Bishop Hill

Break out the popcorn

Tim Yeo is suing the Sunday Times for libel over its "sting" operation and subsequent articles that alleged that Yeo was offering himself as a parliamentarian for hire.
Story here.
Reader Comments (26)
I hope he loses and has huge costs awarded against him. Serve the Trougher right. Josh would have a field day.
Good to see that the few commenters, so far, have also seen through him – there is no sympathy being shown!
Hope the memory of Lord Archer is vivid.
It's not libel if it's true... :-)
He clearly acted inappropriately as far as almost all the UK electorate will be concerned**. I've no doubt that the Telegraph were tipped off that he would push gullibles for money.
It sounds as if the Telegraph acted responsibly on a matter of public interest and the simple fact is that if Yeo didn't want this kind of reporting he shouldn't have acted in a way that most people would think is inappropriate.
**But if past history is anything to go by politicians have a very different view regard such things as fiddling expenses.
Can I please have my popcorn with extra relish?
It's like waiting for Xmas ... sooner or later this whole scam will collapse ... no it's more like waiting for stuff ordered from China, because unlike Xmas we just don't know when we'll get it.
(I also have to explain, that in a house full of teenage kids, we are now getting parcels almost daily - so I keep thinking "is this the parcel" and usually delivered whilst they are in bed and when I'm deep in concentration.)
At least he wasn't charging tax payers for a tart an' coke, or whatever the current parliamentarians order is.
Prostitutes must be envious of politicians who can sell their services and make so much money, on top of their salaries, and claim overnight expenses.
Yeo, Yeo, Yeo the scrote,
Expenses quite obscene,
Merrily, merrily, merrily,
Lives out the Greeny dream.
I thank you........:o)
I notice that the Beeb has changed 'prostitutes' to 'sex workers' in more recent reports. I thought at first this was just their PC instincts kicking in, but perhaps it's to differentiate them from the (ig)noble Lord...
jamesp, I think you are correct. The BBC lawyers MAY not have any evidence, to defend an accusation of libel from the ladies. Having discussions with a dirty old man, is not an offence in itself. It is quite possible that some form of therapeutic counselling session was being engaged in.
Tim Yeo on the other hand, one of a pair of highly vocal Suffolk Dung Warblers, is well known for warbling dung for money.
And don't miss the latest Hillary Clinton movie,
The Attack Of The 500,000,000 Solar Panel Woman
What verb is su?
I think that Montford should pass on all the information gathered on this site over the years about Mr Yeo to The Sunday Times for them to peruse. May provide some supporting material.
Two off topic comments removed
I'd be grateful if someone would kindly post a link to the BH posting about Yeo being deselected.
@Martin A - list of pages .
Found by using the search button which comes up when you go to the top of the page blue bar and click NAVIGATION .
Time for him to bring out the sword of truth and the trusty shield of English fair play.
Let's see how that turns out.
@jones: Fair play was a concept that gained ground only during the late 18th C. until before the 1stWW. It's now almost entirely forgotten - only winning counts.
Martin A
Unfortunately, the legal system is not there to see justice is done but to ensure the law is carried out to the letter. Two very different things and something that a snake oil salesman like Yeo is all too aware of.
I had a letter from Troffa's solicitors shortly after he was "absolved" by his fellow MPs.
Basically it threatened me with a libel action, should I repeat certain allegations.
Given that his pockets are deeper than mine I have kept quiet.
But I do really, really hope Troffa finally comes unstuck.
I luuurve this interwebbynet thingy.
Jonathon Aitken "sword of truth" speech. I'm still laughing at this one.
Go to 1.07
Legal trick : If you ARE a crook you sue someone who has called you a crook.. and then try to spin it out as long as you can so the case never actually comes to an end. All the while your prime reposte to being called a crook by anyone else is "You can't say that, but I am unable to defend myself cos it might prejudice my existing court case"
- I suspect Michael Mann is implementing this trick ..but that's only a guess.
stewgreen, messenger - thank you.