At least Deniers doesn't appear anywhere but hard-core sceptics made me giggle, men of my age stature find it extremely rare to be associated with hard-core these days, much though we would like to be.
It is interesting Beaverbrook that the term the Guardian use for people scoring all three 'right' answers in their survey is 'believers'.
The Guardian up in arms because MP's won't support their survey about man made global warming.
Ooooh the afront of them!
I don't think Evan Davies has ever made a claim to be a science journalist. I'm pretty sure he's an economist. (The cynical amongst us may see that as a perfect qualification for Climate Science!)
Today program this morning had a MET man explaining the current weather patterns in Russia and China and doing pretty well with it. Evan Davies, supposed science journalist, then tried his best to force the link to global warming and was somewhat resisted by the man from the MET.
Maybe Mr Humphries has been kept away from the subject?
And a fairly barmy one from the BBC as well.
Unfounded climate change alarmism at The Telegraph today
Even the quotes from the scientists don't say that AGW is the casue..they go as far as 'consistent with', which is not the same thing at all.
But Louise, (bless) or her sub editor, decided to gild the lily quite a lot in their headline.
Do you have a category for totally unfounded crap?
I'm not going to delve much into the detail recorded by http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-10918591 et al, but..
The abstract http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2010/07/26/1001222107.abstract says
Higher minimum temperature reduced yield, whereas higher maximum temperature raised it; radiation impact varied by growth phase.
The reporting is spin upon spin
Interesting comments on a so-so article on sea rise - wfm is particularly worth exercising brain cells on.
Think you could design me a lapel badge for 'Hard-core sceptic that I could wear down the Jubilee club on bingo night?