Coal-fired power stations win reprieve
Exclusive: Government's decision to put pollution standards 'on hold' raises possibility of dirtiest coal plants going ahead
Do we think someone in government has finally recognised the possibility of the UK ending up in the dark?

Lord beaver brook, a hard core sceptic badge? Sure, if you don't like any that I have done already ( see cartoonsbyjosh.com) then do email me with ideas or requirements.
You could try the monckton badge, that might frighten a few warmistas.

NIWA's climate data to be challenged in High Court

I put the reference to the McShane and Wyner paper in Unthreaded hoping that you will creat your own thread because I suspect that would attract a greater readership than Unthreaded.
PS: On second read of HSI to better assimilate the details. Looking forward to the study on which you are now embarked.

Hello, all. Follow this link to a C/A post of a paper by McShane and Wyner that is a devastating critique of Mannian statistical and modeling.
From the Conclusions: "Climate scientists have greatly underestimated the uncertainty of proxybased reconstructions and hence have been overconfident in their models." and “Natural climate variability is not well understood and is probably quite large. It is not clear that the proxies currently used to predict temperature are even predictive of it at the scale of several decades let alone over many centuries” and, last, but not least, "Although we assume the reliability of their data for our purposes here, there still remains a considerable number of outstanding questions that can only be answered with a free and open inquiry and a great deal of replication.”

Not good news - Weather is now climate at the BBC
I thought they were getting over this?

I see from 'Watts up with That' that Ricahrd Black (BBC) has admitted to Anthony Watts that his (RB's0 report on the rice yields in Asia was an incorrect interpretation of the press release. There will apparently be a correction of the article.

Amazonian Drought response
According to Daniel Nepstad, also a co-author, “Our study further demonstrates that the response of forests to drought is complex. It is pre-mature to draw a big conclusion about the susceptibility of Amazon forests to drought from remote sensing data alone.”
From the report:
Although we observed important oscillations in weather over
the Amazon from 1996–2005 (e.g., a 5.3-mm y−1 reduction in
PPT), these oscillations were not clearly related to EVI interannual
variability in densely forested areas at the Basin scale.
Thus, there is a need for additional analyses that couple field
measurements with satellite observations to clarify how the
Amazon region responds to drought, how those responses will be
expressed in the future under increasing drought conditions, and
to what extent those responses are captured in satellite observations
of canopy photosynthesis.
Did anyone inform the IPCC that the science just doesn't know yet? Perhaps Moonbat could pass on the information.

Just finished reading "THE HOCKEY STICK ILLUSION"
I am lost for words really but think that there should be a thread so that those who have read it can comment.
This book has everything and thankfully, is pitched at readers with little or no scientific training. Having devoured the pages, i now feel that i am on the inside of the debate and am able to follow Climate Audit articles far better than i could before my recent education. This is an essential read and should be force fed to our politicians.
You should (and i hope that you are) extremely proud of your achievement. I think that you may have discovered the Dick Francis side of your personality and i look forward to hearing that have decide to add "Writer" to your future projects. Many many congratulations.

New Zealand temperature record now going before the High Court