Renewables wreck the environment

So says Jesse Ausubel of Rockefeller University in New York, writing in the International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology. The paper appears to be an analysis of the amount of land required per Watt of energy produced.
Biomass energy is also horribly inefficient and destructive of nature. To power a large proportion of the USA, vast areas would need to be shaved or harvested annually. To obtain the same electricity from biomass as from a single nuclear power plant would require 2500 square kilometers of prime Iowa land. "Increased use of biomass fuel in any form is criminal," remarks Ausubel. "Humans must spare land for nature. Every automobile would require a pasture of 1-2 hectares."
Obvious to everyone except greens.
Reader Comments (4)
They only want what they know cannot be produced.
They don't think, they just demand.
On the original point, it's really simple. Internalise the external cost of carbon emissions (in a mechanism that takes account of risk and the balance between mitigation and adaptation), and then let's see what the market delivers. I doubt it will be either no renewables, or as much as politicians and most environmentalists think we need.
This, and most other debates, are tainted by people like Ausubel, who think they can work out incredibly complex systems to reveal the pefect answer for all of us. Let's not allow for the infinite variation of individual circumstances and preferences - we've got economists, environnmentalists and scientists who can work out the perfect, one-size-fits-all answer.
Your point about not trying to decide the answer for everyone is an important one. Ausubel is right that renewables will take up a lot of space, but it may be that they have a place to provide power for the rich to assuage their feelings of guilt. I'm happy to let the market decide.
On the subject of S&S, I think the RSPB are just speaking in favour of the local development rather than backing it per se.