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Dates for Scottish readers

A couple of diary dates for Scottish readers:

On 21 November, Prof Geoffrey Boulton is leading a discussion on Why and How Should Science be Open? at the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

For those feeling flush, the Scotsman is running a conference called Will Green Energy Leave Scotland in the Red? on 13 December.

I don't think I will make either of them, but if anyone is going it would be good to have a report.

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Reader Comments (13)

OT (sorry)

Nov 15, 2011 at 9:16 AM | Unregistered CommenterRB

I will be at the Scotsman conference. The speaker list looks better balanced than at similar events.

Nov 15, 2011 at 11:08 AM | Unregistered CommenterEddieO


Episode 1 set the scene for the conclusion in 7. We had DA stating "in a warming world" while we saw glaciers calving. The inference was that this phenomenon was related to increasing temperatures even though the IPPC have hung their hat on retreating glaciers being the correct metric. I assumed we were being set up for a 'mankind is evil lecture' and now see that we were. Another Times Atlas style debacle in the pipeline?

Nov 15, 2011 at 11:11 AM | Unregistered Commentersimpleseekeraftertruth

"Dates for Scottish readers"

Is it warming that much..?

Nov 15, 2011 at 12:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames P

Meanwhile in London an event I shall pass, at the Royal Institution: The science and politics of climate change with Sir David King.

Friday 25 November 2011
8.00pm to 9.15pm - Good availability
Lecturers: Sir David King
Climate Change as a Global Shifting Force

Unprecedented improvements in human wellbeing over the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been driven largely by developments flowing from advances in engineering, medicine, agriculture and technology, and by political and economic developments coupled to consumerism. But a necessary consequence of these successes has been an equally unprecedented growth in the global population. The twenty first century will be dominated by the challenges posed by a mid-century population of around 9 billion people, all seeking a high standard of living. Climate change, driven by fossil fuel usage and by deforestation, provides the biggest challenge of all, since it requires a collective response of the global population, to mitigate the effect and to manage the growing impacts upon our societies. Yada yada yada

Nov 15, 2011 at 1:21 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaurizio Morabito

Geoffrey Boulton BIG MAN! I think that he must be most famous neither now..
custom essays

Nov 15, 2011 at 1:22 PM | Unregistered Commenterlubomir1991

Much as I'd like to be at the Boulton talk, I'm not free that day. It does look to be important in that he looks to be previewing the answer to the RS study on openess. To quote from the blurb:

"What should the principle of openness be? The Royal Society, London is grappling with these issues in an ongoing study: Science as a public enterprise. Professor Geoffrey Boulton FRS FRSE will road test the group's emerging conclusions in a discussion at the RSE"

Nov 15, 2011 at 1:52 PM | Unregistered CommenterCumbrian Lad


"8.00pm to 9.15pm - Good availability"

That sounds encouraging - is it too much to hope that interest in Sir David's witterings has peaked?

Nov 15, 2011 at 2:44 PM | Unregistered CommenterJames P

James - a cold Friday night, 8pm at the end of November in London...I wonder who'll make the effort?

Nov 15, 2011 at 2:59 PM | Unregistered CommenterMaurizio Morabito

"On 21 November, Prof Geoffrey Boulton is leading a discussion on Why and How Should Science be Open? at the Royal Society of Edinburgh."

I hope that someone will remember David Hume and his incredibly important contributions to this topic. All assembled might want to walk down the street to the world famous statue of Hume that is a site of pilgrimage for many skeptics. Having prepared by reading up on Hume's life, you can then hoist a few in honor of Hume.

Nov 15, 2011 at 4:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterTheo Goodwin

How and Why should Science be Open? An excellent three-part question and, asking it, does Prof Boulton much credit.
I'll try and keep to one thing at a time. What does "Open" mean in the above context?

Nov 16, 2011 at 12:38 AM | Unregistered CommenterRoyFOMR

Is the opposite, Closed? If so what does that mean? Is that bad while Open is good?

Nov 16, 2011 at 12:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterRoyFOMR

Geoffrey Boulton: No regrets about the Russell Enquiry

The above is the title of a brief report on Professor Boulton's talk in my post on Climate Edinburgh:

Nov 21, 2011 at 11:16 PM | Unregistered CommenterCameron Rose

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