne and Miliband should be impeached by parliament for the lies they have told to parliament and the damage they have done the the economy and the ordinary citizens of the Country.
Don't hold your breath waiting for that, especially as 99% of MPs (and Lords) are just as stupid as Huhne and Miliband are.
The news doesn't seem to have reached Huhne's dept.
From the CPS statement by the Director of Public prosecutions :
"The essence of the charges is that between March and May 2003, Mr Huhne, having allegedly committed a speeding offence, falsely informed the investigating authorities that Ms Pryce had been the driver of the vehicle in question, and she falsely accepted that she was the driver.
"Can I remind all concerned that Mr Huhne and Ms Pryce now stand charged with criminal offences and that they each have a right to a fair trial. It is very important that nothing is said, or reported, which could prejudice their trial."
George Monbiot tweets
I'm sad to see #ChrisHuhne go. He's been one of the few voices of (relative) sanity in the Coalition.
The lunatics maznaging the asylum ?
Quelle surprise; the BBC tries to put some distance between Huhne and climate policy to, presumably, limit damage to the climate "brand".
Look at this report:
1. Huhne is described as "energy secretary" instead of "energy and climate change secretary"
2. His responsibility for climate change policy is mentioned nowhere in the piece.
3. According to the BBC (towards end of piece) he is "in charge of issues such as energy market regulation and nuclear policy." Really? That's it? Nothing to do with saving the planet from global warming-change disruptionfication?
4. The only place that the words "climate change" appear are in the direct quote from Huhne himself where he (unlike the BBC) manages to describe his job title correctly.
It is worse than you think.
The privately owned Torygraph is also involved in the commie conspiracy (along with the commie funded BBC) to erase the fact that Huhne was climate change secretary. The only time Huhne is mentioned as the secretary for Climate change is when he is quoted. Torygraph article itself never mentions.
See it for yourself:
How long before somebody starts seriously claiming that this is all a conspiracy by Big Oil™
He never was up to speed on global warming issues?
How Edward Davey voted on key issues since 2001:
Voted very strongly for laws to stop climate change.
"In an interview, a reporter from the Independent also seems to think any new Minister will not be able to stand up to the treasury in the manner of Huhne."
He seems well connected "economically" I think he was one of the original bunch recommended "independence" for the Bank of England. Seems he's another banksters puppet IMO.
Nigel Lawson for Energy Secretary!
Britain shivers at -11C as cold snap brings snow
Temperatures plunged to minus 11C today as Britain braced itself for more bitterly cold conditions ahead of a spell of snow this weekend.
Headline Telegraph
Come off it please this is why Mr Global Warming has resigned?
Oh for telly in courtrooms, to see Chris Huhne having to stand in the dock alongside his ex-wife while the charges are read out...
Boy, would I pay good money to see that...!
Mike Jackson
You might offer to buy him a pint, Mike.
Mike J
I think you may have misinterpreted Hengist's remark - I read it as he thinks the plan is entirely acceptable considering the importance of the man's work and selfless devotion to the erasure of modern civilisation which is the only thing that separates us from our true home in the arms of Gaia:(
Monbiot clearly supports him in this.
If His Grace will allow, a few high/low-lights of the Twitter reactions so far:
carlmaxim Carl Maxim
I thought lying and getting someone else to take the blame was the very basis of the coalition. #Huhne
Eurosceptic1 European Union
I knew Chris Huhne could not be telling the truth about how efficient those windmills are!
RupertMyers Rupert Myers
Chris Huhne's wife is to replace John Terry as England Captain - she's apparently very good at taking penalties
Queen_UK Elizabeth Windsor
On your bike, Chris Huhne. Not car.
IanBrumpton Ian Brumpton
@maitlis It's a cautionary tale - Huhne started as a driving point swapper and ended up as a wife swapper - just say no
Simon_Beard Simon Beard
I don't mind Huhne speeding, so long as he was driving towards the sound of gunfire!
BBCBreaking BBC Breaking News
Business minister Ed Davey to become new UK energy secretary following Chris #Huhne resignation
Number10cat Larry the Cat
I bet Chris Huhne is sleeping like a baby tonight i.e. waking up every 5 minutes and crapping himself...
GuidoFawkes Guido Fawkes
Would it be tempting fate too much to buy a bottle of champagne? Huhne has known for 17 minutes and he hasn't leaked the "good news".
I attach a transcript of a BBC Any Questions debate which aired back in July 2009. In this Davey is asked a very pertinent question and his response is pasted below.
Nice Limerick Phillip B
Don Keiller
What is it about Climate Change that attacts these political opportunists, nutters and crooks?
The fact that it is a scam?
Money, specifically, OPM (other people's money).
Alan Bates and Retired Dave:
I am reluctant to put it to general view as it is ongoing work for forthcoming inquiries.
But internal electricity consumption is used for:
• Yaw control (maintaining the direction of the blades into the wind) and pitch control (the angle of the blades)
• Lighting
• Heating and de-icing
• Lubricating pumps
• Controls
• Exciting the stator
• Blade and shaft turning in light wind to prevent warping
I have a pdf of a Vestas General Specification for the V90 3MW turbine which gives numbers. I believe the document is different from that you can find on the Vestas website (I suspect this is like several documents which Vestas no longer make public, as the information has been used against them - for example there is a maintenance manual which shows the risk they pose to maintennace technicians but which can also apply to the public).
It's perfectly obvious how they did it - they sent the Shell black-ops team to his local filling station, spiked the tank with high octane aviation fuel and changed his tyres while he was paying.
The planet-killing bastards.
Phillip Bratby,
Do you have any figures for the MTBF of wind turbines?
I've heard it's estimated at about 9 months but the actual figures are not easily available.
So he has gone. But before we can sing "Babylon is Fallen" we need to get rid of the Department of Energy and Climate Change, sack everyone who worked there and make it illegal for them to work in public service again!
Philip Bratby 3:22pm -
Can you elaborate on "the risk they pose to maintenance technicians"? My son has to climb these things occasionally (actually there's a lift) and has commented that the top yaws violently if the automatic brakes are applied. Should I (and his wife) be worried about other issues as well?
Now that's a good question. I do recall something, but it's not too relevant when trying to oppose a wind farm. These types of things are always said to be the concern of the owner and are not relevant to planning. After all the things are always failing to deliver due to low wind speeds. I'll see if I can find anything.
I'll be making my annual visit to Scotland from next week until the end of the month so I will be raising a glass to Huhne's.... retiral?
i'm also looking forward to seeing the windfarm above Aberfeldy...
Lapogus: We'll have to meet up for a beer.
ok Jimmy, yes. The turbines are all up now, but they are still taking out the trees. There's a rumour they are going to put in an application to add more turbines to Griffin. And PKC planners didn't object so they got permission to increase the height of the Calliachar turbines by 10m. Sadly Huhne going won't make a jot of difference to what is happening in the Highlands where SNH and SEPA rarely if ever object to any renewable scheme. As you know SEPA even thought that diverting up to 3/4 of the flow from the Falls of Moness and putting it into a pipe for a micro-hydro-electric scheme in the Birks of Aberfeldy was a good idea. For those that don't realise, the Birks is a steep woodland gorge through which a wild river cascades down from the hills, over waterfalls, made famous by Robert Burns. It is visited by at least 50,000 people every year. It is the main tourism attraction in the area. The developer is not he local community to who the gorge was gifted, but the neighbouring landowner, who stands to gain 90% of the revenues from the ROCs and sale of the electricity. The community is getting offered 10%. You couldn't make it up.
Let me know what date you will be back in town.
I knew I'd seen reliability data somewhere. Try this before it disappears. There used to be a lot more real time operational data at the site, but it got too embarassing so they stopped general access. I have some old screenshots somewhere. see "reliability"
There is a maintenance manual for a Vesta turbine which you can probably still find on the internet. Vestas removed it from general circulation because it was used against wind farm developers. It covers the safet of all maintenance issues. Of relevance to the public was a statement that maintenance technicians should not stay under the blades any longer than necessary; so why are there some wind farms where the public can wander up to the base of the turbines?
There are now over 28GW of installed wind capacity in Germany. I have these screen shots from that site from 2 or 3 years ago when there was over 22GW of capacity and there were periods when the total production was zero Watts! Just like all that solar generation they have at night or when covered in snow.
Lapogus: You could not make it up.
I'm back in Aberfeldy on the 9th February. I'll be in town for a couple of weeks.
Surely nobody could be quite as bad at this profoundly unpleasant and deeply-flawed specimen.
Philip Bratby
I don't think he was under the blades for long. It was when he was up at the top and the safety brake activated under test conditions that the whole pod lurched forward about 6 metres (I think). He said that for once he was very glad he was wearing a hard hat!
I assume he has had all the H&S training and everything is done by the manual. That said, there have been technicians killed during maintenance. Whether it is better or worse than comparable industries, I don't know. Obviously wind turbines are not built with ease of maintenance as a priority. It is difficult to think of any other industrial facility which is as hard to maintain.
A person is guilty unless they are innocent. If they are guilty they are guilty and if they are innocent then they are innocent. The point is, or should be, that those charged should not suffer punishment, whether they plead guilty or not, until they have been found guilty in an open court before a jury of their peers not subject to duress. And even then justice may require a retrial or a subsequent successful appeal.
A presumption of innocence only means that a majority of a jury must be convinced and not that the accused is in fact innocent until a consensus of those informed by experts finds the accused guilty as charged.
I speak in general and not of the Huhne case.
"Our role in the coalition has ensured that growth in the green economy - already accounting for more than a million jobs - will be a large part of the solution."
Does anyone have any statistics on the creation of jobs in the green economy?
A million jobs created? Can't believe it is even a tenth of this in the UK. Facts and figures anyone? Does this include the remaining pea pickers and asparagus pullers to bump up the "green" jobs?
Let's not forget that Huhne was the guy who chose to emphasise "family values" in his election manifesto - a few weeks before dumping wife & children for his lesbian lover. So a weapons grade hypocrite as well.
He is also recorded as saying that he thinks wind turbines are "beautiful". I remember making the rather ungallant comment that, looking at press photos of said lesbian lover, he should have gone to Specsavers.
But, as a thought experiment, how "beautiful" would he have thought these pointless machines were, if they were used to pump oil out of the ground?
I wonder...
I suspect that if you add up all the civil servants (central and local Government) involved in climate change and sustainability, all the University and NGO people and all the subsidised workers on wind turbines, solar panels etc, you could arrive at a figure of a million. Of course, they are all taxpayer funded and not one of them is doing a real job, ie creating something useful that the taxpayer would want to buy. Didn't the last Labour Government also boast of creating a million jobs, all of them being paid by taxpayers? Phantom employees. Or as the old joke in the Soviet Union went "we pretend to work while they pretend to pay".
Why is it that all of the main acolytes of CAGW seem to have problems with the truth. I've always found that people who tell small lies to avoid taking responsibility for things they have done are capable of telling big lies when it suits them. What other lies has Huhne told during his term as climate secretary?
I'm sure you'll all be delighted to know that sometime in the next 45 minutes BBC News will be interviewing someone from Greenpeace to get
told the line to takethat noble organisation's reaction to the terrible news that Huhne has bravely chosen to stand down from the Cabinet.And also to make sure that Davey is left in no doubt about the line he is supposed to take.
If he knows what's good for him.
And for some light relief, a poll on where he should serve his sentence if found guilty is being held at
Make sure you have your say...
Feb 3, 2012 at 7:06 PM | Martin Brumby
"Our role in the coalition has ensured that growth in the green economy - already accounting for more than a million jobs - will be a large part of the solution."
I understand this quote to mean that the green economy accounts for more than a million jobs. This, of course, includes anyone involved in refuse collection/recycling, scrapyards etc., numerous 'climate change' peronnel in local council sinecures, etc, etc. It is a matter of definition, not exclusively jobs created.
Phillip Bratby: there is a review in todays' Wall Street Journal about the film, "Windfall," about which the reviewer has this to say: "Speaking of horror movies, the monsters are 400 feet tall in 'Windfall," easily the more haunting film of this week and a sublimelly cinematic documentary by the film editor-cum director, Laura Israel. Her subject is the battle waged over wind power in the tiny upstate New York town of Meredith. What's so scary? Industrial wind turbines, the fetish objects of the green-minded, those sleek, white, propellered and purportedly eco-friendly energy collectors that one might have seen dotting the desert outside Palm Springs, and which may soon be sprouting out of Nantucket Sound. They're sustainable, they produce no emissions and they will reduce U.S. dependency on oil. Right? Not quite. And living next to one seems like a nightmare."
Further down he has this: "But not only do the ecological benefits fall short of what they are cracked up to be, the turbines themselves are an environmental disaster: the monotonous whoosh of the propellers, the constant strobing effect caused by the 180-foot-long propellers, the threat of ice being hurled by the blades, the knowledge that it's never going to end, all adds up to a recipe for madness. And that's just during the movie."
Apparently you can view clips from the film at
Phillip Bratby: there is a review in todays' Wall Street Journal about the film, "Windfall," about which the reviewer has this to say: "Speaking of horror movies, the monsters are 400 feet tall in 'Windfall," easily the more haunting film of this week and a sublimelly cinematic documentary by the film editor-cum director, Laura Israel. Her subject is the battle waged over wind power in the tiny upstate New York town of Meredith. What's so scary? Industrial wind turbines, the fetish objects of the green-minded, those sleek, white, propellered and purportedly eco-friendly energy collectors that one might have seen dotting the desert outside Palm Springs, and which may soon be sprouting out of Nantucket Sound. They're sustainable, they produce no emissions and they will reduce U.S. dependency on oil. Right? Not quite. And living next to one seems like a nightmare."
Further down he has this: "But not only do the ecological benefits fall short of what they are cracked up to be, the turbines themselves are an environmental disaster: the monotonous whoosh of the propellers, the constant strobing effect caused by the 180-foot-long propellers, the threat of ice being hurled by the blades, the knowledge that it's never going to end, all adds up to a recipe for madness. And that's just during the movie."
Apparently you can view clips from the film at
Philip Bratby,
I suppose the MTBF shouldn't matter that much in itself, as the overall maintenance and reliability metrics are what's important.
It came up in a discussion thread in the DT where a poster called Itzman, who seems to be a professional engineer with many years spent in power generation, said the MTBF figures appeared to be a secret. He suggested that the main reason so many windmills were still on windy days was that the bearings had failed and that they were generally high maintenance beasties.