Lock up your daughters

A new entry for the now-legendary warmlist is brought to us today. You may have thought that climate change was just going to make the weather warmer, but according to the Thomson Reuters Foundation, the world is going to be awash with teenage prostitutes if we carry on the way we are:
While recent research shows that women and children deserve special attention in climate change legislation, “girls often fall out between both camps,” according to Kanwal Ahluwalia, a co-author of the study and an expert in gender-equality policy with Plan UK, a children’s charity. In many countries, women’s relatively stifled freedoms put them in harm’s way when it comes to climate change, she said. Lock up your daughters, here comes the climate change.
Climate change “very clearly exacerbates those inequalities,” Ahluwalia said. “We’ve seen time after time how women and girls are affected disproportionately.”
Reader Comments (12)
She is [Ahluwalia], I deem rather elliptically referring to nations where there is a very strong patriarchal influence and where women are indeed severely curtailed in all things that they can and cannot do.
Conspicuously, these countries tend to be somewhat mediaeval in outlook and do religiously practice the most backwards dogmas which over hundreds of years past have all but ceased or strongly confined all technological advances. Nations, held back by man - thanks to a ruling elite bonded to hierarchical tribal primitivism all overseen and demarcated by a tyranny of theocracy. In such countries, man is the problem because science and learning has been kept out.
How any of these perceived threats [ref article] can be attributed to man made emissions of CO² is a quite wonderful confabulation.
Confabulation........clearly one that my limited vision is unable to make. I will say that, being able to envision and fancies, making such abstract connections is a skill only credulous politicians and Hollywood directors and jumping bejabbers - climate scientists and the fairer sex, are capable of making such leaps.
I resign myself to the darkness of, pure science - the empirical method and applied physics and mathematics.
Well that makes sense.
If there are more natural disasters then the least powerful will be worst affected. In many parts of the world that is unmarried girls.
The "If" is a big "If" but the following conclusion seems logical.
You talkin' to me? We need to get Travis Bickle on the case - he rescues child prostitutes. Well, "rescue" in the loose sense of the word, I guess. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Travis_Bickle
Who will be the first to write a book with the title Climate Change is a Feminist Issue?
Just when I think I've seen and heard it all.
"...Kelly Hawrylyshyn, one of the study’s co-authors and a disaster risk reduction advisor at Plan UK."
I would have put that list in mostly reverse order: -sanitation, economic security, health education, child protection and as I have no idea what child participation means (?brainwashing) leave it out.
I use the hashtag #LeftiesAreStupid on twitter for many examples where progressive policies are anything but, but this one deserves #LeftiesAreSeriouslyStupid.
Notice how they carefully avoid actually working to increase the freedom of the female sex in these countries (which involves confronting things they'd rather not mention), preferring to waste money on da eebbil molecule instead.
Words like "dishonest", "disingenuous" and "cowardly" come to mind.
I read the conclusions to the report and, as per usual, there is nothing concrete about how they're going to achieve their goals. Talking to people seems to be the sum of it.
As someone who likes to read novels, I like my entertainment fantasies to be be believable as far as societal, science, engineering and technological concepts are concerned, but these women are taking their own fantasies to a whole new level of ridiculous and then attempting to pass them off as reality. And if I was a Brit taxpayer, I would be mightily angry that taxpayers have to pay for idiocies such as Plan UK.
In the early years of this century I taught in an Outer London Comprehensive, where senior staff members were trialling having 14-yr-old pupils as full members of staff selection committees. My first reaction to this was to shout with laughter (which was not appreciated by said senior staff) and my second was to ask why said senior staff were handing off their responsibilities to children. I decided that my retirement could not come soon enough.