Bishop Hill

Tip jar again

I've switched on the tip jar again, in case anyone wants to contribute to the ongoing running of the site. All contributions gratefully received.
Update on May 26, 2010 by
Bishop Hill

Thanks to everyone who contributed!
Reader Comments (14)
The sound of silence.................
I've just bought your book - How many credits do I get for that ?
I've just bought your book - How many credits do I get for that ?
I think I've donated Bishop. If I haven't, let me know.
This must be a tipping point.
I've bought your book - How many tipping points do I get for that ?
If the Bishop's royalties are anything like the ones I got for an academic book I wrote, he gets about £1.50 per book. Not a fortune.
I bought 2 of them!! One for me and one for a brainwashed friend
A tenner is on its way from Farley. Keep up the good work Bish!
Keep up the pressure for even the MSM are beginning to hedge their bets (They would call it balanced reporting). In todays UK Daily Telegraph, Louise Gray the Environment Correspondent has a big page 3 piece “Met Office predicts a summer of ’76 (i.e. hot) every decade”. So far business as usual for Louise but at the end she has a comment from Jonathan Powell of Positive Weather Solutions “Not long ago the Met Office were saying summers would be wet and cloudy over the next 80 years so it seems like a complete reversal, I would take anything they say with a pinch of salt.”!
Thanks for all the fun over recent months since I was lead here from Climate Audit. A small contribution has been paypaled.
Have you heard about this, casus belli?
h/t Klimazwiebel / eduardo zorita
P Gosselin
That was utterly horrific.
Arm duly twisted!
Donation sent.