Bishop Hill

Bishop Hill for mobile devices

I want to get a handle on how many people are using the Bishop Hill for mobile devices thingy at
Mofuse are moving to a new platform and I'll need to recontruct my site on the new one. Not sure how much of a priority this is though. If you are using the Mofuse version of the site, can you let me know.
Reader Comments (12)
I didn't even know it existed. I try to keep up with blogs when I'm out.. but I'm rarely out, so don't spend time on it for me!
While we're on the subject of access, do you have a comments RSS feed? That's something I would find very useful.
Incidentally, am I being singled out or is the spam filter hyperactive at the moment? Every post it's In order to control spam, please type the characters you see in the box below, then click 'Confirm Post' to continue with this post.
I do a lot of surfing from my (Android) phone and also didn't know this existed either Bish.
Had a quick look and seems to be a bit rubblish. I'll stick with viewing your 'main' site on my phone for now.
PS. Get thee to Wordpress who do all this stuff automatically for you and rid yourself of all these infrastructure issues...
PPS. J4R - Not just you; I'm getting that too.
Never knew it existed and with a Blackberry will never use it.
Another one who did not know of its existence. I have just checked it out on my Blackberry, and found it to be very slow and clunky. Much better download speed on the net.
So personally I would not bother.
I check the main pages regularly from my iphone and it works fine, I didn't know anything about the mofuse site.
I Touch user. We eschew Flash. Use main site fine.
My phones a black bakelite 1940's job with a finger dial, definitely not mobile. And I grub out blackberries and burn them.
Same thing with the spam filter.
BH - I'm another person not enthused by 'smart' phones. I am far from a technophobe, but I prefer a mobile phone to offer long battery life and good call holding above all else ;-)
Plus once people know they can pester you by email wherever you are, the work-life balance vanishes in a puff of fairy dust.
I only use the main RSS feed on a desktop PC.
J4R: Ditto on the captchas. I don't resent them (though it is a pity they can't block trolls as well as bots). But I do twitch when the blog loses a draft comment of mine on exiting from the "Preview Post" option -- this has happened to me half a dozen times. Still, it provides a strong incentive to keep my comments brief.
I read blogs using Google Reader which renders fine on a mobile phone with one or two site exceptions.
Unfortunately you are one of those sites. Short BH posts are complete on Google Reader but anything longer is truncated. Josh pics are missing but that is acceptable - I can go to the main site later. Other sites like Samizdata and David Thompson are also truncated - the difference is they are always truncated.
If you want to get your site read on mobile devices I suggest you find out why long posts are truncated in the RSS feed.
I hope you find this helpful
TDK, I also use Google Reader. I think the problem is that there's no "[continue reading....]" at the end of truncated posts. Even "[....]" would be sufficient to inform those of us using Google Reader that the post continues on the blog, most especially if it happened mid-sentence.
As things are, Bish, you have a tendency to set the truncation point (or "fold") at the end of a solid paragraph, often conclusively enough to make us think that we've read all there is on Google Reader without needing to visit.