The Vatican blinks

Anthony is reporting rumours that the Vatican just blinked on climate change.
Word has it, according to Vaticanist Sandro Magister, Pope Francis has decided to postpone the publication of his long-awaited encyclical on the environment. The reason, according to Magister, is that the Pope realized that the document in its current state had no chance of receiving the approval of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith under the leadership of Cardinal Gerhard Müller.
Mind you, once one realises the horrors that climate change policy is dishing out in the developing world, the Pope should probably be shuddering, as well as blinking.
Reader Comments (35)
There is an alternative.
If Aristotle knew what we know today about how oceans make the climate, how might he convey that meaning to one of his young Greek students?
The Lord moves in mysterious ways :)
Believe nothing until you see white (carbon free) smoke, maybe they want to make it more anti-capitalist.
This appears to be the story at the root of the claim. My Italian is not strong enough to tell if the 'delay' part of the story is specifically there, or inferred.
Curious about echo chambers, traced this 'reverberation' back some. Bish reporting WUWT (went there) reporting CFACT (went there) reporting Murano at Climate Depot (went there) reporting an Italian blogger who claims to understand the Vatican....
Me, I like to build on solid ground, as with the new true cost of wind guest posted at CE, which features the UK. UK common law hearsay rules evolved for a reason.
Nothing wrong with twittering about speculation. I hope this rumor is true; would show the Pope is wise. But the whole kerfuffle does not advance the climate ball a mote.
What would the pope know about gravy trains?
I expect Mann will storm the Vatican, brandishing the Holy Hockey Stick, and throw the false religious leaders out, to make way for proper fee earning climate scientists.
There are some long dark passageways in the Vatican, where Santer can use his charm on any heretics, and help put the profit back into false prophecies
We should have a debate between The Pope and Michael Mann to decide who's the most infallible. No graphs permitted.
golf charlie beat me to it !
It isn't going to look very good in Paris if a world faith leader, has a lack of faith in the church of global warming.
There must be a devil worshipping cult somewhere, balancing out the ying and yang, with the ying tang, ying tang diddle di dough, because otherwise, nothing about climate science makes any sense at all.
The best climate science has to offer so far from 2015, is the Oreskes and Lewandowsky paper telling off climate scientists for admitting there was a pause in global warming.
In the climate wars, green on green casualties are mounting fast. It is some consolation for the Malthusians
@ golf charlie
Oreskes and Lewandowsky together; that would make any person pause.
And ying tang, ying tang diddle di dough.... that one is definitely on the money.
May your God go with you!
Will this <A HREF = 'http://vvattsupwiththat.blogspot.com/2015/05/climate-wars-shock-horror-rome-sacked.html"> warm the Bishop's reception by the ragazzi and paparazzi?</A>
And at the end of the day, the Vatican will blame it on the Jews and the Non-conformists and the Warmists will blame it on the sceptics and deniers.
Green Sand, thank you! Brought back some interesting memories!
Here's the link after gremlin exorcism:
Salopian 11.34 .. and everyone else will just get on their lives, and note that some days, continue to be hotter/colder/wetter/drier than others. Just like they always have
Did someone called Russell comment or was I dreaming?
Diogenes, I thought he was vvussell
My bet is that this news of the Vatican blinking turns out to be a baseless rumor. This Pope, so far, has done little to show he understands how the secularists work to compromise the Church and especially to co-opt the Faith with their hollow shell.
diogenes, poor Russ got fed up of posting long and boring rants that none of his fellow warmists read so he posts links here in the hope that he might get a few readers, or at the least a few clicks. He's got the book on How to Get Your Web Site Noticed opened as I write.
As for the Vatican - does anyone think the Catholic church would miss out on an issue that is ripe for religious exploitation? A new way to define sinners and extract financial atonement? Kerching! Religion is all about making the masses live in saintly poverty while the agents of god live in luxury.
"once one realises the horrors that climate change policy is dishing out in the developing world, the Pope should probably be shuddering, as well as blinking."
Since Hansen turned off the air-conditioning in the Senate some 28 years ago, if the research showing 37,000 extra winter deaths is correct, there have been around 1 million extra winter deaths in the UK alone.
Since fuel bills started rocketing as a result of these carbon taxes, more and more people - particularly in Scotland have found themselves in fuel poverty - and that is particularly bad amongst the elderly who are most at risk of dying in the winter.
For reasons which are very obvious, no academic has done the research to show how many extra winter deaths have been caused by this global warming alarmism in the UK. But what I can say, is that morally, intentionally putting up fuel bills in one of the colder nations in the world is not only heartless but evil.
@Mike Haseler
If we take the 1 million excess deaths in the UK in the last 28 years at face value (which I do), I want to know what proportion of those is due to the green policies as opposed to poverty.
The reason is that everyone here must know one of those people, plus it makes me a 'hypothermia survivor' and a victim of attempted murder
@ Green Sand: Oh the happy memories of a greatly missed talent!
Nobody expected the Roman Inquisition.
Rud Istvan
Magister is considered to be one of the best-informed writers on Vatican affairs (which doesn't mean to say he actually is, of course!) but his last three postings on the chiesa web site are all to do with the forthcoming Synod on the family and the ongoing uncertainties around homosexuality and communion for divorcees. Important matters for the faithful but a bit arcane for everyone else.
Like Cumbrian Lad I don't have the Italian to comment on the link he provided but since the question of climate change is hardly a matte of "faith and morals" the question of papal infallibility doesn't arise and his pronouncements will only be as accurate as the advice he has been given.
There are certainly those around him of a sceptical bent — Pell (who is in favour) and Burke (who isn't), being two examples — but if he is listening to the likes of Maradiaga (not to mention extreme activists like Sachs and Oreskes) then he is likely to go along with the climate "mainstream" and, to be fair, who could blame him?
The Climateers have succeeded in framing the terms of the debate by making their view the default position and claiming scientific expertise. Even popes are laymen outside their own sphere!
"the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith"
Which faith - Catholicism or AGW..?
A bit of doggerel
God does not control the weather any more
Its the Pagan Club of Rome and Albert Gore,
Will our head honcho in a poncho see fit
To proclaim Global Warming Holy Writ;
Is he about to demonise CO2
By ending black smoke emissions from his flue,
Must we now pray to the pagan goddess Gaia
Ignore Christmas - feast with Saturnalia.
I once learned the Ten Commandments at the knee
Of a Mother who explained the Didache,
Prior to the miracle of electric light
She could not teach her brood reading in the night;
So if this Pontiff says Africans must stay
In fuel poverty - its their Auto-da-fe,
All those fossil fuels are theirs and bountiful
Not to exploit them - is just more Papal Bull.
His Holiness should stick to promoting God
Instead of embracing scientific fraud,
How can the poor gain a title to this earth
When denied the means by energetic dearth;
Since Global Warming stopped in ninety seven
Voodoo climate scientists appeal to Heaven,
Their unending swill of money in the trough
Should not the shorn sheep finally switch off?
Will Pope Francis instruct every Catholic
To believe the new Creed of the Hockey Stick,
Reprinting our Bibles in a shade of green
Ignoring the teachings of the Nazarene;
Deifying Mother Earth and the occult
For our sins of Emissions and the Indult
I'll stick to my faith in the God of Passion
Ignoring the Unsustainable fashion.
We are told - ignore the warming of the sun
George Orwell foresaw Agenda Twenty one,
The Master Plan - control the population
For Climate Realists - excommunication;
Papal dabbling in this science of ill repute
Will turn Mother Church into a prostitute,
So as we await the next Encyclical
Ignore junk - be it Ecclesiastical.
nice doggerel. here is a double Dactyl
Cryptical Encyclical,
Pope Francis the Frank
Talks of a crisis,
Requiring a ban
Weather, he's telling us
with infallibility
Are not acts of God
But some acts of Man
Nice (Terra) Dayctil, I otoh get my mergers and yards confused.
The church has to walk a very fine line. Historically climate and weather events have been seen as 'Acts of God.' A certain amount of doublethink is required to lay them at the feet of Man and Mammon.
I'm guessing the message will be the same (it's all the fault of the developed world and we need to recompense the developing world) but phrasing it is going to require a bit if care.
The Pope's rechargeable encylical, is awaiting an Act of God to provide sunshine or wind for the battery pack. It normally does 100 Hail Mary's per Ray of Sunshine, more with wind assistance and a tin of prunes.
200 AD: "We have to respect this new Hebrew cult," says the priest of Apollo, "After all, lots of influential men these days call themselves Christians. We'll let them set up a small altar at the back of the temple. It will earn us points with the young people, and eventually we can adopt this Jesus bloke into the pantheon, like our great-grandfathers did Hercules, and things can keep right on just the way they always have..."