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Discussion > Log of BBC Climate bias

Brian Cox and Robin Ince ?

went to see their theatrical show several years ago - when they had no audience (Radio/TV) - the usual sneering at climate deniers and to use Brian's usual terminology "knobheads" - but in front of a live audience - whoa! no way.....

Jan 29, 2020 at 8:18 PM | Registered Commentertomo
Times chief reporter Sean O'Neill has just tweeted,
"Listening to another breathless report about Thwaites Glacier and wondering if anyone has ever calculated the carbon footprint of environment correspondents..."

. Given that the BBC's chief environment correspondent Justin Rowlett was just on Radio 4's PM ten minutes earlier reporting from Thwaites Gracier,
I'm guessing Sean had the BBC guy in mind.
Maybe the BBC needs an Ethical Man to rule on such matters.

Jan 30, 2020 at 10:59 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

12:41pm Radio4 A seven minute item about microplastics
Carefully crafted with 7 separate items.
What was that about ?

I think it was BRAINWASHING like Al Gores’s movie
a torrent of half truths which seem compelling until you examine the details.

Bottomline the prog presented the idea that washing machine plastic particles are a great danger that get into the environment and cause great harm.
They then presented us with a number of people who have magic solutions

There is ONE REAL world and there are a million fictitious PR worlds
The seg ran like an advert
#1 A premise that there is a great danger
#2 A premise that there are these magic solutions
That we should spend EXTRA MONEY for a Green solution
.. or accept dirtier clothes
The bluff was ..that despite great claim/emotion
they presented no substantiation that our clothes microparticles reduce the number of LIFEDAYS in our lifespan
it was all conjecture.

Jan 31, 2020 at 3:25 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Radio4 12:41pm major PR BS about microplastic/microfibres
#1 Peter White intro "scientists say they are polluting the oceans
they end up.. damaging fish and other marine life"*
"the first washing machines with built in filters, will come in next year
.. but what can we do now ?" **

* There is no proper evidence that YOUR washing substantially HARMS any ecosystem
There is that Uni of Uppsala study that still sits uncorrected on the BBCnews website even though it was retracted
.. Our gardens emit masses of tiny particles of various toxicities yet we don't worry
..imagine foxglove and ivy etc.

** I bet some washing machines particularly industrial ones do already have LINT FILTERS
..also you don't have to output your washing machine waste water straight into the drain, you could easily route it into a filter device if you wanted

#2 Change to presenter Melanie Abbott
She played an emotional black "think of the children advert"
in which a child claimed
"Did you know that EVERY meal you eat MAY contain 100 pieces of plastic ?
.. microplastics make up 60% of clothes we wear"

..So what ? bananas are radioactive
There is no evidence that our lifespan will be days shorter on average that previous generations, due to microplastics being eaten.

MarkNichols of another filter corp
"A domestic washing machine CAN release upto 700K fibres per wash"
.. "These are too small to get captured by water treatment plants

.. that smells like BS cos some of the 700K will be small , but I am expecting that some are bigger that bacteria , that can't get through some filters
I'm betting that if I put 700K in most will not make it into the output water , but will get trapped into slurry or even eaten by bacteria.

"so that means they end up getting in our oceans, in our food chains and in our drinking water"
.. Easy to say but probably not true
Cos our drinking water mostly comes from rain falling on hillsides in Pennines , being filtered through rock and then into a reservoir and then into a water treatment plant
I'm guessing the microplastics is too tiny to measure.

(The interview was recorded 2 years ago and he predicted W machines could have filters in "3-4 years"

#3 Item on Lakeland's GuppyFriend £30 bag that collects fibres in your wash, and you empty into landfill
(claims made which were not substantiated)

#4 item Dr Richard Blackman University of Leeds have a cheaper way
by washing at 25C for 35mins only shed half as much as 40C for 85 mins
"most fibres in the ocean are actually NATURAL fibres that don't breakdown well"
.. (his research is partially funded by P&G who make low temp wash powder)

#5 Enviro EXPERT Paula Owen agreed with #4
She uses an eco-egg abrasion technique instead of washing powder

Back to Lakeland woman selling a NATURAL soap which needs less rinses

#6 Item with Lindsey Crombie from TV prog OC Cleaners

#7 mention of coming EU & California laws

To me that whole lot was like Al Gore's film
... a wall of half truths which would brainwash people
but in this case I am not convinced
that this "DO SOMETHING" scenario creates a population with many more lifedays than doing nothing special.
.. So why should we pay in both OUR taxes and loss of freedoms ?

Jan 31, 2020 at 3:25 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Yup, it's the same old same old.

But it was a pleasant surprise to read

#4 item Dr Richard Blackman University of Leeds have a cheaper way
by washing at 25C for 35mins only shed half as much as 40C for 85 mins
"most fibres in the ocean are actually NATURAL fibres that don't breakdown well"
.. (his research is partially funded by P&G who make low temp wash powder)

The micro-plastics is in many ways a complete rinse-and-repeat, pun intended, of almost every environmental scare, especially those related to kemikals:
1) The alleged hazard is frequently not conclusively shown to be a hazard at all. Just speculation and fear mongering.
2) The hazard, such as it is, is frequently no different from preexisting natural "hazards" which are poorly understood or researched.
3) The new man made hazard is only different in that it is in some way, well, different.

Thus plastic micro-spheres are more easily identified in a tissue sample under a microscope because they are more perfectly spherical and will have a very different refractive index. Naturally occurring organic and mineral particles are more difficult to identify and the researchers almost certainly aren't even looking for them, never mind considering their properties in a biological context. Asbestos, the classic example, is chemically very unremarkable. It is largely shape and physical properties that cause the problems. The are very few circumstances under which a perfect sphere of a dull compound can damage a cell membrane.

Another all time great bogey-man is radioactivity. It's always present, always was, and always will be. Changes in radioactive background can be detected with such exquisite sensitivity that radioactive moieties can be detected at levels far below those known to be hazardous and far below the concentration of non-radioactive molecules that actually might be harmful.

Greentards instinctively work on the basis of "If I can see it then it must be not only harmful, but more harmful than everything else that is already there that I choose to ignore." When playing on the fears of others they also take care to de-emphasize that life is filled with ever-present unavoidable hazards. What is important is that a known hazard should always be assessed with proper respect to the alternatives, which are frequently worse. And it's ignoring that maxim that's partly the reason how we got the enthusiastically foolish promotion of diesel engines to allegedly save us from carbon dioxide. When the assessment is made at all, the modern industrial civilisation we have slowly built over hundreds of years is usually undervalued with respect to the alternatives. The past is an interesting place but nobody actually wants to live there.

Jan 31, 2020 at 5:23 PM | Unregistered Commentermichael hart


check out this list of BBC local FM stations.

- and I thought BBC Radio Wiltshire was bad enough.....

Feb 6, 2020 at 6:26 PM | Registered Commentertomo

@BBCYoungReport tweets
It is a complex subject
so @BBCNews has taken a look at what we know
and don't know about the Earth's changing climate

Feb 8, 2020 at 10:55 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

BBC finds 8 year old "climate activist" is India

Note, in particular, the plastic pipe air system based on a plastic pot plant, and the illegible sign.

” climate activist”
“young activist has pushed for new laws to curb India’s high pollution levels ” ..well that is not Climate is it ?
Climate and pollution are two different issues.

.. Greta would think it ‘s great that we burn wood at Drax and to cook our food, cos although that creates MORE pollution its CO2 is renewable.

Any advance on 8 years old ?
Come on BBC surely you can find a six year old Climate activist in Korea or something ?
Or an embryo in Brighton

Feb 8, 2020 at 10:59 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

embryo in Brighton?

they'd contact great and good from the past via a séance if they thought they'd get away with it.

Feb 8, 2020 at 2:12 PM | Unregistered Commenterfred

One list of BBC bias about climate

Special article for the troll who says we cannot call XR fascists

Feb 14, 2020 at 4:37 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

@Deborah just wrote
Just watching Ski Sunday. Thought it was an agenda free zone.
But they have just had a woman say that climate change is undeniable and there has to be care in the mountains.
Just for emphasis she has just repeated climate change.
Apparently some people have made a film about it and she has just repeated Climate change for the third time.

Last week there was a section about taking severely disabled young people skiing in Europe.
CC been mentioned 3 more times while I was typing this.
I give up.

I caught a glance of the show
the downhill competition seemed t be shot from a helicopter.

Feb 16, 2020 at 10:03 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Twitter noticed
Just show the skiing Ski Sunday.
Banging on about climate change like every other BBC program.

Christine Easdale @ChristineEasda1 · 2h
Even Ski Sunday now propagandising on behalf of the climate scam. @BBC is finished.

Baldy Davitt 🇬🇧🇧🇦🌧 @BaldyDavitt · 2h We thought we'd have some entertainment by watching Ski Sunday.
But no. They just HAVE to get some eco bollocks message in it.
Turns off.

Feb 16, 2020 at 10:23 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Doublethinker writes
I have read the comments in the Times re the possible abolition of the LF and move to funding the BBC by subscription only.
My crude analysis of the comments and ‘likes’ is that about two thirds are in celebratory mode along the lines that ‘ they have brought it on themselves and it’s long overdue’

.... and one third are outraged that anyone could even imagine touching the sacred cow , ‘ cultural vandalism ‘ or ‘right wing suppression of the truth ‘ .

The Times leader broadly welcomes a debate on the way the BBC is funded which surprised me because the Times has been staunchly a Remain but perhaps Murdoch sees opportunities if the BBC is brought to heel.

What is clear is that the BBC defence will be two pronged, firstly attacking the BBC is cultural vandalism and secondly attacking the BBC is an attack upon free speech. I know it’s hard not to laugh.

They simply don’t seem to understand that their extreme anti Brexit bias for the last three and a half years has been the main cause why so many of the general public has turned against the BBC.

Feb 16, 2020 at 11:05 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

There is no truth in the rumor that the in house working title for the Attenborough / Thunberg collaboration series is

"How Dare You"

Feb 17, 2020 at 1:11 AM | Unregistered Commenterfred

I accidentally caught the tail end of Ski Sunday, while flicking through the channels. Close to the end they read out a question from a viewer, asking how to minimise their CO2 footprint when going on a skiing holiday. Travel by train, as 75% of CO2 emissions from a holiday are from travelling, was the bland answer. The correct answer, of course, was "don't go", but they can't say that. If they did, Ski Sunday would immediately become rather pointless, and you won't get people on board with the climate change agenda by banning things.

Feb 17, 2020 at 8:36 AM | Unregistered CommenterMark Hodgson

Feb 17, 2020 at 8:36 AM Mark Hodgson
Global Warming has never made sense, and the BBC broadcasts its own misunderstanding.

Feb 17, 2020 at 4:31 PM | Unregistered Commentergolf charlie

Joe Brindle

Ah... right... that Joe Brindle

The UK's incubator for locally sourced and groomed Greta clones :

‘UKSCN’ and ‘UK Student Climate Network’ are trading names of UK STUDENT CLIMATE NETWORK LIMITED, a private limited company by guarantee, operating not for profit. Registered in England and Wales at 8 Delancey Passage, London, NW1 7NN Company number 11897103. UKSCN can be contacted non-electronically by addressing a letter to UK Student Climate Network and sending to the above postal address.

NW1 7NN is also home to:

Some of the charmers drawing London weighted salaries from the "not for profit"

Steve Shaw - Director
Before founding Power for People, Steve worked on a number of environmental campaigns including the campaign for the Climate Change Act and running the campaign for the Sustainable Communities Act.

Martyn Williams Political Strategy
Martyn worked for over ten years at Friends of the Earth where he ran many successful campaigns including those for the Climate Change Act and the Doorstep Recycling Act.

Ron Bailey Parliamentary Strategy
Ron has run campaigns that have achieved over 25 successful legislative changes including the Energy Conservation Act, the Warm Homes Act and the Sustainable Energy Act.

Rupert Meadows Campaigns Assistant
Rupert graduated in 2018 from the University of Bristol. He has experience in communications, research and teaching, and he is passionate about sustainability and learning languages.

Michael Spencer Communications Manager
Michael has a background in environmental science, digital marketing and communications. He is currently studying part-time at LSE and enjoys rock climbing and cycling in his spare time.

All pretty reticent about where the lolly comes from ..... I see UKSCN list UKYCC as an affiliate - who got a a pile of funding (£100k or so) from anonymous "Canadian" donor .... If I were to guess, some familiar names would appear if these weasels actually revealed who's picking up the tab for their comfy little operation .... CICs are being abused here.

Feb 24, 2020 at 1:44 PM | Registered Commentertomo

I missed this when originally published in June 2019 but somebody mentioned it to me yesterday in a conversation where they were venting about Radio 4 and its increased unlistenability .

BBC Scotland ratings plunge or don't even get off the line....

Mar 3, 2020 at 8:15 AM | Registered Commentertomo

On Feb 24th Tarah Welsh did an eco item for Inside Out London
Video : Tarah Welsh tries to cut her carbon footprint by setting herself ‘going green’ goals for a week.

She speaks to Cli-sci-activist Neil Jennings
She finds her footprint is 14.6 Tonnes/year vs avg Londoner of 8-9
– She stops using the car
– And switches to vegetarian food grown in the UK .. costs a lot more
– Says “less than half of Londoners recycle” .. too wow to be true
Then speaks with Ander Z a guy who obsessively avoids waste by buying from the bring your own container shop

blah blah
– Says she’s not sure she can abandon her family’s annual flight holiday abroad

– In the end in the week she gets her Annual rate down from 14 tonnes to 12
(There was no mention that she would still have a footprint 50% BIGGER than the average Londoner)
and says she will continue
– Ends “I know we have to make big changes to protect future generations“

FFS that her evangelical belief , not mine
so I am sure she should have an UNOPPOSED BBC platform to preach at me

Mar 10, 2020 at 8:08 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Cashmere crisis in India...must be the "climate catastrophe".

BBC News - The Cashmere crisis in the Himalayan ice desert

The problem is Global Warming brings too much cold
"The nomads and scientists alike are adamant that climate change is the biggest threat to Pashmina production in the region.
"The Changthang plateau does not usually get much snowfall, and if it does, it begins in January or February.
"However, for the last few years it has been increasingly heavy, starting as early as December, even November."

Mar 24, 2020 at 1:38 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

3pm R4 The arty worldwide documentary magazine show
Topic today : Short documentaries about our changing climate with Josie Long.

FFS constant agenda pushing

Next prog
15:30 prog : Costing the Earth
Turning Japan Green
Can the Tokyo Olympics help create a greener Japan?

11am Mantra about Greta

11:30am Worldwide artists
featured #1 Karabo Rabaloi (19) - an aspiring opera soprano in Cape Town, South Africa,
#2 A 21yo Aborigine dancer in Australia

13:45 prog : refugee 10 part prog
2:15pm drama : about a Kurdish refugee

Mar 24, 2020 at 3:55 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

entire story has a video also
Meet the people who could change the way we live 15 May 2020
Involving more than 100 members of the public, representing all parts of the UK, the assembly members have been asked to look at how the UK can cut greenhouse gas emissions to virtually zero by 2050.
The first meetings took place in Birmingham
- but were then moved online after the coronavirus lockdown.
Our science correspondent Rebecca Morelle has been following four of the assembly members throughout the process.

May 16, 2020 at 9:07 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Over Christmas Radio4 has filled space by repeating progs 3 times instead of just 2 times

So I heard the Radio4 Science show where Alarmist-Activist-Presenter Adam Rutherford
interviewed Alarmist-Activist-Scientist T*msin Edwards
she told us 'I cheered Boris's net zero announcements
.. he was listening to what we scientists advised'
'I think we are heading for +2.7C by 2000,
a bit less if China backtrack on coal plans'

Those words seem to me to be PR , NOT science

Ben Pile also tweeted
Hard to exclude the implication of what T*msin Edwards @flimsin
is saying on R4 -- that new papers have been produced to coincide with #COP26.
We always knew that was the case
-- that "science" tries to urge policymaking. Good to have it confirmed.

We could call it the Ferguson model of science communication.

Next week, Alice Roberts and Brian Cox review the decade in science. (true)
C'leb and BBC "science" is so predictable, so ideological, so shallow, incestuous.

Next programme after the news, no shit, is Adrian Childs investigating UK self-sufficiency. Autarky.
It's religion.

Autarky = a nation in self-sufficiency

Dec 26, 2020 at 4:40 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Countryfile has Global Warming agenda pushing in almost every show
Tonight 4 times presenters have referred to "climate change."
but actually they didn't have any deep claims

"Planting trees here will help with climate change"

Adam speaking about the recent cold night and warm days
claimed "these days of big temperature difference could become more common with climate change"

Adders item

"due to the breakup of their natural habitats
"Adders are steeply declining,
we could lose them from 90% of sites in 10-15 years
See climate not really blamed

Apr 25, 2021 at 9:49 PM | Unregistered Commenterstewgreen

BBC own the British commercial Network UKTV
UKTV have a premium pay channel W-Channel

Yesterday just run a trailer for the Stacey Dooley series there.
Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over series two
10pm Mon 19th The Eco Warrior Family ... then repeated daily
Environmentalist Roc and his children have rejected most of the trappings of 21st century life (including electricity) at their home on the remote Hebridean island of Gometra.
Roc moved into a derelict house there 25 years ago, and he and his *four children* grow their own food, chop their own wood and wash their clothes in a bucket.
They do occasionally leave their home – Roc and three of his children sometimes travel to London on a journey that involves ferries, buses and trains to participate in HS2 and Extinction Rebellion campaigns.

OK Greens that seem to walk the walk
Why don't they mention he owns the island and is a millionaire ?
Hang on the newspaper in 2019 says this
"Roc travels to and from his London home to spend one- third of the year living off-grid on the remote isle of Gometra"

1 daughter & son are professional XR protesters who locked themselves inside the Euston Tunnel construction
"Blue and Lazer (son) were privately educated at King Alfred School, in Hampstead, north London, as there are no schools on the remote Hebridean island of Gometra - which Mr Sandford owns.
He has another daughter both daughters are from his ex-wife
But 4 children means he has doubled his own eternal CO2 footprint compared to a couple that only have 2.

Apr 26, 2021 at 9:08 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen