Bishop Hill

Doom, doom, doom, another one bites the dust

Another coal fired power station is to close - this time imminently. Eon have apparently announced that time is running out for the Ironbridge Power Station in Shropshire; its allowance under the EU's Large Combustion Plant Directive will be exhausted by the end of the year at the latest. A warm summer or a cold autumn could see the curtains being drawn earlier.
Interesting times.
Reader Comments (60)
"unrest will grow"
That's for sure. Dave might even divorce Samantha!
Hello? Where's HEALTH and SAFETY when you really need them?
Cold - death - intermittant - energy - sin-drome brought on by EU
Ministers of the High Church of Globull Warming.
My last post?
Beth Cooper "The Last Post" is what a bugler should sound, in Paris, in December.
First class post mate, sorry I am a bit late ^.^
Am I right to say that Germany and Japan are building new coal fired power stations?
Folks, one of the reasons that Eli does not get all crazy about new Chinese coal powered power plants is that the Bunny has tasted the ones that they are replacing and noticed that China's use of coal is going down. So no, shutting down a forty year old power plant on the end of a long string does not stir him with how dare they.
"China's use of coal is going down" ..after rising massively for years official figures show a 2.9% drop for 2014
- headline in alarmist blog \\China Coal Use Continues To Fall “Precipitously”// Jan 2015 *
- headline in other blog : "Peak coal in China? Not so fast March 2015
"China opened 47.3 GW of new coal power plants last year.
This is not the behaviour of a country that is going to peak coal use any time soon."
China coal consumption has been rising massively at 10% per year for years
Euan Mearns explained more last year
adding sarcastically "China is embracing the new renewables revolution which now accounts for an astonishing 1% of all energy consumed!"
..Another NEW GAS POWER CCGT opens by SSE in IrelandApril 17th at Wexford €330m 464MW (power 1/3 of homes in Ireland, 0.5m of 1.5m), Jobs :1,200 construction, 40 operating.
It features a MITSUBISHI gas turbine
Sorry RH No cooling towers for you to photoshop.