
Conservatives on the ECC


The following are the Conservative members of the Commons Energy and Climate Change Committee, together with some quotes that should help readers place them. Should we assume that no further scrutiny of this area of policy is intended?
Antoinette Sandbach:
“Biodiversity loss and climate change are clearly happening, and we need to ensure that policy making in this area is science-based and practically focused, rather than endless legislation going through the Welsh Assembly, which sounds good but achieves less than proper and focused policymaking would.”
Glyn Davies
The argument about the fact of climate change has gone—there is a significant amount of climate change. There will always be a debate about the extent to which that is a natural phenomenon—because there is always a natural phenomenon with climate change—and the degree to which that is caused by man.
James Heappey
am entirely unconvinced over the need for wind power and think that the Government made a mistake in reaching quickly for wind when trying to set a 'Green' agenda.
I am really excited about the opportunities that exist for us to harness the power of the tides in the Severn Estuary and the Bristol Channel.
in uncomplicated geology like that in Lancashire or the Bowland Basin, the process of fracking is well understood and the industry can be easily regulated. The opportunities for the economy in those areas are huge and so is the security that the gas supply would bring.However in the Mendips the situation is very different.
Dan Poulter
(Not much to go on, but my guess is green.)
Julian Sturdy
Julian has today delivered a message for Climate Week 2013 and hailed the contribution of green businesses to the local economy in Yorkshire.
Reader Comments (26)
You have to wonder whether Deben has been spending time ensuring the whips make the right selections, and lobbying accordingly.
James Heappey says:
. I'm sure he meant to add: and I am more than happy to pay three times or more the cost of fossil-fuel-based energy - in the same way that I always look out for the most expensive petrol for my car and the most expensive supermarket food to put on my table.Harry Passfield
Shops at Waitrose and not Lidl is my guess.
Why do Conservatives get 4 seats and the Left 6?
@Harry Passfield: When your'e funded to the tune of around £70,000/annum + exes form the public purse, where it's strings have been completely cut where the politicos are concerned, it's easy! It's NOT their money after all!
MikeN: I make it five Conservatives. I would suggest that they are all on the left - what used to be known as wets.
I presume there is now not one member of the committee with a hard scientific or engineering background.
Conservatives no longer exist in the UK. Cameron's own admission at the start of his tenure" we will be progressive" That's code for socialist.
A little while ago I posted on The Guardian that there appears a clear disconnect between on-going green rhetoric and actual government policy roll-out. In short, the action doesn't match the words, which was NOT the case a little while back. (We're now pushing hard for shale, no new land windmills, removal / reduction of 'renewables' subsidies, refusal to over-commit at Paris, etc)
Is this the early stages of a drawn-out but definite retreat on green policies, probably as a result of the obvious-but-disputed Pause, plus the lack of serious international global joined-up green thinking which would render our efforts moot?
The Guardian seemed to think so as they completely vanished my post. AGW isn't registering on Google as a high search issue, which means the public simply aren't buying the green hysteria. Their golden moment has passed already, and they know it.
Jul 6, 2015 at 4:04 PM | Stephen Richards
Tax breaks on unearnt inheritance windfalls for the millionaires and no investment in infrastructure (outside of the City) - it don't feel socialist to me.
Wish it did.
Rather than sitting on the fence, they prefer green hedging of their bets on the political futures market.
MCortney: It all seems like socialist planning, with lots of 5 year plans and targets (just like in the USSR and now in the EU, not free markets in action).
I wonder how Antoinette Sanbach thinks that biodiversity occurred in the first place? Act of God?
Yes Glyn Davies, the climate has always changed. No need to make anyone else lose any sleep or their lives over it.
James Heappey, have you thought about the loss of environmentalist support, from the bunging up of Bristol Channel tides, and the flooding of their traditional stamping grounds - estuarine mud flats? They will only stomp off, in a huff, and find something else to stamp on instead. Hopefully they will clean their wellies first.
I agree with cheshirered , actions speak louder than words.
I suspect the ECC committee will become an irrelevant and anachronistic entity sooner rather than later. Power has always, ultimately, resided in the hands that hold the purse strings, that's the area to watch.
The current example of the ultra slow motion train wreck of Greece demonstrates the capacity for delusion, self deception, denial and, more than anything, the staggering sense of entitlement of the "left leaning and progressive" psyche that seems to be so prevalent in the circles of the climate change scaremongers.
Following Paris it goes without saying that the usual suspects will claim all sorts of "break-through", "defining moments" etc. even in the absence of even a single binding commitment. The higher probability outcome is that the conference will be a watershed, marking the beginning of the end for the gravy train. Committees such as the ECC, around the world, will slowly but surely wither to become stagnant echo chambers for third rate politicians.
Dan Poulter is a local MP in my area, but I have only ever seen articles by him about health ( he is a GP). The question is, I suppose, whether he subscribed to that crap from The Lancet recently. Normally he seems quite sensible.
The British are clearly facing a challenge. It just goes to illustrate...
So tell me, what is the green agenda doing in your schools? Are they teaching "green climate crisis" or not? If they are, then they have gone into holding mode. That is, they can wait 5 to 10 years to get what they want since the powerbase will shift from thinking people to "green-thinking" people. If you can ram something through on fear, and AGW didn't go through on fear, then you "educate it" through just like they did with alternative sex education. They're winning, you know, it just takes a little longer and Agenda 21 will be enforced by every supposed "western nation." At that time, we can give up civilization as we know it and go back to raising sheep and growing our own food since that's all we'll be allowed to do. Does that sound like massive population reduction? Of course it is, but that's what "green thinking" wants anyway. Hope you're not atheists, because if you are, your one chance at living is going to be wasted for you.
Keep following the money and nail individuals when information is found. Obviously it is not all 'troughism', there is the career politician aspect also where intimidation from the 'green blob' manages to do the trick by itself. Keep up the good work BH.
Mike fowle @6.44: If he is a sensible GP he will subscibe to the Lancet but not read it, unless the subject is relevent to his practice (and income). The Lancet "crap" pertains to a times scale way beyond that of a practising GP - obout 4 weeks the next payment.
Having raised children, and now watching my grandchildren grow, I have faith that the inherent "built in" bullshit detectors of inquisitive brighter young minds will foil the plans of the Agenda 21 proponents.
Long term I'm an optimist, I do not believe that the social engineering preached by the zealots will "take". On the downside I do think that the current anodyne of "bread and circus" will need to deplete a little further before the majority fully recognize the Agenda 21 prophets and CAGW proponents for what they really are, a bunch of power and money grabbing w*nkers.
Tom O, I think you are too pessimistic. My kids are bored with all the greenery that their teachers are obliged to try to shovel into them. They receive a lesson in sorting the wheat from the chaff.
Tom O, teenagers will be going to University this autumn to study earth and heart related warming stuff, who have never witnessed a rise in the global temperature. These studies should be indexed under Faith, not Science.
Tax breaks on unearnt inheritance windfalls for the millionaires and no investment in infrastructure (outside of the City) - it don't feel socialist to me.
Absolutely typical of the top party members in the USSR so I would think they are being very good socialists.
I have to agree with Stephen Richards and Tom O
The Conservative party as a unit has moved well to the left and Cameron himself is a Liberal Democrat.
The belief that today's kids are going to see through the green propaganda is sweet but does not explain why yesterdays kids do not see through it?
Without the advent of UKIP the UK would be happily sleep walking further into an EU dictatorship which itself includes all the green garbage.
There should be a name for the enemies of democracy because the greens are not alone. The UN is aiming for world government with Agenda 21 and without ever mentioning it successive UK governments have been implementing Agenda 21 from the ground upwards.
"Shops at Waitrose and not Lidl is my guess"
Don't you mean "Shops at Lidl/Aldi, and puts his purchases into Waitrose bags?
@ Tom O - have you seen this post at JoNova's?
Oh well, you can shine a light in a dark corner, but no one sees anything if they don't bother to look. Just remember, a pessimist is someone that often is surprised that things worked out better than they expected, but are rarely ever disappointed about how bad things turn out. An optimist lives in a glow until someone pulls the rug out from under them.
Agenda 21 is important to those with massive wealth. They look forward to building their million acre estates in the middle of lush lands while those that don't make the cut can stay in the cities, eat gruel, and produce what is needed to support the "elite group" that will directly support the aristocracy of wealth.
Children don't have "built-in BS detectors," those come from experience. That is why they are so trusting, and have to be hammered into not trusting people. If you have raised children, you know better.
Assuming they are starting at the 6 year old level, it should be no more than 15 years before we won't have to worry about a future. To those of us that are older, that won't matter that much, but for those of you in your 30s or 40s, forced euthanasia at 70 or less might be something to be concerned with.
And Bill Gates' temporary sterility chip is really intriguing. The programming is hack proof, we read, just like every other form of "programming" is, right? We don't need any more Jones, so every chip installed in a Jones girl will accidently be turned on and we won't have to worry. Sick of Italians? Turn on their chips and the population will decline. And you can't see that the green agenda is about brainwashing and depopulating the world? Don't you remember the Southeast Asian tribe that had vaccinations for the women in the tribe from the Gates foundation that started miscarrying every child that was conceived afterwards? They play the "game of life" just like video gamers and drone operators - what dies at the other end doesn't matter since "it's only a game of sorts."
I think you missed my emphasis on "brighter minds".