Bishop Hill

Another review

Another review of the Hockey Stick Illusion has been published - this time in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. It's paywalled, but is complimentary.
Aztec in the unthreaded provides this excerpt:
The book provides a fascinating and engaging level of detail, which brings scientific, statistical and even political procedures vividly to life, a feature which elevates this book into an important source of historical insight.
Reader Comments (22)
You are a careful researcher and a excellent writer. While not a scientist by training, you are one by inclination. You question. That is the key.
"a feature which elevates this book into an important source of historical insight"
Redacted "into the corruption of Science!
Loned my copy to a friend who seems to have disappeared WITH MY BOOK. Sorry, your book.
Delighted to see more recognition of the importace of this, your "Magnum Opus"
If not importance
Your book is a ready reference as I blog along at climate science focused sites.
Your link seems to be broken - this one should work.
To say that the review is complimentary is a nice example of BH understatement.
He meant 'enraging' rather than 'engaging'.
Looking forward to an equally well-written follow-up. Any news here?
I'm working on it. Speed has picked up in recent weeks.
Excellent news.
Will there be an electronic version at the same time for me to read on the Kindle which my wife will (hopefully) buy me for Christmas?
Well done Bishop, well deserved. And looking forward to your next one.
All too rare today- a royally-ennobled professional society, still un-nobbled by political ecoactivists . If they do put the HSI on their specially recommended reading list for educational case study training , I hope they have their kevlar flak jackets ready..
lol at Pharos
you can bet that Trenberth and Mann are putting on the thumb-screws now...
The Royal Statistical Society!
That's really going to hurt at RC - can't wait to see how they'll spin this one.
@RoyFOMR Oct 4, 2011 at 11:15 PM
Well, if recent performances are any benchmark to go by, I would not be surprised to see a virtual flurry of "this does not undermine the science yada, yada, yada"! (and possibly signs of some very unpleasant machinations behind the scenes). How long, I wonder before Bob <fast-fingers> Ward regales readers at the Guardian with yet another of his patented smear attacks?
Congratulations, Your Grace! Well-deserved and well done; even if I can't access the .pdf, those excerpts are very encouraging - to a 99.99% confidence level :-)
Hoity-toity, Bishop bloody 'ill. Preenin' yerself. My Phil'll show yer, an' all those bleedin' septics.
Recent performances, however feeble do matter. Forget the apologies, the wink-wink and nudge-nudge, behavior of the nimble-fingered but extraordinally-gifted keyboardists. They have the Grauniad readership and thus the BBC-licentious, power-seeking, one-puff tokers on their side.
AKA NULabour, NUERLiberal and TomorrowsTories onside. A dream-team, bereft of technological edification but full off passion, pi** and wind-poorer.
I know they'll never experience the despair of choosing between food and fuel, MacDonalds, checkout at B&Q or staying on the Dole but will have to endlessly experience the agony of how much their inflation-linked pensionable sinecures will suffer from increasing cost-increases.
How the least productive sectors of our once-proud nation got to prove the dictum that sh*te always floats is as bewildering to me as the fact that that the stupider they became, the more they got enriched.
Gixxergirl bought me a copy as a present, then snaffled it for her own consumption. I'm looking forward to reading it, and to the sequel.
It's a brilliant read, well researched and how you made the story of the statistics in a scientific paper into a page turner will, I'm sure, be an object lesson in the UEA's world famous Creative Writing course!
Well done.
A wonderful book. I thoroughly enjoyed it as it stripped back the layers of deceit.
However, the forces of darkness have conspired to prevent your elevation to ArchBishop.
That's a peer-review the Team is going to hate :)
Well deserved, and looking forward to the sequel.
My copy of The HSI Is one of my most valued resources for countering the BS I encounter. A brilliant work and I doffs me lid, Bish.