Discussion > Covid 19 stuff
May 1, 2020 at 8:47 PM tomo
Given a choice between PPE and Pantomime Clowns, PPE Politicians and NHS Trustsfrr prefer Pantomime Clowns.

Indeed ...."Fauci is foul"
Not only did he not include the HCQ regimen in the NIAID trial but he altered the parameters halfway through no doubt to get a better looking outcome for his favoured drug remdesivir - the whole thing STINKS!!!
Stephen McIntyre Retweeted
well here it is...Fauci is foul.
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Didier Raoult
· Apr 30
Could Anthony Fauci explain why the investigators of the NIAID remdesivir trial did change the primary outcome during the course of the project (16th April)?
Removing "death" from primary outcome is a surprising decision.

It seems that the main contra-indication for HCQ treatment of COVID-19 is that no treatment is needed for healthy individuals below age 50.
Persons in the President’s circle were claiming that HCQ / HCQ+AZ are unproven treatments. That might have been true a month ago, but not now. These drugs are proven by practice and by failure of its opponents to disprove their efficacy and relative safety.
The Guidelines are accompanied by a financial disclosure of the panel members. Weirdly, this disclosure covers a period of 11 months: May 1, 2019 to March 31, 2020. The latest three weeks were excluded for some reason. Nevertheless, 9 out of 50 members of the panel disclosed financial ties to Gilead. Gilead’s Remdesivir is an inferior competitor to HCQ – more expensive, almost untested, and less efficient (as far as the little testing with it has shown). HCQ is a generic drug with low profit margin. Gilead Sciences directly participates in WHO trials of Remdesivir as a COVID-19 treatment.
HCQ / HCQ+AZ are prescribed by a doctor. They are not OTC and should not be used for self-medication.
HCQ+AZ is the most common treatment. HCQ acts on its own but is much more effective with Zinc; AZ is an antibiotic and a source of Zinc. See Dr. Zelenko’s regimen is HCQ+AZ+Zinc.
There is a live document by Michael J. A. Robb, M.D., tracking effectiveness of HCQ-based treatments "

A rolling summary that's been updated since first posted week 3 January 2020.
Logistical and Technical Exploration into the Origins of the Wuhan Strain of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Hydroxychloroquine is as far as I'm aware still dispensed at a licensed pharmacist's discretion in the UK - Azithromycin requires a MD (or dentist !) prescription.

Don't know who Janie Hsieh is...on HCQ
Janie Hsieh, PhD
Apr 20
Here's what the US curve looks like at the moment. Total cases: 764265, Recoveries: 71012, Active cases: 652688 (Apr 19). Some states have proactive treatment policies while other states have more restricted ones. We will take a look at each state & their treatment policies.

France seems to have confirmed a coronavirus Covid-19 case in December 2019.
I wonder how many samples are being collected and stored in the UK?

The Daily Mail covers some coronavirus virology in the UK... 250 samples is a miniscule number....
I really do wonder if there is any consistent NHS protocol / regime of taking samples from confirmed (or unusual) cases and bunging them in a deep, deep freeze for 4 years as per the French example.
Microbiology and associated analytical services seem to me to be very much poor cousins in the NHS hierarchy and I suspect that the situation is if anything even worse in academia away from a couple of centres of expertise.
My own experience and that of colleagues picking up gastric infections in out of the way places seems to show that the the norm in the NHS and most GPs simply aren't institutionally interested in bugs and viruses - individuals differ - but I know people who've had to travel to London from the provinces to get (quite serious) stuff investigated.

tomo at 1.45 am, here's a follow-up article:
"WHO seeks early coronavirus cases as Merkel warns over German lockdown"
"The World Health Organization has urged countries to look for more early cases of Covid-19 and urged a full exploration of the pandemic’s origins and early path, as Germany took preventive action to head off any future rise in infections.
As European countries continued to ease their lockdown restrictions, the WHO said news that a French hospital re-testing old samples from pneumonia patients had identified a coronavirus infection dating to 27 December, weeks before France confirmed its first cases, “gives us a whole new picture on everything”.
A spokesman, Christian Lindmeier, urged more countries to look for other early incidences of the virus, which was first reported by Chinese authorities to the WHO on 31 December and not previously thought to have spread to Europe until January.
“The findings help to better understand the potential virus circulation,” Lindmeier said, adding that it was “really, really important” to gain a fuller understanding of the early path of the virus and that further WHO missions to China may be needed."

Mark thanks - appreciated.
I'd wager that Public Health England won't be quizzed over what to my mind is a pretty important background publc health tasking / issue and Gordon Brittasses in NHS management will be scratching around for distractions....
Those -85°C fridges are danged expensive - I know - I've installed and operated a few.

If you remove political biases, the evidence is that Hydroxychloroquine actually works, but is not a miracle cure or prophylactic.

Ferguson's model code gets a look over from some actual software folk ... only it isn't the code Ferguson's presently using.

If Ferguson was a horse racing pundit / tipster - he'd be sponsored by Ladbrokes and Paddy Power.

..... then we may have to take it down for violating community guidelines.

except that they won't elaborate (to my knowledge anyway) quite what guidelines are involved and how Dr Judy Mikovits' documentary "Plandemic" actually infringes them.
There's no doubt that Mikovits is courting controversy and there's some murky goings on. What is striking is the academic name calling, the apparent use of legal gagging orders and the omission of some corroboration of Mikovits' claims by seemingly at least one Nobel prizewinning virologist not in the USA NIH/CDC/funding loop....She's being labelled an "anti-vaxer" when she plainly isn't and Snopes have piled into her too.
She might be a crank who jumped the rails and has just emerged from the loony bin - some things about the tale and the determination of some folk to shut her down need to be resolved - as in both sides need to be explored ... Fauci's patenting antics are a matter of public record....
Susan Wojcicki though - seems intent on MySpacing YouTube - the hundreds of honest apolitical content providers who are providing material that YouTube monetises for itself are being starved of funds and being put through all sorts of timewasting indignities because they made a sound like a forbidden word....
ps If Mikovits is expunged from YouTube then my old pal Dr. Helen Caldicott should be too ....

I wonder if travelling 1 hour on a plane
is Covidsafer than 4 hours on a train ?
Important workers could travel by private plane/car & be almost completely Covidsafe

Important workers could travel by private plane/car & be almost completely Covidsafe
That'd cover XR poster girl Emma Thompson then it's safe to assume.

It is just going to go away folks No need for a vaccine.
Who the F put HIM in charge?

"No need for a vaccine"
No chance of a vaccine.

Has Phil turned up to add nothing constructive
except to virtue signal he hates Trump ?
yes of course ..boring

Covid 19 Lockdown stuff (beavers, bobcats, coyotes, deer and bears and many ravines)

So Phil how long do you think it takes to produce a vaccine in quantity?
Could a vaccine be produced and rolled out before the present infection subsides?
Would a vaccine be effective against future strains?
Granted that a safe and effective vaccine would be ideal - a pragmatic approach is still prudent.
Anyway - you wouldn't take a Trump vaccine anyway - so what are you going on about?

I thought NHS Bristol hiring £70k/year diversity coordinators during the pandemic was lame - but sheesh ....
get a load of this...