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« Basher for Liberty news 20 | Main | Constituency correspondence »

Basher for Liberty news 19

An opinion poll on behalf of the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust found little support for 42 days among the general public, especially when it was pointed out to them that 6 weeks was the kind of jail sentence you get for assault. Meanwhile, a poll for finds significant support for Davis's actions.

Commenters are noting these polls and are concluding that Davis is winning the arguments. (see for example Iain Dale, Benedict White, Tim Roll-Pickering, Donal Blaney, The Guardian). The authoritative Polling Report however reckons that the levels of support shown by the polls are only because the questioners told the subjects about the context of Britain's legal traditions.

4 David Davis 4 Freedom is running a poll too.

The Guardian reckons Davis is making progress in his campaign.

Johann Hari in the Independent reckons it's all very complicated. I think he means he's right behind 42 days.

Spy Blog discusses the exposure by newspapers of a fantasist who claimed he was a former SAS man. Measures in the new Counter-terrorism Bill would make this kind of reporting illegal in future.

Tom Griffin reports on a meeting between Bob Marshall-Andrews and Labour's chief whip. It doesn't inspire much hope that the government actually mean well.

Stephen Tall says that DD is a bounder and a cad or some such. Davis has been quoted as saying that Labour and the LibDems "funked it" by not putting up a candidate in H&H. The LDs of course didn't put up a candidate because he asked them not to. Did he really say it though?


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Reader Comments (1)

Er...Hari explictly says he's against 42 days in that article.
Jul 9, 2008 at 11:01 PM | Unregistered CommenterAndy P

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