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The extraordinary attempts to prevent sceptics being heard at the Institute of Physics
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2000 jobs lost, lefties celebrate

There's a column about the closure of a supermarket supplier called Bomfords over at Comment is free today. Tim W has lots of fun laughing at the knots the liberal elite are getting themselves tied in - well worth a read.

One comment in particular struck me - someone calling themselves marydole wrote:

"Still, one lot of rapacious exploiters gone bust? Fantastic!"

It's an indictment of the left that when a company goes bust, they see the loss of a "rapacious exploiter" rather than the loss of two thousand livelihoods. And then they have the nerve to call the Conservatives "the nasty party".

Socialists are indeed evil. 

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Reader Comments (1)

They are.

Today some LibDems were suggesting to me that it would be better to keep Redundancy Payments down to save the Taxpayer. In the next breathe they complain about the maltreatment of Council staff...
Jul 17, 2007 at 9:47 PM | Unregistered CommenterCllr Gavin Ayling

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