Bishop Hill


Once again, there is a new fix (?) for the commenting issues on the blog.
Can you let me know how it goes please.
Good luck!
Click images for more details
A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Once again, there is a new fix (?) for the commenting issues on the blog.
Can you let me know how it goes please.
Good luck!
Reader Comments (44)
It goes well methinks
Test 1
Test 2, it is more likely to misfire on subsequent attempts
Jlhyjo g HYihhg khkn g yhkyn jhy HYJY7 ku9*P) Mann HYU76 H¬
Mike Haseler,,
I think that your equqtion is slightly astray:
Jlhyjo g HYihhg khkn g yhkyn jhy HYJY7 ku9*P) Mann HYU76 H¬
the "g" between Jlhyjo & HYihhg is superfluous.
/\ /
--------------/\---------/ \------------/
Test post....
--> this is after preview > make changes > create..
(usually fails at this point)...
Well, for me, we have a winner. :o)
post speed test
post speed test 2
that worked for me. When I was getting posting not allowed message, seemed to be after trying to submit comments fairly rapidly. Sometimes that would pop up captcha check so guessed it was something to do with anti-spam
I think that your equqtion is slightly astray:
Jlhyjo g HYihhg khkn g yhkyn jhy HYJY7 ku9*P) Mann HYU76 H¬
the "g" between Jlhyjo & HYihhg is superfluous.
How am I supposed to know? It's a message from the chief alien: our gored!
Hello Bish,
Did you get your printing problem sorted out?
Captain Fatty
And the new anti troll software is working so far aswell!
Issues of Quantity, or issues of Quality?
No, I still lose the network three or four times a day. The answer seem to be to downgrade to 32bit Win 7 but I haven't summoned up the energy yet.
No problem ...
The answer seem to be to downgrade to 32bit Win 7 but I haven't summoned up the energy yet.
Told you so! ;-)
Seems like it. I've lost many posts in the recent past.
Mike said:
How am I supposed to know? It's a message from the chief alien: our gored!
Explains everything! And I'm not seeing the red letters telling me I can't add a comment.
"downgrade to 32bit Win 7"
Less is more.
Seems much better, but early days...
There's an odd problem with the post after this one!
John Silver
I wish someone would tell Ballmer.
I hadn't experienced the problem(s) when most were initially complaining, but I did get two "rounds" when I saw no complaints from others ... the first round (as I recall) gave me the BIG red letter response (and ate my comments) in MSIE (but let me post in FF for a while but ultimately required a reboot before I could post again) ... then it magically cleared up ... for a while.
The most recent round would let me post 2 comments then gave me the BIG red letter response; however, I found that by closing all instances of MSIE, I could post another 2 comments ... but that cleared up a few days ago.
Go figure, eh?!
testing only...
worked fine.
test again
Since this is such a constructive on-topic thread:
Pendulum waves -
P.S. - If you can read this I must have posted successfully
Argh! Where's the edit button?!? :-)
Lickable clink: Pendulum waves
This should become the only way of describing a clickable link. Thanks Earle and the video is just great!
"Lickable clink"
Good morning all, wakey wakey, work to do.
Bish. We run a bog-standard cable feed from Virgin Media's network, using Google Chrome on our elderly (six years old) PC. No probs with this site or any other, but when we used the Microsoft browser, slow, frustrating and flaky was the usual.
Sooooo? What changed? Are we looking at the Emperor's New Clothes Algorithm (ENCA)? If real, it seems to work, but I don't see what it is doing.
Oh, regarding Win 7 64 Bit -- While no fan of MS, I have a complex of both 32 and 64 bit Windows systems (Win 7 and Vista) with networked computers, and they work just fine. However, it did take a little effort. Converting from 64 bit OS to 32 bit is a MAJOR mess. I would simply buy another computer for 900 quid -- it would be cheaper. THe process includes erasing the current system disk and loading, from scratch, the 32-bit system. You may have to buy the CD for 159 quid
Amazon UK
However, I would think about moving the printer to another system and connect through the network. My very old HP 6 MP works that way, but I have had it on the 64 bit computer for a while.
What you need is a geek in for a visit. It should work, and it does work for me and others I know. Just a question of finding a geek willing to work for a haggis.
Don P
Anthony Watts seems to have found a quick and easy way to downgrade. Says it took him an hour or two. I'm guessing this is the recovery disk method - I think you get the option to create a 32bit or 64 bit disk.
I've unplugged the WinXp machine and we now have two brand new 64bit machines only on the network.
An edit post function would be great for those of us with atrocious keyboard skills, spelling and grammar.
I've unplugged the WinXp machine and we now have two brand new 64bit machines only on the network.
Far better to upgrade the Win XP to Vista or Win 7 32 bit. And cheaper. You do want the 64-bit OS in the new machines. I am very curious as to what Tony is up to because I have it on "good" authority that you do a complete disk wipe. But my "good" authority may not know the trick. Generally, your system is preloaded with either 32-bit or 64 bit. The restore disk may or may not have them both. If it does, then you might get away with the reverse of the conversion of 32-bit to 64-bit conversion. What you do is boot the restore DVD, tell it you want to do a custom install, and then load the 64 bit version. It is a clean install, all that you had on the disk is wiped. The good news is you don't have to buy the ##@$ software -- if it works. It did not for me which is why I bought a old VISTA 64 bit DVD, installed it and then installed the Win 7 upgrade I did have. And you still have to reload every thing again, including data files. My advice is to buy an external USB hard disk and copy what you want to it. You will still have to reinstall each and every program as the MS copy programs program is not available to any but corporate IT geeks.
Do back up EVERYTHING you care about. --
And finally, I see no reason why you can't get your printer to work properly in a WIN 7 64 bit / 32 bit environment. MS claims that the driver is on the system. You may have a networking problem with XP, but that can be fixed by upgrading that system to Vista. You can go from XP to Win 7, but that is a clean install. If you go to Vista, it is not. If you go from Vista to Win it is not. I think MS did it that way to punish those of us who failed to pay out tribute to MS by going to Vista, which is a piece of turd.
What ever they did -- and I don't see it -- does not interfere with posting. That is good.
An edit post function would be great for those of us with atrocious keyboard skills, spelling and grammar.
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Great Article I was looking for information about this topic from a long time. Satisfy with the content of the blog.