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School for social problems

Chris Woodhead says that schools are giving up on teaching knowledge and are delivering discussion groups in social issues like homosexuality and "fair trade".

Don't I know it. In the day job I sometimes see school textbooks and it's clear to me that a lot of what goes on is propaganda. If I had a penny for every time I've seen the Hockey Stick graph in a school science book....

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Reader Comments (2)

I was just shocked by how many of my 9yo daughter's class where illiterate. Everyone in the class send each other Xmas cards and I was amazed how many could barely write their names never mind spell "happy" or "Christmas".

And yet they have time for hours of daily Citizenship training.
Jan 31, 2009 at 9:40 AM | Unregistered CommenterKit
The entire point of the state education system was always to provide a means to indoctrinate the young to support the state.
Not surprised really.

(Not that teaching facts should be the point of education - the point should be to develop the basic skills for life in our society and to give people the tools to learn and enquire for themselves - that's too dangerous though, it leads to people like me ;) )
Jan 31, 2009 at 12:23 PM | Unregistered CommenterTristan

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