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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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Sceptics win a round of the climate debate

There was a debate held in the US last night (I think) on the subject of climate change. There were some big hitters on both sides, including Richard Lindzen and Philip Stott for the heretics and Gavin Sshmidt and Richard Somerville for the orthodox. There's a transcript up here, which I haven't had a chance to look at yet.

What I did find interesting was the results of the polls held before and after the debate which showed a marked shift towards the sceptic position.


Global warming is not a crisis

Date 3/14/2007




For 54.76 % 29.88 % 46.22 %

Against 41.94 % 57.32 % 42.22 %

Undecided 3.30 % 12.80 % 11.56 %

This suggests strongly that when people are exposed to the sceptic position, they form a completely different view of the truth of the global warming hypothesis. 

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