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Basher for Liberty news 20

Polling day at last. The weather looks OK. As one DD supporter notes, "Whatever happens, history will record David Davis as the man who took a stand for British freedom".

Following hot on the heels of yesterday's polls showing support for Davis comes the Politics Home tracker which shows that his campaign has made no difference at all. Conservative Home asks "Was it worth it?" and gets taken to task for undermining the Davis campaign by Donal Blaney.

Longrider notes the introduction of curfews in Cornwall. Parents whose children are found out after the government prescribed hour will be punished.

Natalie Rothschild, writing at Spiked, wonders if we'd still be facing surveillance even if there was no terror threat. Sweden, which Mr bin Laden says will not be targeted by Al Qaeda has just instituted some of the most draconian anti-terror legislation in Europe.

Bob Geldof in the Telegraph calls for a big turnout in H&H.

The Guardian apologised for misleading its readers. Davis didn't say that the LibDems had 'funked' the H&H election. Funny that the apology was issued well after the polls were open, and too late for today's edition of the paper.

Our Kingdom thinks the debate has been too much about trivia and not enough about the trade off between liberty and security.

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Reader Comments (1)

There has been a shameful lack of proper national debate about the loss of civil liberties - I was beginning to wonder if the government had issued a D notice on it!
Jul 11, 2008 at 1:23 AM | Unregistered Commenterwestender

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