Bishop Hill

Is commenting fixed?

Now the new domain host has been in place for a few days, has anyone noticed an improvement in the commenting problems?
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A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
Now the new domain host has been in place for a few days, has anyone noticed an improvement in the commenting problems?
Reader Comments (43)
Don't know about commenting, but I'm having 'issues' with the 'contact' function.
Thought I'd draw your attention to this:
Interesting, although I've not seen the full paper yet.
BH: No, my commenting has not been fixed. While some are cutting and insightful, some are plain, dull and inane.
Oh, you meant format, not content. Carry on.
I'm not a prolific commenter. But I was having the problem. And I haven't had it recently.
The specific problem I was getting was that with every comment I would get the captcha screen. If I proofread, edited and resubmitted the comment, I got an error message saying that BH doesn't exist. Funny, that; it means I imagined the whole thing.
So let's give it a whirl.
OK, I'm still getting the captcha thang. Let's see what happens if I try editing then posting. If you can read this, it worked...
I've had no problems for several days now.
Didn't have any problems anyway, before or after - but I'm certain I will have from now on, seeing that I wrote I didn't have any ... if you get my drift ...
I had a problem yesterday with a comment that zipped into the 404 ether when I typed in the wrong catcha letter ( a zero instead of an 'o'. always a tricky one).
However it did not last long and a few seconds later it was ok. So better but not 100%.
There's still one problem, I think - comments from ZDB still get through ;(
I foolishly attempted to use the edit comment function last night and got the 'connection reset' error when I attempted to post.
However, that is the only occasion for a couple of days now. That said, I've been very busy and not commenting too much, so it is difficult to be sure if things have improved.
Sorry - it's just happened again (no editing). I can now confirm that the fix has not worked.
Have you tried just using your fingers cos thumbs get in the way sometimes? :-)
WTF are you on about man?
How about manual dexterity does that help?
So far, so good. It was giving me (some) grief before.
I've had no problems, including a comment which I edited 3 times. In the past, episodes of comment rejection which I encountered were always associated with making multiple changes before posting, although it wasn't clear whether it was the number of edits or the time interval before submission which was the determining factor. So...possibly better.
If you haven't got anything useful to contribute, say nothing.
Not fixed here either - an unedited comment wouldn't post.
No improvement... still the same problems... after the server error, have to wait 5 mins. then it is successful...
See - didn't I tell you that I'd be having difficulties posting because I boasted I hadn't had any, at 10.30 a.m.?
Couldn't post from the onwards ...
I knew it, I just knew it!!
Never had a problem before or after except time-outs editing in preview.
Firefox on Ubuntu Linux usually but sometimes M$ on Win XP.
I have never had a problem with the mechanics of posting here...content is a little more vexatious.
I'm feeling a bit l left out. Never had any problems, using Firefox on XP with internet access via TalkTalk. It's not clear from the replies of those having problems. Is there a common thread?
Ian UK
Well, IIRC, you don't comment much. That might spare you the problem. Be thankful: it is a fully-rigged PITA.
I have had no real problems so far, but I have noticed that instead of failing in the first 10 seconds, the posting may take as long as 60 seconds and so far it does finally make it. I suspect that someone changed the timeout from 10 seconds (which was way too short) to something more reasonable.
The real test will come this week end. Weekend usage is far greater than during the week.
I thought the heading referred to editorial policy at Tamino and Real Climate
Like Ian and simplerseeker, I've never had any problems and I use Firefox!
It's not a browser issue. I've had it with FF, Safari (PC) and IE.
It's not a browser issue. I've had it with FF, Safari (PC) and IE.
Showoff! :)
Don Pablo
If only. Various machines; various browsers. Variously a PITA.
IE is of course for test purposes only. I did not bond with Safari and am back on FF, which is where I started off ;-)
(Never did like Opera).
No one uses Opera?
I've had the problem twice again today.
I'm having 'connection reset' issues right now.
Your Grace, it is time to get rid of captcha perhaps or get something similar that does work.
I am all in favour captcha, but not when it's causing such frustrations. Don Pablo suggested this before: turn off the captcha for a week or two and let us see if that is the source of the problem.
I was blocked for a long time again today. Page not found after entering comment.
By the way, I've used Opera and it's fantastic. The reason I switched to Firefox is because of the third party 'Adblock plus' add-on. It is great being on the web without the constant crowding by ads. I may switch back to Opera because of a few annoying glitches in FF.
Never had any problems before or after but, like Ian UK, I'm more of a lurker than a commenter. I use Chrome and also Firefox, ISP is Sky.
Commenting problems have been atrocious in the last 12 hours. Just saying.
Been getting long server delays.
Traces to squarespace. Sure things have actually moved?
Response is usually very good.
Both XHTML errors and CSS errors. Browsers might go into quirks mode where all bets are off.
Could everybody who has reported commenting issues give more details please - browser and OS and as much detail as possible on the error - how it came about and how it manifested itself.
Will try switching off captcha again tomorrow.
I've experienced two separate kinds of commenting problems now.
The first problem used to happen in the past whenever I previewed the comment a number of times before posting it. I would get 'duplicate message detected' signal.
The second problem is the really annoying one. It happens when I click 'create post' after writing something. It doesn't matter whether I've previewed it or not. Instead of getting the captcha asking me to confirm the comment, all I get is (in Firefox) a mostly blank, white page stating, 'connection was reset'. When I try to send the same message with IE, I get a similar message worded differently.
It should be noted that the second type of problem occurs before one gets to see the captcha, not after.
I am using a PC with a fresh Win 7 install and FF browser. I had the same problems previously with Windows XP SP3 and FF.
I believe turning off the captcha for a week or so, as suggested previously by Don Pablo, would make an interesting experiment.
Anyway, I am singing off for the night. Good luck all round for resolving it. And watch out for the little monks.
Amazingly,,,, I have had absolutely no problems with the site. Very unusual!