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The welfare state and drugs

I was struck by this comment in a thread at Heresy Corner on the subject of the NHS.

Of the many conversations I had with [NHS] staff, one in particular sticks in the mind. I asked a porter how he saw the future, and he said the drug scene was going to change dramatically in a decade or so. For now the grannies are holding the fort, caring for the grandchildren while the generation in between gets wasted. 10-15 years from now, those grannies will be gone, and the wasted mums of today will be the grannies, but grannies incapable of holding anything.

He said when that happens, the NHS in Scotland will either break down or would be forced to prioritise in ways now unimaginable. The one thing, in fact, everyone I spoke to there seemed to agree on was that the future is going to be very bleak.


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Reader Comments (2)

I had this very same discussion two weeks ago. In fact, I am that wasted Grandparent (booze not drugs)

If you don't want to babysit.....have a drink and then report yourself to social worked for me
Mar 25, 2009 at 9:56 PM | Unregistered CommenterAnoneumouse
Yes, very chilling thought.
The underclass of welfare dependents reaches into 3 generations now in NZ.
An observation only, but the middle class 30 somethings are more conservative politically than I, or my friends were. We are lucky enough to have them steering the country back to the centre-right...
Mar 25, 2009 at 11:37 PM | Unregistered CommenterAyrdale

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