The Lady has a way of stepping into the middle of things. Would that the size of the text at her new website were equal to her. "Alas, we all have our faults," said the old, blind man.
Crikey AJ Strata, that's one heck of a good post of yours, thank you. Another direct-hit complete demolisher of AGW. With CRU data. IPCC backing. An extraordinary global map of error limits I've never seen before (why?) And, creme de la creme, Oxburgh's explicit support. Don't even need to show Oxburgh as an incompetent half-truther with this.
This looks like Dr Judith with her tough-skinned hypodermic poised ready to sedate Bob who has just managed (once again) to escape from the planetary hospital Ward and is in an advanced state of hallucinations, "high as a kite" as we used to say.
Or am I thick, is this what you intended all along?
AJS You show how important it is to concentrate on precisely what he said, which perhaps for most, will only reveal itself after the publication of the minutes. It’s all too easy to get distracted by the performance to the detriment of concentration, from a video.
Can't wait to see how it comes out in pictures. Lucy Skywalker, I hope it gets a mention as well, and I have never understood why that document does not get more play. Pharos, it is very important to listen carefully to these true believers who realize the science is NOT there, yet still believe with all their hearts man is creating never before seen warming.
She has had comments deleted at CiF. Even though she bats for AGW, I do actually feel for her. CiF is a damned frustrating place.
From her blog:
''...I made the mistake of attempting to contribute to the discussion following Andrew Montford’s “right of reply” to Bob Ward – and backed away from the keyboard when I found my very innocent comments being removed by the Moderator.
I wasn’t rude. I wasn’t nasty. I didn’t use any bad words. What is wrong with The Guardian’s Comment is Free ? It’s not free, that’s what.
If The Guardian want to have productive, open discussion on Comment is Free, they need to make sure that people who are genuinely trying to contribute relevant information get the platform. Otherwise it’s just a waste of space. I won’t be contributing to The Guardian Comment is Free discussions in future, and I’d advise you not to, either....''
Reader Comments (18)
hehe! Excellent! Josh strikes again! :o)
The Lady has a way of stepping into the middle of things. Would that the size of the text at her new website were equal to her. "Alas, we all have our faults," said the old, blind man.
Since we are having fun...:)
Off topic, but here is my long winded post on how Lord Oxbrugh completely debunked global warming in his testimony the other day
Cheers, AJStrata
Who is Bob Ward anyway?
AJStrata, I enjoyed the link to your post. Most interesting.
Jimmy, here he is.
Crikey AJ Strata, that's one heck of a good post of yours, thank you. Another direct-hit complete demolisher of AGW. With CRU data. IPCC backing. An extraordinary global map of error limits I've never seen before (why?) And, creme de la creme, Oxburgh's explicit support. Don't even need to show Oxburgh as an incompetent half-truther with this.
I hope WUWT will sponsor it.
Josh, great cartoon again
This looks like Dr Judith with her tough-skinned hypodermic poised ready to sedate Bob who has just managed (once again) to escape from the planetary hospital Ward and is in an advanced state of hallucinations, "high as a kite" as we used to say.
Or am I thick, is this what you intended all along?
It's a harpoon gun; againt snark attack.
You show how important it is to concentrate on precisely what he said, which perhaps for most, will only reveal itself after the publication of the minutes. It’s all too easy to get distracted by the performance to the detriment of concentration, from a video.
Lucy, that imagery works as well as any! Perfectly consistent, I'd say :o)
Laser gun toting space babe, or BiB (Babe in Black).
But, Lucy, set to stun is good for me ;-)
Can't wait to see how it comes out in pictures. Lucy Skywalker, I hope it gets a mention as well, and I have never understood why that document does not get more play. Pharos, it is very important to listen carefully to these true believers who realize the science is NOT there, yet still believe with all their hearts man is creating never before seen warming.
Oxburgh's moment of honesty were quite damning.
Cheers, AJStrata
Poor Jo Abbess.
She has had comments deleted at CiF. Even though she bats for AGW, I do actually feel for her. CiF is a damned frustrating place.
From her blog:
''...I made the mistake of attempting to contribute to the discussion following Andrew Montford’s “right of reply” to Bob Ward – and backed away from the keyboard when I found my very innocent comments being removed by the Moderator.
I wasn’t rude. I wasn’t nasty. I didn’t use any bad words. What is wrong with The Guardian’s Comment is Free ? It’s not free, that’s what.
If The Guardian want to have productive, open discussion on Comment is Free, they need to make sure that people who are genuinely trying to contribute relevant information get the platform. Otherwise it’s just a waste of space. I won’t be contributing to The Guardian Comment is Free discussions in future, and I’d advise you not to, either....''
Welcome to planet Grauniad Jo...
Dorme Bien.
"I found my very innocent comments being removed by the Moderator.I wasn’t rude. I wasn’t nasty. I didn’t use any bad words"
You forgot to add: "I did not toe the party line".
Jo Abbess, welcome to the dark side.
Look at this. Bob Ward demolished by the logic of David Whitehouse. Look at page 16.
her comment that got deleted, was defending the Guardian, for 'moderating' Bishop Hill
The Irony, the Hypocracy....