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Discussion > Log of BBC Climate bias

Thursday's FooC Podcast (different from the R4 version)

- Item #1 : Rural Andalusia is getting depopulated due to CLIMATE CHANGE
... wow the event is true ..the cause is multifaceted ..and I don't think weather is really part of it, never mind CC

- Item #3: In Canada there are 6 times more lymes disease diagnosese than before
..and that is due to CLIMATE CHANGE causing infected ticks to come up from North America

.. Doh The number of cases is small
- Diagnosis used be almost zero , cos the disease was not recognised
Now people know to look out for the bullseye bite and report it
Before they used to not notice the bite get sick 1 year 5 year. 10 year later so it was not diagnosed as lymes
Delingpole had to fight for his diagnosis

Nov 10, 2019 at 12:31 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

By opening and clicking write
I can quite quickly turns Marks post into one with embedded links

via : MH : The Science & Environment [sic] section of the BBC website seems to be in some sort of weird meltdown this morning (stories about storms from 2016 there as though they're happening now) so here's the "news" from the Guardian:
- Climate crisis will affect lifelong health of young, warn doctors

- Lancet Countdown tracks impacts of global heating covering disease, wildfires and malnutrition

- Donald Tusk's message to UK voters: don't give up on stopping Brexit

- Outgoing EU council chief gives implicit backing to Boris Johnson’s opponents"

- Governments have ignored the warnings of fire chiefs on bushfires. There is no more time to waste .... "
Climate change has aggravated the catastrophic fire conditions that have torn through NSW and Queensland this week. Record-breaking drought, record-breaking heat, and very dry fuels and soils are a key part of why these bushfires are so deadly."

- Growing demand for SUVs 'could negate electric car benefits'
Global energy watchdog issues warning in climate forecast for the next two decades

"Growing demand for SUVs in the US, China, Europe and elsewhere could negate all the environmental benefits of the increased use of electric cars, the International Energy Agency (IEA) says. Because of their size, SUVs are harder to electrify than smaller vehicles.

The IEA’s annual global industry forecast also cited mounting demand for plastic, increasing plane travel and the upcoming population boom in cities across Africa and Asia as key contributing factors in increasing demand for oil."

[Well, who'd have thought it?]

Nov 14, 2019 at 3:51 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

8am I listened to local news then switched to R4Today
within a minute they were ramming Climate Change down my throat
inevitably something that the Guardian had reported
\\ Poet laureate Simon Armitage is setting up a poetry prize focusing on the environment,
describing the climate crisis as a “background hum that won’t go away”//

BBCnews web just put up a story
Armitage will donate his £5,000 salary as poet laureate to help fund the annual Laurel Prize.

\\ #SimonArmitage 'Poet Laureate' who cannot pronounce 'contribute' correctly,
leaps on the bandwagon of @GretaThunberg
& orders 'poets' to write about climate change. Imagine telling people what to write about?
Gimmicky fraud. @BBCr4today //

Nov 21, 2019 at 12:26 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

This morning BBC Radio4 yet again tweeted a link to their Climate Change activist item
That's the third time from them and Woman's Hour have also tweeted it twice
"How do you talk to children and young people about climate change?"

I see BBC's Paul Lewis replied
"It’s a problem you’ll have to solve because we’re not! "

Nov 21, 2019 at 12:29 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Yet another trailer for
"Meat a threat for our planet?"
Monday 25th November at 9pm on @BBCOne
I keep hearing that trailer on the radio
Then at 7pm BBC 1
Then same trailer 8pm BBCFour

@jongaunt tweets
Have you seen this advert for this new
@BBC programme Meat a threat to our planet with that Irish presenter crying?!
WTF is this more @vegan @BBC propaganda?
Where’s the balance in this promo?
Using licence fee to attack meat industry?

I switched to Channel5
The adverts just came on
..FFS a trailer : "Don't miss 'Chris Packham: Plant A Tree To Save The World' next Thursday at 8pm on
Produced by our @ITNProductions team #plantatree "

I switched to Twitter
and I got a trailer not a proper Global warming debate but a Political Leaders
Climate Emergency debate
.. that’s biased framing for a start
Channel 4 News will devote a one hour special programme in its 7pm slot to the emergency of climate change, hosting the UK’s first ever leaders’ debate on the issue.

Nov 21, 2019 at 9:44 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Have you noticed any pro-Vegan anti-beef progs on the BBC ?

Sunday there were 2 special progs + 2 progs with that item
then Monday BBC1 TV prog
then Tuesday a Radio4 prog, then next Sunday then another Radio4 prog
BTW Today the same expert who did the 6:30am Radio4 show
was back at 6:30pm in an item on BBC2 1

Log : Sunday
#1 6:30am Radio4 : anti-meat man Mike Berners-Lee carbon counting on a Cumbrian cattle farm

#2 12.30pmThe Food Programme
"To beef or not to beef.Part 1.. that is the question in today’s edition

#3 5:30pm Tom Heap in a BBC1 Countryfile item on beef : let vegan spokesman go unchallenged.

#4 6:30pm BBC2 anti-beef item : incredibly the same guy who was on R4 at 6:45am, was in a repeat of Horizon “The Honest Supermarket *

Monday 9pm
#5 "powerful @lizbonnin doc @BBCOne ."

#6 Radio4 "@Costingtheearth asks what a Vegan UK will look like"

Next Sunday
#7 12.30pm Radio4 : The Food Programme
"Eating Animals Part 2: A Meat Q&A.
Dan Saladino, Sheila Dillon and an expert panel answer your questions on meat eating.

*..where activists were allowed to make hugely misleading claims about meat, CO2 pesticides etc.
which actually other experts in the show mostly debunked
(eg pesticide residue can now be detected in fruit, but at such tiny quantities it’s harmless etc.)

Nov 24, 2019 at 10:23 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

from bBBC
Caught a absolutely sickening piece of BIAS / Agenda pushing on BBC Breakfast this morning.

Reporter was in Fishlake. A area badly affected by the recent floods.
Amazingly, he managed to turn it into a 4 minute Anti Boris, Climate Change agenda pushing circus.

He was interviewing residents who’s homes were flooded.
Asking them if they could trust the Government to listen to them, of course, they couldn’t !!!
Boris is a liar, he doesn't know what its like to be flooded.
After a few Anti Boris soundbites, he moved the report onto linking the weather to climate change.
He asked one bloke if he thought that climate change was the cause of the recent floods and if it will sway his vote at the election,
fair do’s to the fella, he said it was just a freak event (correct) and would have no impact on his voting intention. Reporter asks him will Brexit have a effect,
the chap said i hope so,
You could sense he was a Brexiteer
so clearly the BBC didn't want this so cut him off sharpish.

Report ended with them speaking to who else,
but Ex-stink-tion rebellion !!!
Its all down to climate change,
she is voting to make sure she has a future, blah blah blah , music the the Beeboids ears.
And with that, the lecture / propaganda ended.

Sickening stuff. And they wonder why they are losing viewers hand over fist.

Nov 25, 2019 at 4:32 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Those 7 anti-meat progs turned out to be more
cos when I switched on Monday. Tuesday those progs were being repeated

It seems on R4 daytime you are never more that a few hours from the next green-agenda pushing agenda from the #Fakegreens

Thursday was something I missed
13:45 Adam Buxton digs down into our approach to saving the planet to see if anything makes sense.
Modern environmentalism is well-meaning, but horribly muddled.
We diligently wipe out yoghurt pots and despair over plastic bottles
.... yet jet off on holidays, buy new cars
and pop out another kid, or three.
We install solar panels, but eat imported guava. Replace our lightbulbs, but bin our batteries.
Do we have any idea which strategies are actually effective?
Does anything work?

I see that actually it was a repeat from 1 year ago

Nov 30, 2019 at 11:04 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

@Mark there is a huge old database about the BBC bias on Global Warming

Dec 7, 2019 at 9:33 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Bolt vs the Guardian : again I'll reproduce it cos Bolt articles usually go behind a paywall after a few hours

Andrew Bolt, Herald SunDecember 16, 2019 8:14am

Guardian Australia warmist Amy Remeikis is astonished, demonstrating her invincible ignorance from the start:

“There are no climate change deniers around I can assure you,” Rupert Murdoch said last month at News Corp’s annual general meeting.

His declaration that the publisher of the Daily Telegraph, the Australian and owner of Sky News was free of climate deniers was widely greeted with mirth.

What then erupts from her and her Guardian readers shows how truly primitive "progressives" have become.

It is an orgy of vilification, ignorance, tribalism and hatred, with a total uninterest in debate and virtually zero engagement with facts.

Here is a perfect example of how "progressives" treat global warming - not as a science but as a tribal marker.

Of course, Murdoch is right, which totally escapes Remeikis and the readers in comments below her piece.

No, no one I know of who works for Murdoch denies the climate has changed, is changing and will always change. How can Remeikis not understand this point, or even ask herself what Murdoch may actually have meant? This is not just ignorance on her part, but a completel failure of intellectual curiosity and engagement - the essential basics for the getting of wisdom.

Only last week I read again of the previous great shift in climate: the coming of the Little Ice Age in the beginning of the 14th century. An image struck me that I can't shake off. The cold gradually made farming in Greenland impossible, and the last ship from Norway or Iceland visited the Viking settlement in 1406. There was no wood on the island for the settlers to build their own ships and go somewhere warmer, and the last Viking family on Greenland probably died around the end of the 15th century. Can you imagine dying alone and totally forgotten - the last of your tribe?

Now that's climate change.

But back to Remeikis and her Guardian readers.

None of this kind of climate history is of interest to them. Nor, astonishingly, is the science of global warming today.

To "prove" Murdoch "wrong", Remeikis produces a string of quotes, many from me, which apparently demonstrate to her that I do indeed deny that the climate changes. (To repeat the obvious: I do not.)

But what is most startling about her list of supposedly damning quotes is that it's basically a list of scientific facts. For instance, she quotes me saying the following:

Let’s assume you’re silly enough to think global warming is causing worse bushfires around the world. (In fact a recent Nasa study found that the area burned by fire has dropped 24% over 18 years.)

… True, the world has warmed slightly as it rebounds from the little ice age that stretched from 1300 to around 1870, but can we cool it on this panic?

In that time of warming, life expectancy has shot up, world grain crops have set new records, and the death rate from extreme weather has been slashed by 99%.

But, above all, can we drop our incredible arrogance in thinking man now has the power to change the climate?...

This is nuts. Therese Rein, wife of Kevin Rudd, thinks prime minister Scott Morrison could have stopped fires in NSW by changing the world’s climate.

Wow. That’s religion talking, not science...

The science is clear: Morrison can do nothing to change the world’s climate and stop fires. Australia is just too small to make a difference.

[Therese] Rein and other critics such as Malcolm Turnbull are plainly irrational to suggest Morrison could dial down some giant thermostat...

Tony Jones in his final Q&A as full-time host produces yet another anti-Liberal pack-attack, with nobody on the panel challenging Malcolm Turnbull’s wild global warming falsehoods:

‘We have to recognise we have a hotter and drier climate. That’s the consequence of global warming. That will mean more fires and hotter fires.’

Fact: NSW has not got drier this past century. Nor has Australia.

Fact: this drought is not caused by global warming.

Fact: fires around the world now burn less area.

Fact: we’ve had worse firesand earlier ones.

As you see, Remeikis even included links to my evidence, yet nowhere in her article attempts to disprove a single thing I say.

Of evidence of her own, Remeikis has none. She resorts instead to repeating one of the most-debunked claims of the warmist faith - that "97 per cent of scientists" agree with ... something Remeikis can't actually define.

But let's dig deeper into the response of Remeikis and her readers. Here is why it demonstrates that progressives are actually primitives - enemies of the reason that distinguishes man from ape.


Nowhere in her article does Remeikis even try to disprove my factual assertions. Instead, she presents them as evidence of my evil. Quoting science is now evidence to her that you, er, deny the science.

Only one of the 163 comments (to date) from readers even attempts to contradict my arguments and only two others try to present scientific evidence to back their warmist beliefs.

One claimed "Kiribati ... will probably shortly become unliveable". That claim is completely false. The main island of Kitibati is actually growing.

Another admitted that Dr Andy Pitman had indeed said there was "no link between climate change and drought", but said Pitman's real position was more "nuanced". (Actually, Pitman's position remains that there is no direct link between global warming and drought, and no a priori reason why global warming would make a landscape more arid. Indeed, rainfall over Australia has increased over the century.)

Which leaves the one reader who attempted to counter any of the evidence I presented. Just one.

That reader tried to counter my citation of a NASA study showing a huge fall in area burned by fire by quoting another NASA study saying the fire danger in the US has increased. This is not actually convincing evidence and, in any event, not counter to what I said.

But without going into an argument on this point, let me just note the otherwise total indifference of Guardian readers not just to the facts I cited but indifference to any obligation to argue the science.

Remeikis and her readers shown no interest in the truth of global warming. It's only the belief in it that's important.


The Guardian readers do not engage in argument. Note instead their extraordinary and overwhelming abuse - which the Guardian Australia also saw fit to print. These are people in love with hate.

Here's just a small sample. Murdoch is described as "evil", a "malignant, scrotum-faced turd", a "liar", "malign", "feral", a "cancer", an "evil old scroat", "demon", a "testicular tumour", "selfish", a "stain on humanity", a "dictator", "the Great Satan", a"manipulator", a "pig", "rotten" and guilty of "sadism" and of having a "black heart".

Half a dozen readers wish him dead: "I don't normally wish death on anyone, but in Murdoch's case I'll make an exception"; "just die, Murdoch", "just die already", "should be excised", "the day he dies I will celebrate with champagne", "may he rot".

I'm described as an "infant", "lunatic", "unhinged", "criminal", "liar", "bullshitter", "shock jock", "idiot", "bastard", "dishonest" and "parasite".

The Guardian Australia should be embarrassed to publish such mindless savagery.


This hatred of sceptics and this indifference to their arguments or to the science suggests that Guardian readers are not at all interested in global warming as a science or an objective phenomenon.

No, they are interested only in sorting the good from the evil. To them, warming is a religious catechism to distinguish between the "us" and the evil "them". Between those who say "I believe" and those they damn as "deniers".

For the Guardian Australia, these religious believers are also their paymasters - the congregation that fills its collection plate and which must always have their faith reassured, never tested.

Hear it from the Guardian Australia editor herself:

The top editor of Guardian Australia Lenore Taylor has admitted she is concerned readers may not pay for news content during an economic downturn...

About half of the masthead's revenue is now sourced from around 100,000 paying readers. This is mainly in the form of donations...

The Guardian has also secured extra payments from crowdfunding, including in 2018 raising $150,000 in under a week for environmental reporting and this year raising a similar sum for climate change reporting.

Is it remotely likely that the Guardian Australia will risk this income by reporting facts likely to undermine the warmist faith of its readers?

But, wait, it's just risked that by publishing quotes from me. In which case the question becomes: are there any facts which could disturb the invincible ignorance of the global warming fanatics of the Guardian Australia?

Dec 16, 2019 at 7:13 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Tue 14 Jan 4pm @BBCRadio4 #Radio Word of Mouth
Communicating Climate Change
From the greenhouse effect, through global warming to climate chaos,
@MichaelRosenYes talks to @climategeorge *
about the best ways to communicate what's happening to the planet.

* George Marshall = @climategeorge
Communicator, founder of @ClimateOutreach
. Seeking fresh ways to talk and think about climate change. Author of Don't Even Think About It

Dec 16, 2019 at 9:02 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

BBC Radio5 Live Facebook
Dec 10th a last minute go at swinging the election
A bit of a fail cos in a country of 65million people it got 20K views and only 8 comments ..mostly against
Could voters' concerns about global warming start to swing elections?
How is climate change influencing voters and politicians around the world? 🌍🌡️

Dec 16, 2019 at 9:39 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

When I browse BBC's podcasts there are literally hundreds that push snowflake agenda
see how this series pushes pseudo green issues every 3 weeks
"People Fixing the World"

BTW the BBC charity division still took about £10m in EU money in 2017-2018 tax year after Brexit

Dec 18, 2019 at 3:55 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

\\ EastEnders nativity play, led by a young, black, eco-warrior girl,
started by asking for no loud noises,
didn't show Christ or the nativity,
but was about global warming. Nuff said... //

Dec 23, 2019 at 11:04 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Some 'Stenders managers at Harrabin's 28gate soiree ?

Dec 23, 2019 at 11:31 PM | Registered Commentertomo

The BBC have found another right-on Climate luvvie..
‘Fashion industry’s pollution made me cry’

Yael Aflalo was on a business trip in China when her idea for a sustainable fashion label really took off……

It ends….
It is all part of her mission to “bring sustainable fashion to everyone”.
But that comes at a price – from £16 for a thong to £405 for a leather blazer.


Dec 24, 2019 at 12:34 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

I've not posted here for a long time but I'm really pleased that BH and the discussion threads are still going.

I just entered my living room and saw Greta's face fill my TV screen as she delivered pearls of wisdom to the nation on BBC news, courtesy of the awe struck BBC news team. I managed to turn around and leave the room without hearing a syllable and count that as a minor success.

The BBC has got away with bias for decades. Since the more recent policy decision to broadcast alamism only, they have ratcheted up the propaganda and the frequency. Now they preach alarmism on a daily basis. The UK public, as always, provides a mixture of responses. Some adults and their children become terrified. They believe the dire warnings put out by ER and broadcast widely by the BBC. A great many people do not know what to believe but they get on with their lives. A smaller number of sceptics frequent sites like this to find like minded people who understand enough of the science to realise that it is deeply flawed.

But things are going to change. Even though temperatures remain almost static, extreme weather is mainly in decline and sea level rise refuses to accelerate, the rhetoric has rocketed and the BBC has been in the forefront of this.

Politicians, who are never too intelligent at the best of times, feel under pressure to respond. Now we are faced with crazy politicians who pledge to spend trillions dismantling our industries, economy and domestic energy applications. Goodbye gas boilers and fossil fueled cars. The replacements are currently unfit for purpose.

The public response is bound to change. If you get told, in effect, to rip out your efficient gas boiler or change to an electric car when you live in a rural area, you will not be happy to say the least. There will be public outcry. People will wonder how we got to this stage without challenge of the science, the justification or the need. The BBC, as major source of news and shaper of opinion, will have to explain why challenging debate has simply never taken place.

This could crucify the BBC and if this discussion thread is to have any benefit at all, that should be its objective.

Dec 30, 2019 at 7:22 PM | Unregistered CommenterSchrodinger's Cat

As mentioned on Dec 18th seem to have 50 podcasts each week and 14 seem to be green agenda

Kalki Presents: My Indian LifePodcast
Life for young Indian adults in the 21st Century explored by Bollywood actor Kalki Koechlin.
Real stories from India - sometimes

Jan 3rd Saving the planet
Two young Indians on a mission to make the world a better, cleaner place to live.

Jan 6, 2020 at 11:36 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

Jan 6th The Inquiry
Will humans become extinct by the end of the century?
What is the chance of the human race surviving the 21st century?
There are many dangers – climate change for example, or nuclear war, or a pandemic, or planet Earth being hit by a giant asteroid.
. How precarious is our civilisation and what can be done to stop a global catastrophe? David Edmonds talks to four expert witnesses to try and find the answer.

Previous episodes
Why is there a backlash against climate policies?
THU 28 NOV 2019

How soon can we go carbon zero?
THU 7 NOV 2019

How can we save our forests?
THU 26 SEP 2019

Jan 6, 2020 at 11:54 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

25 November 2019 Tom Neenan is Not All Men
How To Be An Environmentalist
Tom Neenan wants you to start respecting Mother Nature (along with all other women).
In this episode, he investigates how to be an environmentalist.

Jan 6, 2020 at 11:59 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

BBC podcast that pushes activism at kids : We Can Change The World
Climate Activism with Noga Levy-Rapoport
Isy Suttie speaks to Noga Levy-Rapoport about her fight against climate change.

They tweeted
BBC Bitesize @bbcbitesize
Ever thought that doing a small thing can’t make a difference?

You’re wrong, it totally can!
Listen to the new #WeCanChangeTheWorld podcast on
@BBCSounds with @Isysuttie
and 6 young people who have changed the world! 🌍

Listen now! 🎧

Jan 7, 2020 at 12:16 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

October 20th History Hour
An environmental history special
* Big photo of backlit cooling towers *
A pioneer of climate change science,
UK's Windscale nuclear accident,
Kenya's Green Belt heroine who won the Nobel Peace Prize,
the man "who fed the world",
and banning cars in Mexico City.

Jan 7, 2020 at 12:22 AM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

I was going to say that 15% of BBC podcasts are on Climate but it may be more than that
cos even innocuous titles hide it.
There are dozens and dozens of them.

Survival and revival in the Torres Strait
The Documentary Podcast
The islanders of Poruma are fighting to save their home from climate change, and their language from extinction

Patrick Suckling: Is Australia becoming a climate pariah?
Will the destruction wrought by bushfires in Australia lead to a change in direction?
The country's **former** Ambassador for the Environment analyses the government's approach

Jan 29, 2020 at 6:47 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

The Infinite Monkey Cage - Coral Reefs
Irreverent look at the world through scientists' eyes. With Brian Cox and Robin Ince.

Jan 29, 2020 at 6:52 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen

4 episodes !!!
The road to Glasgow
Discovery2020: A Year to Save the Planet Episode 1 of 4
Across 2020 Matt McGrath will be reporting on what is happening to save the planet

Jan 29, 2020 at 6:52 PM | Registered Commenterstewgreen