Bishop Hill

Reviews - 2

Here's another of the pre-publication reviews of The Hockey Stick Illusion:
Although the science is not always straightforward, Andrew W. Montford manages to make the story both exciting and accessible to the reader. He uses the Hockey Stick as an example of how manipulation of data and publication routines can change the whole world’s view of an important subject. The story is told in such a fascinating way that it is hard to take ones eyes from the page.
Wibjörn Karlén
Professor of Geography (Emeritus)
University of Stockholm
Reader Comments (14)
Can't wait for mine to arrive!
I'm waiting for it to be leaked.. :-)
A couple days ago, someone posted the suggestion that Yer Grace get a copy of your book to Glenn Beck on Fox News Channel..
You REALLY, REALLY should do that. That will blow open your book to the American market.
I was going to be patient and not get cross about the delayed delivery - but after that revewe I am effen cross!
I hate waiting, and am in dire need of getting my hands on this 'page-turner',
Take a cold shower, Viv. Remember yer blood pressure.
Awesome! It sounds like you address the "multiple independent scientists" sham. Cool. It can't get here to the US soon enough.
By the way.
Quick question.
Do I need to learn English English or Scottish English or will American English do?
Well, it's in English English right now, but if I can get published in the US, I'll certainly translate.
Although I admit that I have not read this book, let me be the first to say I am certain that it does not comport with the scientific consensus on climate change. Allow me to add, in terms you Brits will understand, that this so-called "climate gate" hoopla is nothing but a tempest in a TEApot, much ado about nothing, a passing fancy.
A. Gore
Amazon.com US status: Out of Print--Limited Availability.
Itsa getting closer.
@ A. Gore
Glad to see that a polar bear didn't get you.
Book has just arrived. Fascinating, persuasive, well written. Well done!
Book arrived this morning and I have made a start on it. Very easy to read and 'get into'. So far so good, thank you.