Farage mob leader is Guardian writer
The news that UKIP leader Nigel Farage and his family were attacked in a pub this afternoon would be interesting enough at the best of times, but for BH readers there are many other angles that attract attention besides the thuggery.
If early reports are to be believed, the mob was organised by a guy called Dan Glass, a former leader of the Student Union at the University of Sussex, but who was also involved with the green group Plane Stupid. They too had a dubious relationship with the concept of law and order.
He is also a "Guardian Youth Climate Leader" and an occasional Guardian columnist. One can't help but wonder why so many writers at the Graun seem to be mixed up with violence and thuggery these days.

Reader Comments (73)
Amusingly, one of the women surrounding Farage's car is carrying a hemp bag emblazoned with the legend "Recycle or DIE".
How very 10:10 No Pressure.
And revealing of the mindset of these arseholes.
And another thing with eerie similarities, was an attack on a Synagogue in London on Saturday night by "a mob of youths"
Despite much seeking I cannot find any coverage of this in the UK media.
I had to go to the ends of the earth to Andrew Bolt in Australia where he quotes the Jerusalem Posts coverage.
Https:/blogs.news..com.au/Herald Sun/andrew bolt Mob attacks London Synagogue
Just imagine the coverage of a similar attack on place of worship of 'the religion of peace'
Ah, just channelling the methods from how Germany in the 1930s was taken over by the same genre of socialist warriors riding in on a moral high ground to save the world. And prior to that, in Russian in 1917....
Dad, who had travelled the world, always gave me one piece of advice: Never argue with a mob, just get out.
And this was a mob. However much the participants want to paint themselves. How quickly does it take for the dynamic of a mob to change. Seconds. You can just imagine how smug and full of themselves these people where/are.
In the Guardian he is being attacked for leaving his kids.
As a Dad what would you do? You cannot argue with them. if you interact then you can change the dynamic to uncontrollable. He probably felt also responsibility for the pub owner.
He got out. He made sure the wife drove, so preventing him being accused of hitting anyone with the car.
Farage's decision making was excellent.
This is simply shutting down of debate and free speech.
The Daily Mail report carries a voting intentions Poll http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ukip-leader-nigel-farage-brands-5381350#
Currently: UKIP37.6% Labour 25.8% Cons 6.8% Greens 17.4%
@ Intonsus - perhaps if it was the Daily Mail, 37% UKIP wouldn't be that surprising. But that poll is in the Daily Mirror.....
I have just posted a comment on the Guardian blog calling on the three members of the Guardian staff involved, Dan Glass, Eva Jasiewicz and Pennie Quinton to post comments on the Guardian's blog giving full details of their plans for the next few weekends so that normal British people can show them how they disapprove of the Guardian's attempts to stifle free speech.
Farage calls anti-Ukip protesters who forced him out of pub 'scum'
I wonder if the Guardian's moderators will allow the comment to remain?
Were the reported actions of the 'mob' not in any way illegal? Some of the participants are known by name...
I think he did the right thing faced with a baying rentamob! The landlord should have called the police & had them removed, identified, & then permanently barred from his/her pub! This is wilfully organised rabble-rousing & coud have got very nasty indeed, & people here have rightly identified the fialure of the authorities to proctect a political leader, & where are the Grauniadista child-protection brigade? In any other case they'd be screaming for child-protection measures & new laws to be (badly thought through & implemented) rushed through parliament if a child receives a near miss! Then there other friends would be complaining that children are being exposed to the dangers of alcohol y being "forced" to dine in the pub that sells it! I do not agree with everything Mr Farage says, but I defend his right to say it!
Tiny article about this on Telegraph front page with another small piece on page 4 plus pictures. There was no mention at all of the Guardian's involvement, Hmmmm no democracy and no free press either in our brave new UK.
The organisers spoke extensively in the 5 Live phone-in hour
1. Charlie Kimber an SWP involved "We had a March in London Saturday and no one reported it" TRUE but maybe cos they were intimidating the BBC that time by demonstrating outside Portland Place - tho his 10,000 fig unsubstantiated
2. "Oh we won't debate the EDL" NC"you just throw eggs at them"
next speakers
3. Of course it disrupted the land-lady's business so was illegal
(note BBC news took care to name four categories of protestors "allegedly stormed the pub"
4. Charlotte Lesley was on talking about "Fracking Whore" and paint thrown at her office
5. 2 pub witnesses were on
6. Social Worker front page headlined "Shut-up UKIP" with his face taped and jacket/head covered in thrown eggs/paint ..Yes very "Free Speech for me, but not for thee"
7. protester said 4 coaches came down from Birmingham
.... Hey who gets more votes Farage or Social Worker Brigade ?
Surely Farage should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for endangering community cohesion? Isn't that how it works these days in the UK? Maybe a Maoist-style cultural revolution is needed - shut down the liberal arts universities and send all the students into the countryside to work for a few years....
on itself there was nothing wrong with Mao's cultural revolution in sending people to do manial work.
Where it went wrong is in letting all these closet sadists free play..Where it went wrong is in its indoctrination
and replacing one set of values with just naother one as ill conceived,
and ignoring the value of reading and all intellectual work.
Suzanne Moore gives the Guardian's response
Surely Glass and his Guardian cohorts should be prosecuted for this? It seems somebody only has to make a mildly disparaging comment on a social media platform to have the old bill kicking down his door.
At the very least it would appear that a breach of the peace took place.
"her involvement in the mob here"
She's in the Mafia, too? Blimey.
Funny, though, isn't it? Clarkson has a 'fracas' with a BBC producer and they report it ad nauseam - Farage practically gets lynched and there's barely a murmur.
Blut und Boden
google it!
rabbit (Mar 23, 2015 at 4:53 AM)
Just shut your eyes and think of the Central England Temperature record.And the rest of you, please pipe down about Germany in the 30s and Russia in 1917. It makes us sound as silly as them.
Another - really unbelievable Guardian response - 'teasingly shouting' whilst 2-3 activists 'bounce' on his car bonnet....
Two or three activists bounce on the bonnet of the car. Others surround it, shouting teasingly at Farage. As the car pulls away, I worry that one of the activists will fall under the wheels. “What a coward!” says one woman. “He wouldn’t even stay to argue with us!”
mon turns on journo present (briefly..
Suddenly Farage looks like the victim, and the activists – whose cabaret was aimed at drawing attention to how they feel victimised by Ukip’s attacks on their communities – look like aggressors.
Next, I start receiving hostile texts from activists: the story in the Guardian is presumed to have been written by me, the only journalist on the scene. It wasn’t. “Back-stabbing Red Tory rag,” comes one text. “Get tae fuck,” comes another. When I text back that I wasn’t the author, I get some apologies. “My love for fellow disabled people and all of us under the jackboot of austerity is so strong I won’t tolerate falsehood or defamation of our community,” says one.
It really is depressing to see how low the Guardian and the Observer have sunk. I remember 20 years ago the Observer was a fine paper with excellent investigative reporters. Hard to believe what has happened to the two of them.
These people are pure Eco Nazis.....Glass, sad sack, never grown up, none of them have....what a country we would have if these filth were in control....
Found this on their Facebook page...
Stand up to Ukip
24 April 2014 · Edited ·
Stand up to UKIP Protest!
- Outside the Emmanuel Centre, Wednesday 7 May, - Marsham St, Westminster London SW1P 3DW - From 6pm
Nigel Farage will be speaking at this venue. We will be protesting to oppose racist scapegoating! We appeal to everyone sickened by UKIP's xenophobic adverts to come to our protest at this event, UKIP's Central London meeting. Bring banners and lets reflect the richness of our multicultural city. We encourage Poles, Romanians, Bulgarians, black, white, LGBT, all who UKIP have targeted, to join us in a celebration of multi racial Britain.
UKIP is a racist, far right party that loves the rich - and it's after our votes. Let's not be used by Ukip. Let's tell Farage that we will not fall for his phoney, 'man of the people', pose.
UKIP's blaming of migrant workers for the economic crisis is unnacceptable. Their racist scapegoating needs resisting. It isn't immigrants who have shut down major workplaces, closed hospitals or sent our bills soaring.
UKIP members have been exposed for their sexism, racism and homophobia. Their politics are those of the gutter. Like this page and lets take on UKIP's lies!
... I wonder who's financing them?