by Bishop Hill
Acceptable surface stations
May 9, 2011 Climate: Surface
Congratulations to Anthony W, whose paper on the surfacestations project has been accepted for publication.
Anthony is seeking support for the publication costs, so if you are still feeling flush after the BH tip drive, do head over there.
Reader Comments (4)
It looks like Anthony received enough donations in very short order. No surprise there as all his supporters (like yours Bish) are big-oil funded. ☺☺☺
Is it worth doing something similar here in the UK. If we move quickly we might be able to do it before 'Scottish Independence Day'
I have been looking forward to this paper for a very long time. Let's see what perspective it casts on Menne et al. 2010.
I was involved in setting-up the Met Station at the Marine Research Lab near Oban in the early 1970s and ran it for about 8 years until I moved-on to other pastures. The requirements by the Met Office for the position of the instruments were very precise. But, thinking back, I cannot remember any instrument being recalibrated during those 8 years. I understand that the instruments have now been replaced with more modern equipment (eg Mercury-in-glass thermometers replaced with Pt resistors, etc). In 40 years, trees have grown, buildings have been rebuilt. Do the position of the instruments still conform to the original Met Office requirements ?
An audit of all UK Met sites may throw-up some interesting facts.