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Bad week at the Beeb

The BBC is really having a dreadful week. The sexed up trailer about the Queen was a remarkable failing in itself, and Biased BBC's expose of the lies and spin the BBC website's writers went through as they tried to cover their backsides is a damning indictment of the corporation's attachment, or lack of it, to portraying the unvarnished truth.

To add to their woes, Conservative Home has revealed that Anthony Jay of Yes Minister fame is about to issue a pamphlet called Confessions of a Reformed BBC Producer. It doesn't seem to be very complimentary, to say the least. For example..

Almost anything that made the world a freer, safer and more prosperous place, you name it, we were anti it.

Meanwhile there is renewed speculation that the BBC has an employee who is a member of Hamas. The Jewish Chronicle also alleges that the same man, one Fayad Abu Shamala, was involved in negociating the release of Alan Johnson. I wonder whether anything what goodies Mr Fayad had to offer.

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Reader Comments (2)

Many of us Yanks wonder why Britons allow the government to continue its annual colour TV licence fee, when the BBC provides such biased news reporting. It's like being forced to pay someone to hit you in the head.
Jul 16, 2007 at 2:49 PM | Unregistered CommenterJack Coupal
The analogy is perfect Jack. Unfortunately too many of my countrymen are so appalled at the idea of commercials sullying their viewing that they are prepared to accept quite a large amount of violence being done to their heads in order to avoid it.
Jul 16, 2007 at 7:59 PM | Registered CommenterBishop Hill

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