Bishop Hill

Bizarre BBC bias

A jaw-dropping piece of BBC leftism: at the end of an article describing the festivities surrounding the reopening of the Festival Hall, readers are asked to comment as follows:
Should City bankers donate a proportion of their fortunes to causes like the Royal Festival Hall? Let us know what you think using the form below.
Just remember folks, it's not a party political bias - the BBC promulgates a wide variety of left wing views.
(Via Biased BBC)
Reader Comments (9)
The BBC will always be biased. I am getting bored of hearing of its bias. All large organisations are biased - look at CNN and Fox for example.
The only solution is to let the left-of-centre BBC compete in the open market and fully privatise it. Then let the viewers decide which channel to watch
Is tax not a charitable donation by another name?
"No, Charles, tax is not a charitable donation."
Indeed not, it is payment for services used.
" Such a donation is given freely of the givers own volition."
So is tax.
" What you refer to is theft."
No. Theft would be if they were to use and benefit from services such as military, roads, schools etc and NOT pay.
But if someone wants to use a private school, they still have to pay for the state one too.
"But if someone wants to use a private school, they still have to pay for the state one too."
And? You still benefit from other people being educated. You can certainly argue about value or better approaches but to argue that it is theft is nonsense.