Bishop Hill

This is what ambulance chasing looks like
Not wanting to be outdone on the disgusting specimen front, James Murray of Business Green is trying to make climate change hay out of the plight of Mediterreanean refugees.
Is there a competition on to see who can be the most revolting climate change activist at the moment?
Update on Apr 25, 2015 by
Bishop Hill

Gaia Fawkes picks up the story too.
Reader Comments (22)
Also Milliband's claim this morning. So it's political for our GE.
At least he is upfront about what this is all about, the Business(Green) opportunity provided by gullible western govts and individuals, worshiping the new God or paying the protection money to the mob.
Unfortunately for James Murray, the IPCC suggests that the forms of policy and energy he is in favour of are proven causes of human conflict and suffering...
Provide cheap, reliable energy in the refugees' homelands? Nah, that would never work in solving the refugee problem. Do I need to add /sarc?
I think what he is trying to state with all that prolixity is that the refugee crisis can be ended by making conditions in those countries the refugees want to get to as bad as in the countries the refugees now want to leave. That done there is no incentive for refugees to go anywhere.
I think linking failed political, economic and religious dogma, compounded by human greed and despair, is a good comparison for global warming alarmists.
Miliband really ought to get more credit for his achievements.
It is no more tangential to reality than claiming that beyond 2 or 3 degrees of warming will be a planetary tipping point, or that many countries will sign up to a climate agreement knowing it will curtail economic growth and create political instability. This nonsense occurs through believing in the supremacy of models over understanding real world data, and failing to properly challenge claims made by people they broadly agree with.
Nice to see that every single comment to date on his article, denounces him & his stance.
If the PM goes to war and promises to look after the conquered country... and then doesn't - shouldn't it be mentioned when campaigning for re-election?
Blair is not yet forgiven for Iraq but Cameron gets a free pass?
It seems the Left is less hypocritical than the Right. We are willing to put right before Party.
And this linked article is ridiculous. Does he think there's never been bad weather in Africa before? Does he turn deaf in every department store at Christmastime?
This is worse now because of civil war and the military rise of militant Islam.
Stuff like this makes me really angry - not just for the obvious reasons, but that I (almost certainly) won't have the opportunity to give some verbal abuse to a Green Party candidate at the front door. I can't remember when we last had ANY parliamentary candidate bother to canvass us - we get the usual blizzard of leaflets pushed through the letterbox and numerous emails from the current incumbent, but a knock on the door? Sod the lot of them, I'm sick of being taken for granted...
Courtney, 8:36 pm; "Blair is not yet forgiven for Iraq but Cameron gets a free pass?. It seems the Left is less hypocritical than the Right. We are willing to put right before Party."
Blair will never be forgiven, until when/if the Chilcott Report finally gets released, assuming it finds him innocent. The air-strikes by RAF aircraft in Libya, went ahead with Parliamentary approval, including an endorsement by Ed Miliband and his Shadow Cabinet.
"Darfur as the world's first climate change conflict".
So nothing to do with Moslem and Christian and religious cleansing in Sudan ,creating famine as a weapon of extermination.
Giving Cameron a free pass
Blaming Civil War on Climate Change giving a bunch of Genocidal Maniacs a free pass more like.Climate Change providing the perfect Western excuse for third world butchery.
If ambulance chasers were only given a free pass, they would be less likely to cause so much carnage for others to report on.
As Adam Gallon points out above, the comments are overwhelmingly hostile. Don't miss them!
Not just overwhelmingly hostile, 100% hostile. Bewdy!
Big fail for this creep. How low can you go.
Apr 24, 2015 at 10:24 PM | Registered Commenter Salopian
The most recent precedent of asking Parliament for the right to go to war was actually set by Blair over Iraq.
He had full buy in.
And he blundered.
So did Cameron. But the Right seems to be satisfied with the outcome in Libya - or at least they won't admit he blundered.
Is James after a job with the BBC or the Guardian?
Front page stuff for the Guardian James, but I don't think the comments section will pass the Guardian moderation-propaganda policy.
Hottie - I expect that even the Grauniad would have the sense not to allow comments on rubbish like this.
Still recall with great pleasure when they were stupid enough to allow comments on the Greenpeace defence of the idiots who boarded a Russian-owned drilling rig. It was too much to bear for even rusted-on readers.
It was worth the pain and anger of reading through that vile ideology to be then treated to those wonderful comments. Nothing but condemnation. All of them.
"is precisely the kind of disaster security analysts expect to see worsen in a world afflicted by escalating climate change"
I think this should read.
"is precisely the kind of disaster security analysts expect to see worsen in a world afflicted by an invasion of hostile space aliens"
Regarding the 'Update addendum'; should that be 'Guido Hawkes', not 'Gaia Hawkes'?
Or is there a joke I missed?
ATheoK - It's at Guido (Fawkes) site but eco loony stories are tagged as Gaia Fawkes.