Bishop Hill

Tip jar reopens

A couple of readers have asked after the tip jar. My intention has been to put it up about one a quarter for a week. We're near enough ready for Q4, so I've switched it on again.
Click images for more details
A few sites I've stumbled across recently....
A couple of readers have asked after the tip jar. My intention has been to put it up about one a quarter for a week. We're near enough ready for Q4, so I've switched it on again.
Reader Comments (10)
These climate scientists are just in it for the money, aren't they Andrew.
Finally a sane and reasonable comment from zee* !
I totally agree, climate scientists are in it for the money - at least the political ones. The opposition and non-political climate scientists have to put out the begging bowl to progress.
Thank you Jerry for your comment. I fully agree with you.
Yet again, the evidence is there in ZDB's comment.
What evidence?
The evidence that those on the CAGW side cannot ever be polite and well mannered.
They continue to debase their arguments by their approach.
Their come-uppance is nigh.
And when it comes, I trust that the Sketpics will treat them with the charity they deserve!!!
Or is Bob Ward getting them all now.....
Wait your turn. :-)
(PS: Is this your shortest-ever comment?)
Ha ha, better not look at the latest 2 on the Richard Black story then.......
by the way from Joabbess: "The Boy Billy Hague Done Good"
William Hague:
"no one weather event can ever be linked with certainty to climate change, the broad patterns of abnormality seen this year are consistent with climate change models. They provide a vivid illustration of the events we will be encountering increasingly in the future. The clock is ticking. The time to act is now. We must all take responsibility for this threat. We must take robust action. But we must also be clear-headed about the difficulties of reaching agreement and not lose heart when the going gets tough…”
donation made for lightning conductor reinforcement on the church spire and flood prevention....keep up the good works your grace!
a modest, but appreciative donation is on its way.
Dear Bishop how about passing the plate around for one week per month?
I've still got two instalments of my original pledge to go.
Damn u RoyFOMR you beat me to the plate.
Having some technical difficulty but will fulfill my pledge in a few days.