Bishop Hill

Lomborg axed

The Australian media reports:
The University of Western Australia has cancelled the contract for a policy centre that was to be headed up by controversial academic Bjorn Lomborg after a "passionate emotional reaction" to the plan.
The Federal Government had pledged to contribute $4 million to the Consensus Centre, a think tank that was to use methods similar to those used by Dr Lomberg's Copenhagen Centre.
If you are an academic, dissent on climate change or climate change policy will lead to a loss of your livelihood.
You have been warned.
Reader Comments (65)
Education Minister Christopher Pyne has said that he is awaiting legal advice on the ramifications of this unilateral cancellation of the agreement. He has also said that he has no doubt that the Government will find another location for the project.
Is thinking allowed in universities? If not, what are they for?
Roy, thinking in Universities is only allowed under strict supervision and surveillance.
Thinking about science and politics, is only permitted, if it is in accordance with Creationist Ideology. That is the artificial creation of the Holy Hockey Stick, by the Prophet Mann. All other thinking, must allign with that of the Prophet, for perpetual damnation is the decreed destiny for dissenters, and peer reviewed science has been carefully scripted to prove it.
UWA Academic Staff Association vice president Professor Stuart Bunt said the move was not censorship.
"This isn't about censorship at all ... Lomborg is not a climate [change] denier; he believes the scientific evidence which overwhelmingly shows that climate change is happening, he just debates the economics of how we should deal with it," Mr Bunt said.
"The difficulty is he is neither a scientist or an economist, he's a political scientist."
Oh dear! The Guardian has previously described him as "one of the top 50 people who could save the planet." We are doomed yet again.
Prof Bunt is correct when he says that political scientists should be kept away from climate matters, unfortunately it doesn't seem to apply to the IPCC, so what would he say if someone like Jennifer Morgan wanted to set up a "research group" at UWA.
She is Global Director of the Climate Program at the World Resources Institute., She was a Review Editor for Chapter 13 on “International Cooperation: Agreements and Instruments” for the 5th Assessment Report. She is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Potsdam Institute and a member of the Danish Institute CONCITO’s international advisory board.
She worked at John Ashton's E3G as Global Climate Change Director, where she remains a non-executive Board member. Before E3G, she led the Global Climate Change Program of WWF. She has also worked for the US Climate Action Network, and through the Robert Bosch Foundation, the European Business Council for a Sustainable Energy Future and for the German Federal Ministry of Environment, supporting the head of the German delegation to the UN climate change negotiations.
Morgan holds a Bachelor of Arts from Indiana University in Political Science and Germanic Studies and a Masters of Arts from the School of International Service at The American University in International Affairs.
Or what about Dr Richard H Moss, who is Vice President and Managing Director for Climate Change at the World Wildlife Fund US. He was a member of of the US National Academy of Science Panel on advancing the Science of Climate Change. He is a former Senior Director for Climate Change and Energy, United Nations Foundation. The UNF was founded in 1998 with $1billion from Ted Turner, its President is Timothy Wirth, who helped to launch James Hansen into global warming fame in 1988.
Moss has been a member of the IPCC since 1993. He is a Review editor for IPCC AR5 WGII Ch. 14, “Adaptation needs and options”. From 2000 to 2006, he served as director of the coordination office for the United States Climate Change Science Program.
His doctorate is in Public and International Affairs.
I bet UWA would let him in.
Cartoonists are considered climate scientists if they hold warm-mongering beliefs.
There is only one word needed to describe the attack on Dr Lomberg, and the attitude of these bigoted academics: disgusting.
Not just the academics, Peter, they have got the activists in the student sector on board as well. They have been tweeting like mad, organising petitions and all the rest.
Still, since the VC defended Lew, one can only assume that he is not only compliant, but also incompetent. He must not have noticed this relatively small project slipping under the radar at the time, or at least not realised its significance.
UWA students and scademics seem proud of their ability to suppress alternative thinking.
I hope they all wear matching uniforms, and practice formation marching. It would be such a shame if they all chant with the same voice, and look untidy as they descend en masse, to wherever they are told to go.
I thin Murry Salby got that message, too. (Also in Australia - coincidence?)
Orson it seems that the term "kangaroo court" has been revived by Australian academics. This is rather strange, as they would be the first to scream about cultural stereotyping
'Stay tuned for Lomberg developments if they occur.'
The funny thing is how the leftoids think Lomborg is a sceptic and vilify him at every opportunity, hopefully Christopher Pyne will find another university for him.
Lomborg needs to throw off his lukewarm attire or be caught on the wrong side of history, global cooling is a clear and present danger.
May 9, 2015 at 10:07 AM | johanna
;-) My advice to Mr Pyne, would be to withdraw all research funding to UWA involving the word "climate" and any derivative.
If WA had another university it would be lonely!
May 9, 2015 at 11:42 AM | Brute
The "cartoonist" is now referred to as "professor" at his university ... UQ and UWA aren't far apart in the race to the bottom of the cesspool.
M Courtney, jolly farmer,
Well do you remember I criticised a previous paper by Stephan Lewandowsky? (The moon landing one) It caused some hilarity later, as Barry found that I'd been listed as "espousing conspiracy theories" in the supplementary material of the follow-up, Recursive Fury, and I got a bit annoyed with them….. but it hasn't affected my career in the slightest, and I would never imagine for a second that it would. The very suggestion that a professor of psychology from Australia and now Bristol has the slightest influence over my career or anyone else's in climate science (a completely different discipline) is, frankly, nuts ;)
Having read the latest paper, I disagree with that too, as I tweeted here.
On Lomburg - I invited him to join the Advisory Board of HELIX, but he didn't take me up on the invitation.
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