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The definitive history of the Climategate affair
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No feed, no read

RSS. It's not difficult, is it? REALLY SIMPLE syndication, yes?

So why, oh why do otherwise well-organised campaigning organisations completely fail to publish a feed? Can it have escaped their notice that this is the way people do things now? The Taxpayers' Alliance is a case in point. This is allegedly one of the best-organised campaign groups to have emerged in recent years. They seem to have an unerring ability to get themselves in the MSM, to be sure. But their "blog" doesn't have a single solitary feed. What are they thinking of? I'd read it every day if only I knew there was something there for me to look at. As it is, I'm there once every six months or so. What a waste.

Education Otherwise is another. Get with the twenty-first century guys!

There are lots more too, but I can't remember who the hell they are. And there's a lesson there isn't there. If I can't remember who you are when I really want to slag you off, what are the chances that I'll be able to recall your name when I'm interested (but only vaguely) in what you have to say. 

Get a feed...please?


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