Discussion > Covid 19 stuff
Tomo. There's a viable Trump vaccine? Honestly? How effective is it? Does it claim to be completely effective against him? Where, where, where?

There's a viable Trump vaccine? Honestly? How effective is it? Does it claim to be completely effective against him? Where, where, where?
May 10, 2020 at 8:36 AM AK
US Democrats thought they had an Insurance Policy against the risk of Trump's support spreading

I dunno about that vaccine but Californian Democrats look to have a campaign of self isolation mapped out via seceding from the USA mapped out. Characteristically they couple that with demands for more Federal taxpayer funding and an insistence that they - and they alone - get to say where the money goes....
Los Angeles' Adam Schiff has already kited "sovereign immunity" wrt his antics digging about in phone and email records and releasing nuggets selectively.

May 10, 2020 at 8:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterAK
AK, I would prefer to hear about your experiences with Covid 19, and what treatments are being used in the UK.

Tomo. There's a viable Trump vaccine? Honestly? How effective is it? Does it claim to be completely effective against him? Where, where, where?
May 10, 2020 at 8:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterAK
Never heard of the Ballot Box Vaccine?
Of course it proved ineffective in 2016.

Charlie. I can only tell you my own experience in the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. There is no treatment for Covid virus. All that can be done is to give bed rest, give the body a chance to combat the virus by combating other issues that the virus has spawned. I was immediately given an oxygen assist and a rainbow assortment of anti-bacterials for my pneumonia, and a CATScan which revealed blood clots on my lungs, even though I had been taking blood thinners for years. I have been switched to Warfarin, which I'm still adjusting to. As soon as it was judged that I would survive and get better on my own I was sent home. The transfer to Warfarin continues and I am due another CATScan.
In addition to this I volunteered for a trial of drugs proposed to be effective against Covid19. I got to trial a known antiviral, but I have no great expectations, it only begins well into the disease and only involves a single drug, rather than a combination.
In total, I was extraordinarily impressed by the dedication and care offered by the hospital and especially its many and varied staff. Their overall mantra would seem to have been to help in any way possible you to recover. I am extraordinarily grateful to all at the hospital.
I am left extraordinarily weak. I am determined to climb the stairs today.

"I am left extraordinarily weak. I am determined to climb the stairs today.
May 11, 2020 at 8:44 AM AK"
Did you make it and top up your energy with Kendall Mint Cake, or, .....

AK, thanks for your post. Sorry to hear about your condition. My Dad was on Warfarin for years.
Can you say which antiviral you are on? It seems that the best results are from using a combination.
Possible cures for the virus:
Whichever is the best approach is deemed best for a particular patient, treatment should start as early as possible.
If NHS doctors are saying that there is no cure, then in my opinion they are not doing their jobs.
I hope you are better soon.
( I was in an NHS hospital in the late 70s. We were dosed with a range of brands of milk stout )

The trial only operated while you were in hospital. Another reason to think the trial misguided. But I was willing to help as much as I could. There was only one antiviral; I recognized the name but have forgotten it.
I disagree with you over doctors ability to fight the virus. There is no effective antiviral. All that can be done at present is to counter the symptoms caused by the virus and by a bodies reaction to it. That they did, effectively.
I climbed my stairs and had a wonderful shower.

AK, as with Aids, there may be an effective cocktail of antivirals. Will be a long time before we know.
This interview with Didier Raoult is interesting:
- this is a "banal" viral pandemic, behaving in a normal way;
- asymptomatic patients, tested positive for sars-cov-2, had lesions in their lungs;
- HCQ is unjustly derided for toxic side effects. Would you stick your neck out?
- HCQ has positive effects, and should be used early;
- France lacks CT scanners. Many patients aren't scanned.
Here in Lux they bought 4 CT machines and set them up in containers. They are using HCQ in the hospital next door. Ten French patients in serious condition taken in Lux hospitals, one has died.
101 total deaths from 3888 infections.
Currently 18 in ICU, up by 4. 68 in normal hospital. 55,415 people have been tested. These numbers for a population of 620,000.
There are plenty of ICU beds, but maybe not enough staff. Can't find any info.
All medical care here is private. If you are sick, you must be proactive. You are the customer.
If I go down with this and am told "there is no cure, no not that because there are no double-blind studies, we will just give you palliative care and allow the virus to run its course", I will not accept it.
I'm sure the NHS staff are great, but a nationalised bureaucratic system is not where you want to be with a new virus and no definitive information.

p.s. glad to hear you got up the stairs!

"If I go down with this and am told "there is no cure, no not that because there are no double-blind studies, we will just give you palliative care and allow the virus to run its course", I will not accept it."
May 11, 2020 at 8:28 PM Charly
There is no cure for the Common Cold, just medicines to ease the symptoms while the body works out how to counter the virus.

golf charlie, Dr Didier Raoult does not say that to his patients.
If I get a cold, the usual remedy is a handkerchief.
Treat covid-19 the same as a cold? Sheesh

It seems obvious to say ... but I believe it bears repeating.
Once symptoms are presenting of a Covid 19 infection that means that cell damage / death is occurring >> the host's immune system has to identify the bug causing the damage, attack the bug and clean up the debris from cells that have been exploded d/t virus replication.
An in vitro immunological test to divine if an individual is susceptible to having a bad reaction seems a worthwhile endeavour and has lasting value compared to a "have you got live virus in you now" test.

Tomo total agreement
Charly it seems obvious to say....for most of history physicians could only offer palliative care, when they did different they commonly killed. That's why they constantly broke their Hippocratic oath: do no harm. Herbalists must initially have killed, but refined.

Charly. Do you not understand? - there is no treatment for the common cold. The body kills those viruses.
There is no treatment for Covid19 itself. Your body kills it or alternatively it kills you or your body's over-reaction to it kills you. A vaccine won't kill it, it will train your body to identify it and so kill it, even if you haven't encountered it before.
Any doctor trying to use therapies to kill Covid19 today would be experimenting.

Smoking / vaping a viral prophylactic?
Some feel there is some evidence - I recall the message from about 6 weeks ago >> "over 65 and a smoker? - don't call the NHS" ....
Anybody see Woody Allen's "Sleeper"?

AK, there is ample evidence that there are treatments for Covid-19. There is not much evidence for how effective they may be. There is no magic bullet. So what?
Do not say to me "do you not understand?"
You are a geologist. What am I?
You do not know.
Leave it out.

"Smoking / vaping a viral prophylactic?
Some feel there is some evidence - I recall the message from about 6 weeks ago >> "over 65 and a smoker? - don't call the NHS" ....
Anybody see Woody Allen's "Sleeper"?"
Ex-smoker, long-term vaper, relaxed about the beastie getting past this.
( Charly, dead in a week.....)

Really, time to look at susceptibility testing / screening and shorten the turnaround time from detection to test. It's not like another bug isn't going to pop into existence....

Charly I am an ex-geologist. However I spent more than 20 years in an interdisciplinary university department discussing matters of interest with, amongst others, ecologists (plant viruses) and epidemiologists. Information rubs off. I also spent the same number of years being a second marker to undergraduate research projects in the whole range of disciplines. You might say I am like a Jack of many trades, master of none. However, what you learn most is how to learn. How to acquire knowledge and be able to judge its quality. There are many posting here who have these skills.
Your expertise is indeed not known to me, but I judge it's not in virology.
There are indeed a few antiviral drugs, but none AFAIK that affect whole groups of coronoviruses, pray, with your unknown expertise, correct me if I'm wrong.

May 14, 2020 at 9:15 AM AK
May 14, 2020 at 3:29 AM tomo
New test to confirm who has had Coronavirus to be rolled out.
At last, we are a stage closer to quantifying the size of the Immune Herd, though some are querying whether recovery = immunity.
AK, my work has taken me into some very varied professional disciplines and environments. I have had the term Jack of all Trades used against me, and in my favour! I tend to go with evidence based on proven results rather than models.

GC. You were indeed one of many here who were in my thoughts when I wrote my piece about an ability to learn a discipline outside that in which one might have been taught.

Part of my background is in high tech medical. Diagnostic imaging - market assessment for a new contrast agent for ultrasound. Weeks of reading, then weeks of speaking to radiologists around the world. Spent one day speaking to a hot-shot MRI guy, interrupted each time he slid one patient out, next patient in.
We did work on radiopharmaceuticals, monoclonal antibodies, anything cutting edge that was likely to make lots of money.
I have an O-level in biology.

Phil Clarke, US voters at the ballot box?