Bishop Hill

BBC metropolitan elite, moi?
Result confirms my suspicion about uncaring ignorant Britain the moment you step outside of London.
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Result confirms my suspicion about uncaring ignorant Britain the moment you step outside of London.
Reader Comments (100)
More Murdoch conspiracy theories - yawn.
It beats taking responsibility.
You seem to be a wee conspiracy theorist about seeing conspiracy theories. Look at the photos.
'People voted for the Status Quo....'
Really..? I didn't even know they were standing..!
So what? It may come as a shock to you, but even within Australia, different Murdoch publications, websites, TV and radio stations take different editorial stances.It's not like Blofeld sitting up in Command Central, stroking a white cat.
May 8, 2015 at 7:31 PM | Unregistered Commenter michel
What difference does it make, as Hillary Clinton the benefactor of so many political contributions from Rupert Murdoch might say?
How is this coming Monday in the UK going to be different from any Monday last month?
@ sherlock1
"I didn't even know they [Quo] were standing..!"
Not only still standing, but gigging tonight on Horse Guards Parade as part of the VE Day anniversary celebrations :-)
Presumably though - these days - the Quo Party finishes at 11:00 PM and they all get tucked up in bed soon after.
Before anyone gets too carried away, we should remember that Cameron is a paid up member of the green blob (as in hug a husky). As well as failing to do many of the things that Tory supporters expected him to do, and not always because of LD opposition.
Reminds me of the contempt that American liberals heap on red necks.
But it has come back to bite them on their manicured metropolitan arses. Republicans now control both houses, in part because country folk -- and those legions of people in the city who like to think of themselves as country folk-- know that Democrats are not their friends.
Budgie, the smart tory money is rapidly getting out of the "hug a husky" market. Hopefully Cameron AND his wife, are in tune with the electorate's consensus.
The only problem for the Conservative party is that their leader is not a Conservative, once they fix that then they can paint blue all over the green.
Dung, green crap can be cured. The electorate's consensus is in. 5 years is a very long time in ecoscientivist politics. A climate of change has blown through, without collateral damage (apart from Green , Liberal and Labour party credibility)
Cameron now has the option of making the EU ruling elite look as arrogant, as they would like to be seen by the rest of the EU's electorate.
The Political parties all agreed (details unknown) to keep global warming off the agenda during the election, presumably assuming it would be an unnecessary distraction prior to the formation of coalitions. The media played along with this.
Playing with the fire of consensus politics, is going to get the global warmist's fingers burnt. Probably scarred for life. I don't think anyone planned or foresaw this outcome, when the deal was done to keep global warming off the agenda, but I expect the winners will want to take credit.
The losers should also be applauded, because without their cooperation ......
Stephen Richardsrds
Unlike many brits I believe that Dave the liar will grant you a referendum but will load it against a no vote. Perhaps he will allow the 4.000.000 immigrants to vote that is if the islamists will let them without threatening to decapitate everyone. At least we in france have had the guts to ban the habib and and all other religious symbols.
I tend to agree with much of this except the last bit. It's a bit like saying that as I've got a few bad weeds on my lawn, I'm going to remove the lawn. The French simply can't grasp the nettle - but then neither do the British.
Philip Foster, I have not been following your exchange, but question your use of the word habib. Perhaps French and English translations differ.
Do they they let them wear kebabs?
More seriously, if the issue was played up more here then I think more young women might choose to wear them as fashion items. Whatever. I don't know if I ought to be concerned about it, but it's too much effort.
Back on topic, here's the BBC quoting PJ O'Rourke, "the rightwinger it's OK for lefties to like" as the Guradian described him in 2010.
A bit like the global warming models really, but the BBC aren't yet taking the matter further than political predictions.
Should they wish to take his advice before Paris, the rightwinger it's OK for lefties to like has already told the Guadrina:
The GCMs, like 'Deep Thought' will take some time to work out the ultimate answer to the Universe and Everything.
Assuming 50 km lateral cells and no change in the vertical cells, to model at the 1 mm level, the characteristic length at 1 Atm for turbulent flow, Moore's Law means it would take an increase in CPU power of 1.5.(10^8)^2 = 657 years.
I await the result with interest.
GC: "Philip Foster, I have not been following your exchange, but question your use of the word habib. Perhaps French and English translations differ."
I've been following it too GC, but did PF use the word "habib" or was it just in response to Stephen Richards (who seems to have changed his moniker if it is actual Stephen Richards late of the Parish of Suffolk).
Geronimo, so much confusion. I suppose I ought to support "vivre la difference" whilst even the English and French are allowed to maintain it.
Over 55% of the electorate didn't vote for Conservative or Labour. What sort of a democracy is that?
Son of mulder, there's no standard design for democracy. What we've got isn't perfect but I don't know that other versions work much better. I quite like the Swiss system where the public can vote on key issues but I suspect that it's very expensive. The current system was probably designed to prevent stalemate, which is probably a good thing.
TinyCO2, I was meaning to show what an out of touch elite we have in terms of inspiring the electorate and also it indicates how difficult it would be to deliver an alternative, they have it sewn up between them. A Swiss type system could pay for itself if it stopped just one major waste of money, and the Swiss seem pretty good with money.
Son of Mulder, what did 55% of the electorate vote for? I am sure the new
Leader of the Opposition would love to know, because the former Leader of the Opposition, clearly had almost 5 years to get it right.
michael hart, wearing a kebab is not someting that most people would choose, however, evidence from town and city centres, late on friday and saturday nights, indicates that wearing a kebab, to partially obliterate the previously chosen apparel, particularly that covering the chest area, is now part of our wonderful cultural heritage. It is preferred by men, but some women do also choose to wear the kebab, though some do have it thrust on to them against their will.
Some, would even swear (a lot) that it is part of the traditional courtship and fertility ritual, and has an aphrodisiac effect on members of the opposite sex, and even continue to wear the kebab for days afterwards.
I think that the wearing of the kebab, is further evidence of how the British have embraced multi cultural traditions, and like to wear it as a symbol, close to their heart.
Paul in Sweden asked about our position on the EU.
My own position is that we should leave the EU and its political ambitions and remain within the single market as a trading partner.
The policy adopted decades ago by government, the BBC and the press is that integration with the EU should continue by stealth, so that most voters tend to forget, ignore or simply do not realise the extent to which the EU rules our lives.
The recent election was mainly about the economy and the NHS. These are two of the few areas left where the EU does not have full control. The many areas of EU competence, such as energy, transport and trade were ignored.
The public will vote to remain in the EU because they are ignorant of the consequences and have been brainwashed by scaremongering that to leave would be a disaster. Many people think that all trading with the EU countries would cease or be jeopardised.
Mr Cameron’s much publicised reform of the EU or renegotiation with it is widely discussed by the press. It has become an established expectation despite being completely incredible. No doubt Juncker will offer some crumbs to be paraded as a major victory for Cameron and the UK and the people will vote for continued membership as instructed.
Schrodinger's Cat
Nothing will be done about the EU because Mr Obama doesn't want anything done.
When Cameron proposed an EU referendum, Obama told him to shut his dumb, puppet mouth.
Ahead of a landmark speech by David Cameron on the UK's relationship with Brussels, the US assistant secretary for European affairs made clear on Wednesday that Washington favoured a "strong British voice" within the EU.
Obama won't be the president by date of the referendum. If I was the US I'd probably advise that the UK doesn't leave the EU. When did any country/person refuse to poke their nose in other's interests? The UK needs to do a lot of soul searching and debate before it makes its mind up. It's not a no brainer on either option.
esmiff, is the Huffpost being used to voice Obama's opinion, or is the Huffpost trying to shape it? Miliband believed the media's publicity about his recent change of address and job title, only it did not quite work out how he imagined. He has not moved house.
This blog has readers who reside in various European countries. I have a question.
While in Rome recently, I noticed that one of the TV news channels devotes a lot of time to reporting on the activities of the Commission and the EU parliament. They had daily reports on debates and the progress of legislation. As far as I am aware, we have no mention of such matters in the UK, even though the BBC, as a public service broadcaster, has an obligation to inform the public. What is the situation in other countries?
Schrodinger's Cat:
"... though the BBC, as a public service broadcaster, has an obligation to inform the public. What is the situation in other countries?"
The BBC have no intention of telling us what they get up to in the EU Commission and 'parliament' - they are in Brussels' pay.
There are lies, damned lies and the BBC.
golf charlie TinyCO2 The message in the article is simple and clear.
De Gaulle refused British entry to the EU because it'd be a Trojan Horse for the Americans. How right he was.
In his eyes, Britain’s main offence was subservience to the United States, and he had no compunction in vetoing the first attempt by Britain to join the European Union. In de Gaulle’s view, she would be America’s Trojan horse in Europe.
esmiff - The French also wanted to keep the Brits out of the way while they stitched up a very favourable deal - the CAP, designed by the French for the French and agreed to by a very guilt ridden Germany eager to please the French.
Round up the usual suspects. Left wing metropolitan "elites" (Labour) loose election to left wing metropolitan "elites" (Tories)... The sheeple are cheering their own demise and are too deluded to see this.
Schrodinger's Cat
Are you sure that wasn't as much due to De Gaulle's hatred for Churchill, dislike of Britain (mainly South Britain) and resentment over Dunkirk?
His feelings about us Scots were a lot more friendly than those being printed in The Daily Mail at the moment
Speech delivered by General de Gaulle at Edinburgh, 23rd June 1942
Schrodinger's Cat = That's also true (CAP)
Sean - Why do you think Tories are left wing ?
@son of mulder
The Swiss are brilliant at money. Just ask the descendants of Jews who found their grandparents accounts had been emptied by the time the tracked them down.
... or maybe the crews of crippled B17s or Lancasters who were last heard of radioing a dash for Switzerland and internment and somehow were never heard of afterward once they'd entered Swiss airspace.
Pointman, An interesting similarity with British bankers who also made money disappear.
Someone should ask Peter Kelner head of YouGov Opinion Polling company is he actually aware of the Left Wing, Labour Party bias at the BBC.
Was Peter Kelner to scared to bring the BBC the correct prediction of the 2015 Election ,an outright Cameron win instead of a Labour, SNP ,Lib Dem coalition.After all he was under contract the BBC who could have rejected his poll and gone to someone else bringing them the result they wanted to broadcast.thereby Jeopardize his future work.
Toby Young in the Daily Mail and Janet Daily in the Telegraph pointed out what was pretty obvious and with David Dimbleby,s embarrassment with what was happening in the studio during the BBC 1 election coverage last Thursday.
The last Cameron government launched the Levesson inquiry into poor standards of reporting in the print media and perhaps the new Cameron government should launch another inquiry into poor standard of reporting in the broadcast media.
Not a case of shoot the messenger but sack the messenger .
As with political prediction its similar story with climate prediction all tainted by political bias.
'As far as I am aware, we have no mention of such matters in the UK, even though the BBC, as a public service broadcaster, has an obligation to inform the public. What is the situation in other countries?'
EU matters are only very superficially handled by the Finnish 'BBC', Yle. It appears the situation is interestingly similar to that of Britain. The Finns' party is now the second largest, and it is mildly conservative center party, critical on the EU, with much will on backspacing what more radical parties have done. Greens are in opposition, though they sadly won more seats than ever before. The economy seems to be #1 topic for the government, and finally there is a prime minister willing do something. The previous PM was largely incompetent and interested in getting a position in the EU, what he now has.
My fear is the conservativish PM is able to fix the economy, but the will cost his future at the lead position.
I've been away (within the UK, on trains, yeah, close unto Hadrian's Wall (God's Country) where the scruffy, thick, cloth-cap electorate on trains were talking about how relieved they were about the result of the election, and an end to benefits culture) so I'm catching up.
So this is priceless. Where do these people come from and where do they live?
Well, it certainly isn't the Manchester Guardian.
"talking about how relieved they were about the result of the election, and an end to benefits culture"
Would that be Tabloid Land you were visiting ?
I jest read a very keen comment. The Lib Dems were expected to take the lead in the Stay in the EU side of the referendum. Not only has the party been decimated but the best debaters have nearly all gone.
Could someone organise an opinion poll, to establish the identities of the least accurate opinion polls, and political pundits?
At least the public get a vote on politicians. When have the public ever had a vote on the BBC, or EU?
Murdoch, love him or hate him, sides with the politicians most likely to enhance his wealth, importance and 'power'. Start with that assumption, and then his decisions make sense.
golf charlie
I think Mr Murdoch is rather more than a simple businessman
Why the US media ignored Murdoch's brazen bid to hijack the presidency
Carl Bernstein (All the President's men)
So now we have it: what appears to be hard, irrefutable evidence of Rupert Murdoch's ultimate and most audacious attempt – thwarted, thankfully, by circumstance – to hijack America's democratic institutions on a scale equal to his success in kidnapping and corrupting the essential democratic institutions of Great Britain through money, influence and wholesale abuse of the privileges of a free press.
In the American instance, Murdoch's goal seems to have been nothing less than using his media empire – notably Fox News – to stealthily recruit, bankroll and support the presidential candidacy of General David Petraeus in the 2012 election.
@jamspid (May 10, 2015 at 6:49 pm)
Peter Kellner (sic) is nothing but a Labour luvvie.
SandyS (May 10, 2015 at 5:25 pm)
Romanticising - typical of the French. Let's see how they vote when Scotland applies to join the EU[SSR]/Euro area.
@May 10, 2015 at 9:12 PM | Unregistered CommenterTinyCO2
I jest read a very keen comment. The Lib Dems were expected to take the lead in the Stay in the EU side of the referendum. Not only has the party been decimated but the best debaters have nearly all gone.
I can’t understand why anyone would want to be controlled by the E.U. As far as I can see, it is an undemocratic structure that removes the last vestiges of self- determination. It pretends to emulate and thinks it can rival the United States of America. It does not look like and cannot ever be like the U.S.A.
I have a hunch that won't stop the BBC from giving them air time if they wish.
Actually, I'm not even sure what obligations, if any, the BBC has during a referendum where political representatives are not running for office. (And might their current love in with the SNP be partly related to criticism they received in Scotland as a result of BBC coverage during the last referendum?)
esmiff, the Petraeus affair has been something I have not followed too closely, but it seems that love, lust, money, jealousy, power, revenge, spite etc all seemed high on the list of priorities of the participants. Given the Murdoch family's involvement with various different occupants of No 10 Downing St over 2-3 decades, it is no surprise to find similar attempts in the USA. Who knows who is being buttered up now as Cameron's successor, let alone Milibands.
Murdochs decision to back SNP in Scotland and Tory in the rest of the UK, is not illogical, for someone who enjoys power and influence now, and wants to leave a legacy, I just don't know who will inherit, and whether they will understand what to do with it
The significant issue that does concern me now, is how the Murdoch press deals with all the non existent global warming. If part of Murdoch's legacy is to marginalise global warming alarmism, and ridicule the media's obsession, I won't object.
I am sure Murdoch enjoyed most of the Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies.
You said;
'...or maybe the crews of crippled B17s or Lancasters who were last heard of radioing a dash for Switzerland and internment and somehow were never heard of afterward once they'd entered Swiss airspace.'
Their fate is fully detailed in the excellent 'Escape from the Third Reich' by Step[hen Tanner
'it explodes many myths that have gestated since the war about Switzerland and the American airmen who sought refuge there (after being shot down).'