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Discussion > President Trump


So you give no credence to the statements made by serving police officers that the situation has gotten out of hand? Press conferences given where women are advised not to venture out at night?

Who's going to record crime when the police and officialdom won't / don't go into some areas? - because of the risk of ermm... what?

Burning cars? ... I thought France had cornered the market there - but with a completely different cause obviously.

Back to Trump and the Republicans - or in this case RINOs - Soros' chum John McCain has been fingered by Wikileaks as trying to shake down Russia for dosh .... amazing

Feb 23, 2017 at 12:44 PM | Registered Commentertomo

So you give no credence to the statements made by serving police officers that the situation has gotten out of hand?

I might if you shared a few.

Press conferences given where women are advised not to venture out at night?

Ditto, so far you've revealed one, in Osterund last May - an area that had suffered a spate of offences.

Who's going to record crime when the police and officialdom won't / don't go into some areas? - because of the risk of ermm... what?

Name three such areas.

Feb 23, 2017 at 1:00 PM | Unregistered CommenterPhil Clarke

We are not limiting anyone's freedom. This is purely factual information. We went out with warnings and some have interpreted this as that we forbid women to be out in town and that's completely wrong."

- Osterund police chief Stephen Jerand, from the link above.

Feb 23, 2017 at 1:07 PM | Unregistered CommenterPhil Clarke

Feb 23, 2017 at 11:51 AM | tomo

There was also the matter of the invasion of Norway, courtesy of Swedish Railway Travel Warrants.

The rights and wrongs of this are debated, heatedly, in school classrooms by 16 year olds in Sweden, according to my 16 year old Swedish relative. For him, it involves what his Great, and Great Great Grandparents did/didn't do to prevent/enable Nazi expansion.

Obviously Phil Clarke has direct access to European Progressive anti-Trump Smear propaganda. Just like the smear propaganda he regurgitates about Climate Sciencd, it is substantially less than 97% reliable, let alone balanced.

Meanwhile, back at the thread....

The US EPA's career as a Weapon of Mass Economic Destruction seems to be over, but Phil Clarke would rather smear Trump at every opportunity in line with Progressive Diktats.

Feb 23, 2017 at 1:11 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

@golf charlie

Swedish Railways assistance with the Norwegian takeover is even more of an issue with the Nogs. I had to chuckle at one solution to Soro's 1992 speculative campaign against the Kronor - "we're broke ! - lets invade Norway and surrender after 24 hours"


I haven't "revealed" any that I'm aware of... Since you've obviously been Googling away - can I suggest that you deploy Google translate a bit If you want to know about the no go areas I suggest you look at where utility companies refuse to go.

Some years back Avon & Somerset Police wouldn't enter St. Pauls in Bristol (beyond scuttling through the main thoroughfares) unless in considerable numbers - that wasn't exactly something the force would volunteer and.lasted for several years.

Do your own work - btw - do you have a job or does this pay well enough?

In terms of political influence (read sh1t stirring) - the provenance and results of this report make one wonder what's going on vis a vis Swedish politicians on someone else's payroll.

Feb 23, 2017 at 1:47 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Apologies, I confused Tomo and Geronimo.

Feb 23, 2017 at 2:18 PM | Unregistered CommenterPhil Clarke

tomo, interesting also that Sweden had a Referendum about joining the Eurozone, and voted NO. Sweden has done alright as a result, but their (generally) Progressive Politicians know not to push the electorate too far, and are keen to play down unrest caused by those taking advantage of Swedish generosity, for fear of a larger backlash, or SWEXIT movement.

Sweden (Stockholm) has seen reduced snowfall over the last 20(?) years. The massive dump of snow in Nov 2016 caught them by surprise! Sweden was doing nicely out of a slightly warmer climate, but some are starting to question whether it is just a natural cycle that is now on a turn down.

If Swedish Progressives are shown to have lied about Mann made Global Warming, as they have about "cultural difference" crimes, there will be more for EU Progressives to panic about.

Companies doing well out of Faking News and Smearology are working overtime at the moment to keep their scams and income flowing.

Feb 23, 2017 at 5:15 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

In Stockholm there is
A Sindrome you see or don't.
Fake news back the night.

Feb 23, 2017 at 5:58 PM | Unregistered Commenterkim

The rest of Sweden knows that Sweden is governed for the benefit of Stockholm residents, known as Oh-Eighters (the dialing code). 08ers is not a term of endearment, and is not the same as Stockholm Syndrome.

Concerns about Norway, ignored by the British Government in 1940, led to Chamberlain being replaced by Churchill. The Germans did not invade from the sea, but by train, through Sweden, providing all those fjords for U-Boats and Pocket Battleships to hide in, and lots of lovely Swedish iron and steel to make them with.

Sweden, like Germany, is very sensitive to accusations of modern day racial disharmony, as they thought they had buried their past.

Feb 23, 2017 at 6:59 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

PC: one minute in google using translate:

4 named areas for you.

"When the journalists tried to work in Bäckby , Husby , Rinkeby and Rosengård they have been attacked. Not after repeated visits for a few days or weeks, but immediately. Like clockwork. " from:

I searched for "no go zon .se" which returned 453,000 entries.......

Even the express turned up on page 1:

Which links to 50 no go zones..........

It looks like a very very serious problem in ABBA land, shame really.

Feb 23, 2017 at 8:31 PM | Unregistered CommenterSteve Richards

Steve Richards, that is precisely the sort of story that Progressives have to Deny, by pretending it did not happen.

A bit like the Medieval Warm Period.

Feb 23, 2017 at 11:11 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Steve, so Rinkeby is a 'no-go' area for journalists?

Here is CNN reporting from Rinkeby.

Sorry but debunking the Daily Express is a bit of a 'Life is too short' proposition.

Feb 23, 2017 at 11:32 PM | Unregistered CommenterPhil Clarke

I'm guessing (and it *is* a guess...) that in smaller municipalities problems go unreported by the media - this is certainly the case in the UK where I compared my local crime map to the local rag - who rather tellingly act as if there isn't a publicly available crime map - the other thing is that crimes can take up to 6 weeks to appear on the map..... and I'd love to know if the stats are properly collated for honest analysis - on the evidence of the wonky web interface - I frankly doubt it.

There is a threshold where even victims will not report incidents to the police because they well know that nothing will be done and it'll only serve to cause inconveniences like increased insurance premiums etc.

I've unwittingly been in "no-go" zones where my colleagues have been held up, beaten and robbed in Africa and S. America - they seemed alright to me. Sometimes it can be as simple as don't go there when the bars are aren't open or some other simple tactic....

Feb 23, 2017 at 11:41 PM | Registered Commentertomo

Steve Richards. I put in "no go zones" and "UK" and got 6,990,000 entries from Bing. Does that mean anything? Does the fact that you got so many fewer entries for Sweden mean anything?
Thought not.

Feb 24, 2017 at 7:42 AM | Unregistered CommenterSupertroll

Phil Clarke: "Apologies, I confused Tomo and Geronimo."

I very much doubt that Tomo and I are the only ones confused by you, but the apology is very gracious.

Feb 24, 2017 at 8:47 AM | Unregistered Commentergeronimo

I'm rather amused by this debate, with some determined to demonstrate that Islamic immigration is leading to more sexual offences in Sweden and some determined to demonstrate that it is not. I just want to know the truth, and in this world, that is increasingly difficult.

Needless to say, the BBC is on the side of those trying to prove that Islamic immigration has not led to increases in sexual crimes in Sweden, with a fact-checker article:

"Reality Check: Is Malmo the rape capital of Europe?" at:

The explanation offered by Phil is studiously repeated, almost making one wonder if there's some sort of playbook on this story. But the story also includes (rather tucked away, well down) this line:

"Sweden does not publish the ethnicity or national background of perpetrators of any crime, including sexual offences".

In other words, nobody can tell whether immigrants (inc. Islamic immigrants) are committing a disproportionate number of sexual offences or not. So, unless some really meaningful information comes to light, nobody really knows the answer.

One mischievous thought does occur to me. "Sweden does not publish the ethnicity or national background of perpetrators of any crime, including sexual offences" is not the same as saying "Sweden does not have the statistics regarding ethnicity or national background of perpetrators of any crime, including sexual offences."

Is the BBC line just lazily/unfortunately worded, or has it been worded carefully? Sadly, who knows?

Supertroll makes a fair point at 7.42a.m., but again in the absence of more information, who knows what it means? Were those "no go" returns from a google search relating to immigrant areas or not? Again, who knows? Making sense of the world is increasingly difficult.

Feb 24, 2017 at 9:05 AM | Unregistered CommenterMark Hodgson

Would the Wall Street Journal help in establishing facts, Mr Hodgson? Like you, I, too, am more interested in facts than any determination to “win” an argument; however, I am getting more and more convinced that the mainstream media are concealing a lot of facts from us. Thankfully, some are slowly waking up to the folly in that policy.

Feb 24, 2017 at 10:25 AM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

Not sure the leader of a Swedish political party with an anti-immigration policy is going to bend over backwards to be objective in a WSJ opinion piece.

Feb 24, 2017 at 11:55 AM | Unregistered CommenterPhil Clarke

"Sweden does not publish the ethnicity or national background of perpetrators of any crime, including sexual offences" is not the same as saying "Sweden does not have the statistics regarding ethnicity or national background of perpetrators of any crime, including sexual offences."

You're quite correct Mark they do have the statistics, but they're filed under Code 291 which is meant to be a secret, but presumably one of the ever growing band of disgruntled policemen has revealed its existence. It still doesn't throw any light on whether Trump is right, but there's a lot going on in Sweden. I don't know if this stuff is exaggeration, or a glimpse into reality which is why, unlike some people on this thread I'm on the fence as far as taking what Trump said recently. I'd like more evidence one way or the other.

Feb 24, 2017 at 11:57 AM | Unregistered Commentergeronimo

Phil Clarke:

"Steve, so Rinkeby is a 'no-go' area for journalists?

Here is CNN reporting from Rinkeby."

The first few words of the CNN report state the 10 cars were burnt out the previous night, it happens frequently, they did not 'see' any reason for this behaviour.

Clarky, just what are you on about?

The fact that an American reporting team went to an area and reported on riot damage does not prove or disprove the concept of no go areas.

They did say this happens frequently.

What do you want? The reporters to be killed? Attacked? Would that satisfy for perverted logic?

Feb 24, 2017 at 12:17 PM | Unregistered CommenterSteve Richards

Supertroll: I put your search string into google ("no go zones" "UK") and got 199,000.

So what, are you now being sizeist?

It indicates that people are writing about a subject in a country.

The fact you used a different search engine and different style of search string mean anything?

I suspect so.

Feb 24, 2017 at 12:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterSteve Richards

Steve Richards. The point I made is that the number of entries obtained by using a search engine (yours or mine) means absolutely nothing, zilch, nada.

Feb 24, 2017 at 12:27 PM | Unregistered CommenterSupertroll

Not sure the leader of a Swedish political party with an anti-immigration policy is going to bend over backwards to be objective in a WSJ opinion piece.

Feb 24, 2017 at 11:55 AM | Phil Clarke

Not sure that a follower of failed Green Progressive Dogma, devoid of science facts, is capable of rational thought about anything.

Feb 24, 2017 at 12:34 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie


Feb 24, 2017 at 12:39 PM | Registered CommenterRadical Rodent

Such a fine balance 'twixt sense and sensibility. It must not be so bad in Sweden that the people are rioting and demanding better protection. In some other place, not named, large mobs gathered peacefully to ask for better protection, among other things.

Feb 24, 2017 at 12:45 PM | Unregistered Commenterkim