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Discussion > Do Chandra, Replicant and Entropic man add value to BH?

"- you have missed out that, with cheap energy, everybody benefits: staying warm at home in cold weather, cheaper transport, cheaper and more plentiful manufactured goods, cheaper and better food with security of supply."

A real feel good sales pitch. That's always why big business is doing things for us. For our welfare. That's why big pharma creates drugs that make us healthy, and chemical companies create better stronger plants that can survive in the new tough 'climate change' environment. It's just so good to know that the people have a friend on their side in big business and the wall street types. What would we do with out.

Oh wait, where is that natural gas going? Oh that's right, it's being shipped to Asia so that our friends in business can make more money and keep us safe and warm.

Unbelievable it is what bul***t you sell. I'm surprised you didn't mention that it was for the children.

Mar 5, 2014 at 2:35 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

For heaven's sake, mate, give it a rest. You're trying to argue basic physics with a cretin or, worse, a committed conspiracy theorist.
He doesn't have a clue about contrails, "chemtrails" (which only exist in his imagination), the physics of ground water, or "slickwater",which is just another of the bogeymen invented by the eco-nutters to steer us all off fracking.
You might as well try to debate with the dead shrew my cat just brought in!
It's not like you to get side-tracked down this sort of blind alley.

Mar 5, 2014 at 2:41 PM | Registered CommenterMike Jackson

You wouldn't know basic physics if your mother handed it to in bed.

But lookit who decries conspiracy theory. Wouldn't want any conspiracy here?

"Maurice Strong and the Club of Rome, not to mention all the other pseudo-Malthusians, control freaks and eugenicists "

Don't tell me. Not a conspiracy to your liking?

Mar 5, 2014 at 2:46 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

Question for replicant:

Why do you have to be so rude?

Mar 5, 2014 at 4:33 PM | Unregistered Commenterjollyfarmer


"An engine is an engine right?"
Well, yes, you've got it. Turbo jet, turbo prop, piston, they are all heat engines. And they all burn similar fuel (ie hydrocarbon) and work on the same thermodynamic principle of converting heat into aerodynamic thrust. So they all have very roughly the same ratio of (power out)/(water vapour released). From what you say, it seems that you know little or nothing about the optimisation of piston engines for performance at altitude.

"What don't compare jet engines with rocket engines."
How many rocket powered planes have you seen recently?

"A real feel good sales pitch. That's always why big business is doing things for us. For our welfare. That's why big pharma creates drugs that make us healthy, and chemical companies create better stronger plants that can survive in the new tough 'climate change' environment. It's just so good to know that the people have a friend on their side in big business and the wall street types. What would we do with out."

Er big companies, like small companies, do things to make money and to continue to exist. Not through altruism. But the best way of making money is to make things that people need and are willing to pay for.

Have you ever been in business or worked for a big company? Or even a small one?

" That's why big pharma creates drugs that make us healthy"
They do it because people are willing to pay real money to stay alive healthy. When you develop signs of incipient diabetes (let's hope you never do), where will the Metformin that keeps you from ever developing the disease and living with working eyes and limbs to old age have come from? [ans. 'big pharma'] Would you be willing to pay for it if the NHS didn't cough up?

What would we do with out."
We'd be subsistence farmers with turnips and a bit of bread as our staple diet.

"You wouldn't know basic physics if your mother handed it to in bed."
Of course. You are very perceptive.

And you? Your qualifications are in what area?

Mar 5, 2014 at 4:41 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A

Mike. Why does your cat catch shrews? It's for sport.

No other reason for catching the inedible things.

Mar 5, 2014 at 4:43 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A

Except I think he only actually catches the dead ones! There's a moral there somewhere.

Mar 5, 2014 at 5:17 PM | Registered CommenterMike Jackson

I guess I should have congratulated you on finding time away from your 'life' so that you are able to spend it here promoting idiotic positions.

In any case, this tiring. There is no possibilities of any kind that what you are witnessing in the sky are vapour trails. Pretensions of arguing the existence of contrails which equal the size, types, locations of what is in the sky today is naturally completely idiotic. . The discussion isn't whether or not aircraft engines can create contrails the discussion is whether or not these trails are vapour trails. Basic grade school science and common sense will tell you they are not.

"But the best way of making money is to make things that people need and are willing to pay for. "

Is that why people have to fight off corporations and risk arrest and personal injury and financial loss when people don't want fracking in their town? When they don't want GMO seeds. When they do want GMO food labelled. When they don't want vaccines. When corporations do everything they can, using all the financial muscle and legislation to get their way contrary to the will of the people. Is that what you mean by corporation creating things that people want?

""companies, do things to make money and to continue to exist."

In fact they will do whatever it takes to make money. Regardless of the consequences. As long as they can get away with it. Which brings to light your completely one sided presentation of the consequences of one particular industry. But when talking about consequences that don't fit into your oh so idyllic picture...why those consequences have magically disappeared. Oh blue sky, what happy days. On this site there isn't any downside to corporate activity. They're all good ol' boys who are just trying to make a living. Not like that Maurice guy and the Club of Rome filth. I don't suppose any of those people in the Club of Rome conspiracy this site likes use any corporate sponsors? Not to get side tracked, if we just let the corporations make money we'd all be better off. None of them ever do anything illegal, harmful or dangerous or even unwanted. None of them ever resort to pushing legislation to excuse their illegal, harmful or dangerous behavior. If there are any detractors from the wishes of the corporation then that is just eco-fascist bullshit that the Club of Rome is behind. No, that's conspiracy. Unless of course you toe the party line for the dreaded eco-fascists who have now taken control of the world. Then that's conspiracy. Whew, I get so confused by all this conspiracy talk on this site.

"You wouldn't know basic physics"

You know what basic physics is? High school. I have high school basic physics. And I am plenty old enough to understand that I received an education at a time when the hard sciences had merit. What you are trying to present has nothing to do with anything. You are a mouthpiece, nothing more. It would not surprise me in the least that you gain financial compensation for your posting.

Mar 5, 2014 at 5:23 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

replicant -

You are right, it's hard balancing all the things that need attending to in a day and also finding the odd 15 minutes to look at BH.

"You are a mouthpiece, nothing more. It would not surprise me in the least that you gain financial compensation for your posting"
Sad to say, I receive no compensation whatever for anything I post here - nor anywhere else. I'd be glad to accept payment but the opportunity has never come my way. Could you put in a word for me, perhaps?

I don't know much about The Club of Rome but I think you'll find that the posters here who do know about it are not its greatest fans by a long stretch.

On a different matter, I'd be interested to know your views on the 'low consumption' lamp bulbs that we are now obliged to purchase in place of the traditional tungsten lamps. The low consumption ones contain mercury (a neurotoxin), they are slow to light up specially in cold weather (provoking accidental falls on stairs), they produce a light that distorts colors, and they can generate radio interference. The legislation was put through on the pretext that they reduce CO2 production. It is notable that GE, Philips, etc were very enthusiastic about replacing 25cent tungsten lamps with $5 'low consumption' lamps. My view is that the legislation to ban the old lamps was - shall we say - enthusiastically sponsored - by the manufacturers. Was their introduction a good thing or a bad thing?

Mar 5, 2014 at 6:24 PM | Registered CommenterMartin A

"What would we do with out."

We'd be subsistence farmers with turnips and a bit of bread as our staple diet.

The arrogance of your pretensions is pathetic.

Corporations and international money, with the great help of the government and their judicious use of military thugs have imposed their interests upon others and have systematically engineered to rid the world of any capacity for independence. From organic farming to slaughtering your farm meat to collecting rainwater, any and all abilities to maintain independence is being systematically undermined. And we have you to thank that their endeavours are greased as well as can be expected.

We'd be free men. Nothing else matters.

Mar 5, 2014 at 6:33 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

"I don't know much about The Club of Rome"

I don't know why you don't ask Mike then before you respond.

Mar 5, 2014 at 6:36 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

I knew you'd like my bit about the Club of Rome. Just because you are too thick or too blind or too bigoted or too up your own arse to be bothered to check facts (I thought you were hot on "facts" or is it just facts-you-like?) doesn't stop them being facts.
The whole cAGW scam has been about politics from the very beginning. CO2 and fossil fuels are nothing but a convenient peg to hang the argument because it's plausible enough to fool the sheeple.
Like it's fooled you.

Mar 5, 2014 at 6:50 PM | Registered CommenterMike Jackson

"I'd be interested to know your views on the 'low consumption' lamp bulbs"

I have no idea. I don't know anything about the bulbs or the legislation. I don't know that the cheap ones cost $.25 and I don't know the others cost $5 and I'm not interested in learning about them in any particular sense. As a rule I would not pass legislation of this sort. But also I am an old believer. I would revoke corporate status as a person. There would be no such thing as limited liability. That would be for starters off the top of my head. Smarter men than me could detail it.

Mar 5, 2014 at 7:04 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

"I knew you'd like my bit about the Club of Rome."

Don't bother flattering yourself.

"bothered to check facts"

You have yet to present any facts of any kind of any kind. I asked you on the other thread if this entity that you are crying about is separate from the military and separate from the government. And if they are or are not I asked you to explain to me how they have managed to co-op virtually the entire known world. Passing legislation, writing articles, costing businesses money. So you say. I believe you. Can't you tell me where their support is coming from. I mean if you want to kill off a major portion of the world's population I would think you are going to need some pretty powerful people in some pretty powerful places. So what are you truing to tell me? That there is one man, a group of people and some name calling. Could you outline for me the connections this group of people might have to the power centres of the world and what those power centres might be.

Or is that just...too much for you to bother. Preferring instead to take juvenile potshots from the corners and biting at my ankles. Huh?

Mar 5, 2014 at 7:18 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

replicant - you seem, if I may say so, somewhat embittered. Is it fair to assume that life has been somewhat hard on you?

Mar 5, 2014 at 7:55 PM | Unregistered Commentersplitpin

Well my personal issues are hardly relevant really. Perhaps you read the thread from a one sided point of view. I am hardly going to give my current opponents respect. That would mean I dignify their posts to me. Do you notice how they address me? Besides that their position has long been seen as bogus. Perhaps you don't agree. Legitimate discussion starts where common sense prevails.

Mar 5, 2014 at 8:14 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

as on the shale gas thread, replicant, you talk about common sense whilst steadfastly ignoring facts. Can you demonstrate that fracking fluid is as toxic as you so stridently assert? Can you demonstrate the chemical composition oif these "chemtrails"?

Mar 5, 2014 at 9:52 PM | Unregistered Commenterdiogenes

"as toxic as you so stridently assert? "

And just how toxic did I so stridently assert?

Oh wait, let me help you out. It is so toxic that people get sick and can't use their water. If that isn't toxic enough for a cretinous jackel like yourself, what the fr*** do you want me to do about ? But of course an intellectual like yourself would need a concrete standard. Much higher than a lowly requirement like being unable to use their water.

Mar 5, 2014 at 10:00 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

Having re-visited the thread after about a week, I think the answer is only Entropic Man - normally polite usually answers the question often posts a link occasionally concedes a point or partially concedes at least.

Answering the question rather just adding another insult makes Entropic a positive input here.

Mar 5, 2014 at 10:41 PM | Unregistered CommenterSandyS

"It is so toxic that people get sick and can't use their water."

which people are these? Do they have names? are there court cases pending?

Mar 5, 2014 at 11:40 PM | Unregistered Commenterdiogenes

I have no intention of playing games with you. I posted quite a bit of links to injury claims on the very thread that you have already posted to earlier and which you can read for yourself. Why would I repeat all that? Why would I treat your question, which begins with a ridiculous attempt at being insulting, if you had any genuine interest in having a discussion? Why would I treat you as if you deserved respect when by your question you have already dismissed what I have already posted? Why would I waste my time like that?

Mar 5, 2014 at 11:54 PM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant


Why would I treat you as if you deserved respect when by your question you have already dismissed what I have already posted? Why would I waste my time like that?,

Well gosh, replicant, why would you pass up an opportunity to waste our time if the only cost was wasting yours?

Mar 6, 2014 at 12:18 AM | Registered Commenterjferguson

replicant, the answer is that those cases are null and void.

Mar 6, 2014 at 12:57 AM | Unregistered Commenterdiogenes

What cases are those that are null and void?

Mar 6, 2014 at 8:11 AM | Unregistered Commenterreplicant

Here, for what it's worth, is my assessment of the three commenters in the title of this thread.

Entropic Man
I think EM adds significant value to BH. He'd add even greater value if he'd restrict himself to comments where he has something of significance to say.

Here's what I posted previously about EM (and which EM himself indicated he pretty much agreed with):

Yes, EM is always courteous, even to me, after I have said things about him that are less than completely polite.

Sometimes, now and then, he'll come up with something that is thought-provoking and then he adds real value to the discussion.

But, as I've said to EM, it's a shame that he often comes across as talking down to readers - a bit as if he were addressing a science class of 13-year olds - presenting things that are pretty trite and obvious as if they were observations of great profundity.

Plus, when he comes up with what are essentially trivialities, he's adding noise, rather than adding value. The prolificness with which he does this annoys some readers.

I think that Chandra adds value too, although the style of his comments takes some getting used to and upsets some readers.

Chandra often comes across as very confrontational and having the effect of derailing threads. However, he has indicated that he is here to debate and that he has benefited from discussions here which have given him cause to think. He certainly questions what is said and he evidently checks up on answers given to his questions. I think his comments add value if only because they are a counter to the possibility of BH groupthink obscuring our view.

Sorry to say, I think replicant adds negative value.

To replicant 'slickwater fracking' is the work of the Devil and that's all there is to it. He's also obsessed with 'chemtrails', dismissing the possibility that what we see behind high-flying aircraft are simply vapour trails as simply ridiculous. Replicant derails threads - but probably only those discussing fracking. Not really a person you can debate with - any point you make will be dismissed and followed by one or more rants. Here is a randomly selected sample from a replicant comment...

"...This of course doesn't begin to address the myriad of other issues that show what an idiotic viewpoint that is that what you see are water vapour trails. But I wouldn't want to cloud your vision. You are having enough trouble as it is.....

Mar 6, 2014 at 8:55 AM | Registered CommenterMartin A