Bishop Hill

It pays not to be green

The latest opinion polls seem to show that greenery is slipping right off the political agenda. In fact there may even be a correlation between the direction of a party's poll ratings movement and the strength of its eco-urge.
The Greens and the LibDems are going hand-in-hand over the precipice, while Labour is hanging on by its fingertips. Meanwhile uber-baddies UKIP are on the up, as are the Conservatives, now that they are stepping back from the ecobrink.
Westminster voting intention:
CON: 40% (+2)
LAB: 31% (-)
UKIP: 11% (+2)
LDEM: 7% (-2)
GRN: 4% (-2)
(via Ipsos-Mori / 23 - 25 Jan)
— Britain Elects (@britainelects) January 28, 2016
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Reader Comments (29)
It's even worse for the yellows and the greens over at the ICM/Graundia poll..
Conservatives 40%
Labour 35%
LD 6%
UKIP 10%
SNP 4%
PC 1%
Green 3%
Oth 1%
Kermit had it:
"It's not that easy being green;
Having to spend each day the color of the leaves.
When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold-
or something much more colorful like that."
Muppets - It's Not Easy Being Green Lyrics | MetroLyrics
I take it as read that anyone mentioning 'environmentalism' to me in a positive light is supporting organised theft, destruction and murder in a dictatorship. Which rather surprised the last Liberal Democrat canvasser who knocked on our door...
Green = gullible
@Mike Haseler: Precisely! When as a youth I was told I was a tad green, they weren't commenting on my environmental qualities & concerns, they were telling me I was gullible, oh & somewhat naive with it! Still means the same to me today!
Corbyn stolen the Green voters to Labour.
Natalie Bennett will be gone after the next set of local Elections and Caroline Lucas will get the job
I was in Perth in Scotland this week and the Pubs the Restaurants and the Shops were empty
Unless there is growth in the Scottish Economy Sturgeon will be out too
The world Oil price is rock bottom so why is UK Energy so expensive.
For UKIP to grow their vote is amazing considering the herculean efforts of Sky and the beeb to erase them from the political landscape.
Perhaps, as we used to say in my native Cumberland, the electors aren't as green as they're cabbage-looking.
Jamspid, we must all be very grateful to Natalie Bennett for what she has done for Green party credibility. I hope she stays on. She has brought some common sense back into British politics, and the electorate need all possible help to ram this home to other political parties.
It's a poll not a trend. This post is pointless.
Greens going to Corbyn's labour , is helping Labour. Greens should be upset. Corbyn is nuttier than they are
When it comes to being greenest, the UK is well up there in more than one sense.
golf charlie and cd - you are being sarcastic arn't you? You cannot be serious! If not you will look pretty silly when the lights go out in a few years time.
Golf C has a unique sense of humour ^.^
Your Grace, you say:
as are the Conservatives, now that they are stepping back from the ecobrink.
See "Unthreaded" at 3:35pm today.
Red's liurch to the left has attracted more Green voters but lost some purple voters. Yellow has lost hope and decided blue's not so bad after all. Some blues are worried the yellow voters will turn blue into green so want to be purple too. We all worry that red and green together makes brown. All make sense now?
when I got back last night I unwind and watched Matt Fry on 4OD hatchet job on Donald Trump.the end of stuffy conservatism.
What ever the result Trump has won.
Dung, thanks!
Has happened here in Canada: we have one Green MP, and the party consistently gets less than 5% of the vote, even in by-elections which are usually a bit more open for protest votes.
If only every SUV owner who shuts their lights off for an hour a year during "Earth Hour" voted Green...
Golf Charlie
"Jamspid, we must all be very grateful to Natalie Bennett for what she has done for Green party credibility. I hope she stays on. She has brought some common sense back into British politics, and the electorate need all possible help to ram this home to other political parties."
'Sarc' emblem mishing, shurely?
But does the media still go to them first for a quote on anything to do with mining, drilling or big new developments?
Never mind the experts, let's ask a Green!
You brits really have been confused by your current government. Your PM and Finance minister are both 'progressives'. They said so. They also said they were eco nuts. Their last term in office did nothing to change your energy future and nothing they have announced this term says anything other than "keep right on til the end of the road" green crash.
Don't forget that progressive is another name for liberal and all their policies are exactly that.
How can 1/3rd of the population still want to vote Labour? Christ on a bike.
CheshireRed, when Neil Kinnock describes the current incumbent as unelectable......
However, I still regard Neil Kinnock's conference speech taking on the Militants of Liverpool as one of the best.
It pays not to be green
The 'Green Party' - who needs it, there is no alternative but green.
Why waste a vote on the 'greens' when a vote for the 'greens' is placing an X next to Dave's socialists?
Farron, Clegg, Sturgeon, Salmond, Camoron, Osborne, Lucas, Corbyn, Blair, Brown, Miliband, Worthington (oh sorry nobody voted for her), they all subscribe to the green agenda.
UKIP, for sure UKIP should be making massive inroads into the rump of labour and Tory hinterlands however, because of all its undoubted faults, irrespective of the very modest (above) figures, very sadly a post 2015 general election renaissance is not happening. Its silence is deafening, where UKIP is involved in an internecive power struggle which is slowly killing it off and not least through its paucity of any type of cogent and honest leadership and total lack of policy direction.
But at least UKIP, hasn't signed up for politics of
the green filthunilateral industrial suicide via the transport of the green death wagon.They, UKIP should be cleaning up.
Just possible it might be more complex than green policies...poor post!
TinyCO2 All make sense now?
Worryingly, it does.
Come on, Corbyn is a disaster and Lab are still over 30% !!!!!